I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 181 Don’t waste the chapter, run away!

Chapter 181 Stop talking nonsense and run away!

Chen Xiao did not listen to Chen Xianzu's plea.

After walking out of the criminal police team, I happened to meet Li Hui, who was coming from behind, at the door of the criminal police team.

Li Hui was very excited: "Chen Xiao, where is Chen Xianzu? Where are they? Chen Ding's side has all been attacked. Chen Xianzu is finished!"

After saying that, Li Hui was very happy.

However, he saw that there was no smile on Chen Xiao's face, which made him stunned and said:

"Chen Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

"The evidence has emerged."

"Ah? Where is it? Let's find it now!"

"In Zongcun, some people are now preparing to destroy the evidence."

Chen Xiao said unhurriedly, and Li Hui's face changed greatly: "Then why are you still so calm? Let's stop it quickly! MD, who cares about such a big case? If the King of Heaven is here, as long as he dares to destroy the evidence of the crime , then labor and management dare to arrest him! If the Xiangdu police stop me and say that my level is not high enough, I will go to the city bureau. If the city bureau fails, I will go to the province!"

"I don't believe Zong Yuanmao can cover the sky with just one hand here!"

Seeing Li Hui's anxious look, Chen Xiao still said calmly: "Don't be anxious. You go and contact the Xiangdu police now. I'll go to Zongcun first. Then you can come to Zongcun with the official documents to find me. And you Although we are police officers, we are all from out of town, so I think you should know more about things here than me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away, but you have to pay attention to your safety. I heard that the clan concept here is very strong, and if you make any move, the whole village may be moved."

"Understood, see you later."

After saying that, Chen Xiao took Xiaoji and drove directly to Zongcun.

On the way, Chen Xiao also informed Dao Man, who got in the car with Lu Yuling.

In the car, Chen Xiao asked Lu Yuling: "Ms. Lu, do you know how the relationship between Xu Zaisheng and Zong Mei is?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuling's eyes still inevitably flashed with jealousy, but in the end she said helplessly:

"If Xu Zanzheng is willing to put in the effort, few women will not be fooled. He is very gentle, very gentleman, and capable. But he is so good at lying. I used to be fooled by him, and even many people in the past. Every time I ask myself, if I have to die in order to be reborn, will I die?"

"Every time I ask, the answer is, I do!"

"So Mr. Chen, you should understand how he captures a woman's heart, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "How long has he been in contact with Zong Mei?"

"It's been two years. Zongmei has always known about me, but I always thought that she didn't know about my existence. So when I knew that she and Xu Zai were together, I went to look for her. I mistakenly thought that Zongmei She would definitely be angry and angry, but I didn’t expect that she had known it for a long time, and she confidently said that Xu Zai’s good match could only be her, and I was not worthy.”

"Haha, a woman who is passionately in love, no matter if she is a local girl like me or a young lady from a wealthy family like Zong Mei, is all without brains."

"It seems that all the speculations are correct. Zong Yuanmao's temporary return is to stabilize the situation, and Zong Mei is very likely to make the stupidest decision because of feelings!"

Saying that, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask Xiao Ji to speed up.

However, when he was about to enter Zongcun, Chen Xiao asked Lu Yuling to get out of the car first.

Zongcun is still not suitable for her to go.

As for Xiao Ji and Dao Nan, even if Chen Xiao drives them down at this time, they will not leave.

There were no obstacles when entering Zongcun until arriving at the door of Zong Yuanmao's house. Zongcun did not seem to be as scary as imagined.

Xiao Ji immediately got out of the car and rang the doorbell on one side. Soon someone came out and asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Let's find Ms. Zongmei. Is she in the house?"

"Miss is not here, she has gone out."

Xiao Ji looked back, and Chen Xiao also came over and said with a smile: "We are here to investigate the case. I am Chen Xiao, the criminal investigation consultant of the Dongzhou Hongshan Branch Criminal Police Team. I would like to find out something about your lady."

