Chapter 183: Self-report of sin!

When Chen Xiao gained the ability to "steal".

He never knew what the purpose of this ability was.

Even when the clue of the work box appeared, he once thought that the skills rewarded by the calendar were for him to steal evidence.

But later, when he saw Chen Xianzu performing pickpocketing, he realized the true meaning of the thief.

This ability does not allow Chen Xiao to commit theft.

Although he is not a policeman now, he often cannot do what he does.

The true meaning of the calendar's reward for the "stealing" ability is to allow him to master this ability and gain the upper hand when meeting someone who also knows this ability!

Chen Xiao had thought that if he had not acquired the ability to steal, he might have been able to reveal Chen Xianzu's true purpose just by relying on his previous abilities.

But it’s very possible that it won’t be as fast as it is now!

In this case, when Chen Xiao arrived in Xiangdu, it was destined that he had to be quick.

Once it slows down a little bit, things will happen in a series of changes.

While watching Chen Xianzu take deep breaths to adjust his emotions, Chen Xiao did not explain anything to him, but continued to ask about the case.

"You should be the one promoting the dog meat restaurant, right?" Chen Xiao asked.

Chen Xianzu nodded: "I think you must have imagined that scene. To be honest... that scene is my lifelong nightmare. Over the years, I still dream about that sunny afternoon when my dad and I went to the stone carvings from time to time. Factory matters.”

"Originally, my family wanted to buy a lion made of granite, but everything changed when I saw Cheng Qing's head that was picked up by a wild dog. So I didn't say anything at the time, just threw money at it, and even left it there. Wait until the stone lion has taken shape before you dare to move your eyes."

"Then I'm curious, why are there no traces of wild dog bites on the skull?"

Chen Xiao asked, and Chen Xianzu shuddered for no reason, and said in a solemn voice: "Do you know how round its belly was at that time? I think it might not have used any force when it picked it up."

"Although the crisis was over after the stone lion was made, I was very scared. I was afraid that something like that would happen again. So after burying the body again, I wanted to kill the dog when I saw it. Finally, I asked my brother He found someone to promote the dog meat restaurant, and he also spent a lot of money on it."

"But no one expected that in the end we would promote the birth of a brand. Unfortunately, I think the less people know the story behind this brand, the better."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Publishing this story has no meaning or benefit for the entire Songtan Township. It will only hurt the people who ate the wild dog at that time."

Chen Xianzu couldn't help but smile, but soon his eyes darkened again: "Originally, I thought that with the proliferation of dog meat restaurants, no one would find the skull again. But the next year, Han Zai actually came to arrest the fugitive again."

"At first, I didn't know who Han Zai was. After getting to know him, I felt that he was very threatening. And one time when he was staring at the stone lion, I happened to touch him! From that time on, I wanted to fake death and escape. .”

Seeing Chen Xianzu pause while speaking, Chen Xiao continued: "When you were planning to fake your death, you had already thought of preventing what happened today, right?"

"Yes, that night I sat down with my father and my brother to discuss it. They thought I was making a fuss out of a molehill. But my feeling was very strong, and there was a voice in my heart telling me that sooner or later I would be caught! So I had to go to Mai When I took the first step, I thought about how to take the next three steps, five steps, or even a hundred steps!" "So after I faked death, I dug out their bones without hesitation. Then I packed them up one by one and brought them to Xiangdu. But for a long time, I really didn’t know what to do with them, and finally I thought of carving.”

"After carving the first work, I had an inexplicable urge to sacrifice blood! Maybe in your mind, I have been twisted and abnormal. In fact, I am not, I am just very contradictory."

Chen Xiao was surprised: "You want to forgive, but at the same time you get pleasure from those works, right?"

"Yes, before Cheng Qing died, I was full of ambitions for my future. After Cheng Qing died, I knew that my life was over. And Wan De, he really shouldn't have appeared. If he hadn't appeared, how would things have happened? It’s so bad!”

"But in all honesty, the fault is still my brother's and my fault. Now that we have lost everything, I have no excuse. The reason why I shed my blood at that time was because I wanted to use my blood to pay homage to their dead souls. . It’s very contradictory, even ridiculous, but that emotion really keeps pulling at me.”

"What about the next 200,000 yuan? You are so prepared for a rainy day and constantly avoid danger. How could you let your father give you 200,000 yuan?"

After Chen Xiao asked, Chen Xianzu looked over with a smile, a look of helplessness on his face.

Such an expression made Chen Xiao suddenly realize: "I understand, is it right that your brother and your father have been here for so many years?"

"Yes, I can come to Xiangdu quietly, so can they. We have met many times over the years, but Lu Yuling has never seen them and does not know their existence. On the contrary, I Dad took matters into his own hands. He saw that I was having such a hard time in Xiangdu, so he put 200,000 into Lu Yuling's card to help me make a career in Xiangdu."

"Hey, when I received the money, I knew it was over, really over. But I had no choice but to move on. The only thing I didn't expect was that until you became famous It was only later that this matter was revealed.”

Chen Xiao nodded slightly: "I see, that means there has never been any conflict between you and your brother. It was all just an act for me to see."

"Yes, when he came to me in crisis in the millennium, I put all my money in front of him, but I gave him a choice. Because at that time I had already seen that it would be difficult for his business to be revitalized. I told him that as a younger brother, I would give him whatever he wanted as long as I had it."

"The only thing is for him to think clearly, is there any point? In the end, he chose to move on by himself."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao understood: "It's actually a lie that your brother came to my house to apologize. His main purpose is to see if I have any doubts about the stone lion, right?"

"Right again."

"That is to say, when you read the news about me, you knew that I might be interested in your stone lion, so there was a so-called Feng Shui theory to move the stone lion away."

"Well, who would have thought that my dad would not only stupidly go find your wife after the second brother was arrested, but also stand underneath and watch while the stone lion was being moved." As he spoke, Chen Xianzu sighed:

"Maybe this is God's will. Who would have thought that the operator would make a mistake and those strong ropes would break? God's will, it's all God's will!"

When Chen Xianzu mentioned God's will, Chen Ding, who had already accepted his fate on the other end of the phone, burst into tears and kept saying:

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. If I had checked more carefully and pulled Dad out by force, none of this would have happened."

Chen Xianzu had already calmed down and said calmly: "No, nothing can stop it. Chen Xiao has become famous throughout Jiang Province by solving cases. Uncle Lie will definitely tell Wan De. As long as Chen Xiao investigates Wan De's matter, then what we have done The case will definitely come to light!”

"So if I have to talk about surprises, the only surprise is Chen Xiao. Can you tell me why you have changed so much from the you before to the one you have now?"

Chen Xianzu stared at Chen Xiao, as if he wanted to know the answer from his expression!

(End of this chapter)

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