Chapter 193 My sister-in-law’s crying!

Chen Xiao found that he had indeed changed now.

Maybe the place where he is now has bad feng shui.

Because there is Zhang Xian in this place!

Yes, it must be Zhang Xian who caused the bad feng shui of the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch. Otherwise, how could he, like Zhang Xian, always like to think about impossible possibilities?

If it's just Chen Yan himself who says he is Chen Yan, then the fact that he is Chen Yan may be open to question.

But if everyone in Yang Ziping's village knew that his name was Chen Yan, would there be any doubts about this matter?

Chen Xiao felt that he was overthinking it.

But Liu Dayou said enthusiastically: "How about I go in and deceive him again? You can give me another five hundred or a 20% discount!"

"You left me here to withdraw the money!"

Chen Xiao's face turned dark.

Having been friends for two lifetimes, how could Chen Xiao not know what kind of virtue Liu Dayou was?

The latter had a sneer on his face, and Chen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Just don't run around in the criminal police team. If you run around, you will be caught by other police officers. I will pretend that I don't know you."

After leaving these words, Chen Xiao went directly to Zhang Xian.

The latter was very busy, and Liang Yan was also accompanying him.

However, seeing Chen Xiao coming, Zhang Xian stopped what he was doing and asked, "How was your chat with Chen Yan?"

Chen Xiao didn't hide it and said directly: "I suddenly had an idea, do you think the Chen Yan we caught is a fake?"

Zhang Xian's eyes widened instantly, and even Liang Yan was stunned.

Chen Xiao was not in a hurry and analyzed seriously: "Look, that guy is like a gangster from birth to now. He has no household registration information or even identity information. The reason why he was identified as Chen Yan before is that Because Yang Ziping’s father brought Chen Yan to Sifang Village in the early years and told everyone his name.”

"Since then, Chen Yan has been the Chen Yan we met."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Zhang Xian and Liang Yan said in unison: "So, he is Chen Yan."

Chen Xiao was still not in a hurry: "Have you ever done an appraisal?"

"What identification?"

"Handwriting, did we miss all of this identification?"

"Didn't he himself admit that the notes were written by him? And they were the notes left in the rental house that he added when you were halfway through your words." Zhang Xian replied.

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "It seems that I am really affected by you."

Zhang Xian frowned: "Stop talking nonsense, what does it have to do with me! Tell me quickly, why are you talking like that?"

After a slight hesitation, Chen Xiao still told Liu Dayou's birth date.

Zhang Xian and Liang Ya looked at each other and smiled, especially Liang Yan, who laughed out loud: "You, you, it seems that you have been deeply influenced by someone. Although our country's culture has been profound since ancient times, if I still believe in the ancients, but how many people alive today can practice the true way?"

Zhang Xian did not speak. After thinking for a while, he told Liang Yan: "While he is not paying attention, let him write some materials and then send them to the appraisal department for appraisal."

It's not about checking evidence, so the handwriting seems a bit important at this moment.

Liang Yan already understood what Zhang Xian meant when she heard this. After nodding suspiciously, she left Chen Xiao's office first.

After waiting for her to leave, Zhang Xian asked: "Where did your friend come from? Is it rare to see you bring a friend to the criminal police team?"

"You asked me, why not watch the surveillance yourself? After watching it, you will know whether my friend is up to par."

Perhaps it was because of Chen Xiao that Zhang Xian didn't mind his time.

But after watching the surveillance, Zhang Xian felt completely bad.

"Is there really such a miraculous person in the world? Is there really such a miraculous skill? You must not tell me that there is, otherwise I will be a shitty policeman and become his apprentice!"

Chen Xiao was also amused and said with a smile: "Their business is true and false, false and true. It cannot be taken as true or false. It can only be used as a reference."

Zhang Xian pinched his chin with his fingers: "That's right, but it's rare to scare Chen Yan like this."

Chen Xiao nodded, and then Zhang Xian received the call.

He had to go to work again.

