I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 184 There is something wrong with you, take two steps and show me!

Chapter 184 There is something wrong with you, take two steps and show me!

Can Chen Xiao talk to Chen Xianzu?

He couldn't tell.

Because of his experiences, he was even more unable to talk to outsiders than Chen Xianzu.

"You could think I got a hit on the head and my brain became bright."

Hearing this explanation, Chen Xianzu laughed: "It's not sincere, but it doesn't matter what the reason is. There are still some bones, and I will personally take the police to find them when the time comes. It's a pity, I don't know which ones are Cheng's." What’s Qing’s is Wan De’s.”

Chen Xiao looked at Chen Xianzu silently. The latter understood the meaning and said to the phone:

"Brother, I'm sorry. I've endured it too hard for so many years, so I don't want to hide it anymore."

"Just tell me, I feel relieved now."

"Well, Chen Xiao... what I said to you when I went to the hotel before was all true about Cheng Qing's death. But Uncle Wan De, I did it myself! For no other reason than that, I just don't want my brother to bear more responsibility. Or maybe I want to face this matter with my brother."

"From the time I can remember to now, my dad has always been a fool. In my heart, my eldest brother is as tall as a mountain! Without him, I would have been ruined by my parents' doting. Of course, also Maybe if I hadn’t been disciplined by my brother when I was a child, maybe none of this would have happened.”

Having said this, Chen Xianzu lowered his head.

He also explained everything that needed to be explained.

Chen Xiao looked at him and asked the last question: "Why should Lu Yuling be let go?"

"You should understand." Chen Xianzu looked up and showed a bitter smile.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Before returning to Dongzhou, do you want to see her?"

Chen Xianzu was a little moved, but finally said: "It's gone, so be it. Tell that kid not to be too ruthless, at least when you go back to Dongzhou, don't be too ruthless."

"Then do you need me to say something to her?"

Chen Xianzu shook his head silently and said nothing.

Chen Yao stopped asking and walked out of the torture room.

After coming out, Xiao Ji and Dao Nan both asked.

Chen Xiao didn't say much to them, but just pulled the knife man aside.

But just when he was about to explain something to the knife man, Lu Yuling also came to the criminal police team.

She looked at Chen Xiao and said, "I heard about what happened in Zongcun, and I also learned that Xu Zaisheng was arrested."

Chen Xiao nodded, and Lu Yuling asked again: "What exactly did he commit? Those bones are all human bones, right?"


"That means he killed someone."

"Yes, he is a murderer who has been on the run for fifteen years."

After Lu Yuling understood, she said thank you to Chen Xiao, then walked up to the knife man and said seriously:

"Kid, it's time to say goodbye to you."

The knife man seemed a little nervous, lowered his head and said, "Sister Yu, I'm sorry."

"I said you don't need to apologize, I didn't suffer any loss, but I will never trust a man again in my life!"

The knife man was about to speak, but Lu Yuling's finger fell on his lips: "Remember my words, you should not trust women easily, especially an old woman like me!"

After speaking, Lu Yuling turned around and waved at Chen Xiao and the others.

The sword man looked at it as if he had lost his soul.

Xiaoji frowned, thoughtfully.

Seeing that they seemed to be in a trance, Chen Xiao kicked each of them: "Why are you still standing there? Buy a ticket and go home."

Xiaoji quickly agreed to go and see exactly when the earliest flight was.

Just when Xiao Ji went to check the flight information, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang again.

It was Zong Yuanmao calling.

"Mr. Chen, are you done?" Zong Yuanmao's tone was calm, and it seemed that he had cut the knot quickly.

Chen Xiao replied: "I've just finished my work, but I didn't expect Mr. Zong to call me." "I'm calling to say thank you. You not only saved my career, but also saved my relationship with me." My daughter. I should express my feelings and reasons, but I don’t know when Mr. Chen will leave?"

"I just asked someone to buy tickets, and I'm going back to Dongzhou."

"Is it so fast? I'm afraid the flight back to Dongzhou will be at night. Otherwise, I'll treat you to a meal tonight."

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "I have a suggestion. How about we save this meal for next time."

Zong Yuanmao also understood what Chen Xiao meant: "Okay, see you next time."


Chen Xiao hung up the phone, looked at Dao Man and said, "Why...the soul hasn't come back yet?"

"Brother, I think I hurt a woman."

Chen Xiao looked helpless, but he also understood how the sword man felt.

Although he and Lu Yuling used each other, the things between the two of them happened voluntarily.

If the knife man was a man who had been trained by the feasting and feasting, then he would definitely not be like this.

However, before, he had just followed Luo Dali to soak his feet, pretending to be an old man, but in fact he was just an innocent little boy like Xiao Ji.

Chen Xiao had no intention of saying anything to him.

Boys, just get more practice.

What's more, Luo Dali is obviously better at this matter than him.

Let’s leave the sword man to Dali!

Not long after, Xiaoji also bought a ticket and came back.

Chen Xiao found Li Hui and spoke to him before returning to Dongzhou.

On the plane, Dao Man became much more taciturn.

Xiao Ji was worried, but Chen Xiao's eyes told him to mind his own business.

Two or three hours later, Chen Xiao and the others left the airport.

When he was about to stop the car, a laughter suddenly came from behind him:

"Yo yo yo, could it be that we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but if we are not destined to meet each other, it is difficult to hold hands!"

"My good brothers, I can touch you all!"

The exaggerated Luo Dali, wearing an exaggerated pair of sunglasses and an exaggerated pink T-shirt, jumped towards Chen Xiao and the others in an exaggerated manner.

Chen Xiao perfectly dodged Luo Dali's hug and kicked him: "When did you start to be such a coquettish person?"

"Slut? That's nonsense!"

"This is called panache, isn't it?"

As he said that, Luo Dali hugged the knife man with one arm and Xiao Ji with the other and said, "How about it, little brothers, have you learned a lot about this trip to Xiang?"

Xiao Ji was okay, but the sword man stiffened instantly.

Luo Dali was so perceptive that he immediately pulled up his sunglasses, revealing one eye, and looked at the sword man with burning eyes:

"What's going on with you? There's something wrong with you!"

The sword man smiled awkwardly and said: "Brother Dali, there is nothing wrong with me? Isn't it okay?"

"Stop... stop it, take two steps and show me!" Luo Dali took off his sunglasses and looked serious.

The sword man was inexplicable, and Chen Xiao also looked surprised, thinking, what kind of ability does Luo Dali have?

"Take a few steps and take a look. What are you doing, gentlemen?"

The knife man took a few steps and Luo Dali screamed strangely:

"Holy shit, you're so stupid!"

People around him had already looked over curiously because of Luo Dali's loud voice, and Chen Xiao hurriedly walked away.

As the leader of the shameless guys behind him, he was ashamed to be associated with them!

(End of this chapter)

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