"Police? I told the lady that she is not at home and has gone out."

With that said, the man closed the door directly.

Seeing this, Xiaoji asked, "Brother, what should I do? Do you want to just break in?" The knife man moved his legs and feet directly: "Here I go, I'll kick this door open and see if I can kick it open for him."

Chen Xiao was speechless: "You are a man now, but you still don't like to use your brain when doing things?"

"Brother, don't be like this, I...I'm embarrassed." Dao Man really made a big blush.

Chen Xiao was too lazy to pay attention to him, but the next second his whole body tensed up, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a huge crowd walking towards them.

"What are you doing!"

"I heard that you three men came to see Zongmei. What's the matter?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "We are criminal investigation consultants from out of town handling cases. My name is..."

"She came from out of town to handle the case? We, Zong Mei, are such a weak girl. Why are you looking for her to handle the case while you are dealing with those tough gangsters?"

"Yes, and this is Zongcun, the place where you say you can handle cases? Where is your ID? Show your ID and see!"

Chen Xiao was startled and said to himself, "Oh no."

He felt that when he returned to Dongzhou, he had to implement this matter immediately.

When those people saw that he couldn't produce it, they immediately became anxious. They all shouted: "MD, I knew it was a fake. You are pretending to be a police officer even though you can't produce your ID. How brave are you!"

"Take them out and let them know that our village is not a place where they can act recklessly!"

Dozens of men rushed towards him in a hurry.

Chen Xiao pulled Xiao Ji and Dao Nan: "What are you two doing standing there in a daze? Run away!"

"Brother, it's not like we can't defeat him. Even those dozens of people are not enough for one person to defeat him!"

"Hit your sister. If I fight them, what's the difference between that and Dali? Stop talking nonsense and run away!"

The three of them immediately ran quickly in the opposite direction.

While running, Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and called Guo Zhengchang.

"Mr. Guo, ask your friend to send me Zong Yuanmao's phone number. I will contact him directly. He should have landed!"

"It's almost time, I'll send you the number right away, but what are you doing? Why are you so busy?"

"I was surrounded as soon as I entered Zongcun, and I'm running away now. But don't worry, I'm fine. Just send me Zong Yuanmao's number."

Guo Zhengchang didn't waste any time and hurriedly sent Zong Yuanmao's contact information.

After Chen Xiao got it, he immediately called.

"Hey, Mr. Zong Yuanmaozong, my name is Chen Xiao. I think you should know who I am by now, so let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Is your daughter Zong Mei destroying that box of dominoes?"

"I've never heard of you and I don't know what you're talking about, let alone what dominoes you're talking about."

"Okay, it seems that Xu Zhengsheng is indeed a great person. Even you, the father-in-law who has only been a father-in-law for a short time, are so willing to take risks for him. But Mr. Zong, after all, you are also a person who has been in the shopping mall all your life, and you are a member of the family. People with strong ideas.”

"Now you have no children and only Zongmei, a daughter. If you and Zongmei are both convicted of harboring a murderer, what will happen to your company?"

"Let me ask you again, think calmly about it. After you approved Xu Zai, did he arrange for his people to join the senior management of your company?"

"If your company doesn't have people from him, then I won't make this call. But I'm sure there must be people in your company, right? There aren't many of them, but they must occupy a very important position. Once you and Something happened to Zong Meidu, what will be the consequences?"

"And the most important thing is that Xu Zhengsheng is also Chen Xianzu. He has no desire to survive at all. Everything he does is to repay his kindness and his brother Chen Ding's kindness!"

"Finally, do you think that what your daughter is destroying is all? No! As long as you are caught harboring the cover-up, Xu Zheng will immediately give up the remaining dominoes. By then, he will die, and you will be in jail, and he will support The person will eventually control all of your two families’ industries!”

"You can't save him at all. As long as you save him, you will end up losing a lifetime of hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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