Chen Xiao didn't want to keep disturbing him, so he went to find Lin Xi after leaving the monitoring room.

Until Lin Xi also started to be busy, Chen Xiao's stay in the criminal police team became a little boring.

Finally, Liu Dayou was found in the yard of the criminal police team. This guy was placing rows of stones on the ground. Chen Xiao looked at them for a while and didn't see anything interesting, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Set up a formation."

"What kind of formation is this?"

"The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Exorcism and Demon Killing Formation."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's's almost noon, I'll take you somewhere to have a meal."

Chen Xiao also knew that he and Liu Dayou were now somewhat familiar with each other.

But for him, whether in his previous life or this life, Liu Dayou was definitely a talent.

At least, the police uncles in his previous life have helped Chen Xiao test him!

So Chen Xiao doesn't care what Liu Dayou thinks.

And Liu Dayou really likes to do some side business. The reason why the two of them became very good friends in their previous life was because they were fellow villagers and because they both had the experience of staying in a detention center.

When Liu Dayou heard that he had eaten, he kicked his Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Exorcism and Demon Killing Array to pieces, and followed Chen Xiao into the car and left obediently.

Chen Xiao is going to Luo Dali’s house.

Not long ago, Chen Xiao received a call from Luo Sifu, telling him to come over for lunch.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiao has been back for a long time and has not visited yet. However, Luo Sifu would take the initiative to call him from time to time because of Luo Dali and the home appliances going to the countryside.

When he arrived at Luo's house, Liu Dayou took a look and immediately praised: "Hey, this is a rich family."

Chen Xiao didn't say anything. After leading him through the door, Luo Sifu immediately came to greet him: "I've waited for a busy person like you. Hey...who is this?"

"Liu Dayou, a buddy I just met." Chen Xiao replied with a smile, then put his arm around Luo Sifu's shoulders and started scolding:

"Uncle Luo, you and I are alienated today. Especially the tone in which you spoke to me just now is not as cordial as when you were training me in the hospital. So, I don't need to say anything later. You have to punish yourself with three drinks." Bar?"

Luo Sifu laughed: "Okay, okay, three cups is just three cups, it's a joke!"

The three of them said happily and entered the door. Not long after, Luo Dali and Xiao Jidaonan also came back from outside.

Judging from the way they were sweating profusely, they were probably busy with Dongzhou Home Appliances going to the countryside.

When Chen Xiao saw the three of them there, he took the opportunity to introduce Liu Dayou to them.

Liu Dayou was not a reserved person, so after chatting for a while, he immediately got along with Luo Dali and the other three.

But not long after, Luo Dali came over and said with an understanding look on his face: "Brother, is that friend you brought along a Taoist priest?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry, we will break the cup later. As soon as you throw the cup, Dao Man and I will go and tie him up immediately. Hehe, if you are a Taoist priest in front of us, you probably don't know what a gun tastes like!"

Chen Xiao kicked him directly: "That guy's surname is Liu, not Lou, do you understand?"

"What do you mean? He looks like he's about to commit trouble at any time. Isn't this a ploy to lure your enemy?"

"Do you think I'm the same as you? If you commit another crime, can I bring it to your parents' eyes?"

After saying this, Chen Xiao said no more, sat at the table and started drinking with Luo Sifu.

Only halfway through the meal, a phone call came that Chen Xiao didn't expect at all.

The caller was none other than Lin Yao, Chen Xiao's sister-in-law whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Chen Xiao looked at Lin Yao's number and was a little surprised.

Because Lin Yao would not call him easily, she answered the call immediately.

But as soon as the call was connected and Chen Xiao asked, Lin Yao didn't speak for a while.

Chen Xiao frowned: "If you don't speak, I will die?"

"Brother-in-law, no!"

As he said that, Lin Yao on the other end of the phone burst into tears: "Brother-in-law, all my money has been robbed. The money I have saved for a long time! It was all robbed by those speedster gangs who kill thousands of people!"

(End of this chapter)

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