I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 194 The trouble caused by the speedsters

Chapter 194 The trouble caused by the speedsters

When I heard the term speeding party.

Chen Xiao's brows immediately wrinkled.

He is not unfamiliar with this group at all.

In other words, anyone who has gone out to work in recent years has heard of or encountered it.

It can be called an existence that makes people talk about it!

The reason why people are afraid of them is precisely because the motorcycle gangs do nothing but ride motorcycles on the road looking for targets.

Once they find someone carrying a bag or wearing jewelry, they will immediately start to rob them.

Regardless of whether it is the necklace around the neck or the gold earrings on the ears, just reach out and pull it away.

In her previous life, Chen Xiao even saw a speedster gang chop off the victim's hand with a knife because he resisted when they snatched the victim's gold bracelet!

It can be said that those groups will use any means to seize money and wealth.

So when he heard Lin Yao crying, Chen Xiao's first reaction was to quickly ask:

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

"I didn't. I just withdrew money from the bank and went to the wholesale market to purchase goods. But as soon as I arrived, two speedsters came out from behind and snatched the bag away. I lost all the 50,000 yuan. Got it!"

Chen Xiao did not blame Lin Yao.

Because he also knows that it is sometimes impossible to guard against speeding gangs.

Moreover, Chen Xiao did not ask Lin Yao if he called the police. He knew that the speeding gang was very mature these days.

They will cover their faces, and their motorcycles will not have license plates, and even if they do, they will all be fake.

The entire crime process will be done with speed, precision and ruthlessness to the extreme, leaving very few clues.

After a pause, Chen Xiao asked instead: "Then have you told your sister?"

"No, originally I wanted to call her first, but when I thought she was so busy at work, I called you. I also went to the police station to report the case here, but there is no news at all from yesterday evening to now."

"Well, do you have enough money for food now?" Chen Xiao asked with concern.

"I had enough money to eat. Fortunately, I had my phone in my pocket at the time, otherwise I would have lost my phone."

Chen Xiao replied: "As long as you have money to eat, don't wander around where you live now, and don't panic. There is nothing you can do if you don't have the money. The greatest luck is that everything is fine."

"I know, but brother-in-law, that's the money I saved after working for a long time. I originally wanted to wholesale clothes and sell them. Who would have thought it would be like this? I'm so stupid!"

"It makes no sense to say this now. Oh, by the way...which city are you in now?"

"Deep City."

"I know, I'll call a friend of mine and see if he has arranged for someone to go to Shen City now."

Lin Yao on the other end of the phone was delighted: "Ah, brother-in-law, you still have friends in Shencheng."

"It's not much. Let's not talk about it for now. Just stay calm and don't panic. Don't tell your parents yet. This will save them from worrying."

"Well, I know."

After saying that, Chen Xiao hung up the phone and called Guo Qing again.

"Hey, brother, you called me before I even got to Shencheng?"

Chen Xiao was very surprised: "How efficient is your old Guo family so quickly?"

"Yes, but I went over to take a look first. All plans are still being laid out. It will take a long time to really establish a foothold there."

Chen Xiao hummed: "Okay, please help me pick someone up when you arrive."

"Who is it?"

"Xiaoxi's sister was robbed by a gang of speedsters there. I'm a little worried about her being a girl. Please help me keep an eye on her when you get to Shencheng."

Hearing this, Guo Qing replied: "I see, how about I call Song Zhen's family first? I've just set off and it will take a long time to wait."

Hearing Song Zhen's name, Chen Xiao suddenly remembered that Song Zhen, one of the five people killed in Xiaofeng Village, was from Shencheng.

But Song Zhen had already been killed, and Chen Xiao was not particularly willing to alarm his family.

Guo Qing seemed to understand his worries and said with a smile: "Brother, you have to understand that Song Zhen's family owes you a favor. What are you embarrassed about? They may be hoping that you can ask them for help." "That's right, I Look for Song Zhen’s father’s number.”

"Don't be so troublesome. Let me make the call. Just send me the address of your wife and sister." Guo Qing said, and Chen Xiao sent the address.

After finishing it, Chen Xiao sat back at the table.

However, he did not tell everyone about Lin Yao's affairs. After the meal, Chen Xiao stopped caring about Liu Dayou. He only gave an explanation and went to the criminal police team.

When he first found Lin Xi in the team, Lin Yao also called back.

Song Zhen's parents have already received her.

Lin Yao said in a shocked tone on the phone: "Brother-in-law, I'm already at your friend's house, but how do you know that uncle and aunt? And I think their family seems to be very rich!"

The Song Zhen family must be very wealthy compared to ordinary families.

But compared to truly wealthy people such as Guo Zhengchang, it is much inferior.

Chen Xiao did not explain to her: "Don't worry so much for now, just stay there. I just happened to come to see your sister. You can talk to her about the matter yourself."

"Oh, but my sister won't scold me, right?"

"You have to bear the scolding." Chen Xiao replied angrily, and then gave the phone to Lin Xi, who was confused.

After hearing this, Lin Xi, like Chen Xiao, first asked if Lin Yao was okay. After learning that Lin Yao was not in any danger, he immediately cursed:

"What are you thinking about? What happened yesterday evening? Why did you call me at noon today?"

"I originally thought the police officer would catch him soon."

"That's what you think. Do you know how short the police force is across the country now? No matter which city or unit it is in, there is a shortage! Please remember this for me. If something like this happens again in the future, seek safety as soon as possible. Then call the police, and immediately contact your family after calling the police, you know?"

The way sisters Lin Xi and Lin Yao get along has always been quite interesting in Chen Xiao's heart.

In matters of life, Lin Yao has always been the only one to teach Lin Xi.

But once it comes to big things, Lin Yao will definitely be the one who obeys orders.

When Chen Xiao saw this, he smiled and smoothed things over: "Okay, right now she is still sad because she lost 50,000 yuan, let's let her go today."

Lin Xi snorted: "For your brother-in-law's sake, I won't talk about you anymore. Let's stay at Uncle Song's house first, and then you can look at the tickets and come home."

"Oh, I'm broke now anyway, so I just go back to eat and drink from you, hehe."

The phone call ended with Lin Yao's laughter.

After putting down the phone, Lin Xi said: "Husband, we still have to get Xiaoyao to buy a ticket as soon as possible. She is my sister and I know her. She must be bleeding from her heart after losing so much money."

For Chen Xiao, fifty thousand yuan is not a lot now.

But he is just him. In the eyes of many people in this era, 50,000 yuan is still a large amount of money.

Besides, Lin Yao had worked hard to save that money!

Chen Xiao nodded: "She should know what's going on."

Lin Xi hummed without saying anything more and continued to work.

Chen Xiao was bored and found a place to sit down.

However, before his butt was even hot, Lin Yao called again.

This time Lin Yao's voice was full of nervousness: "Brother-in-law, my bag has been found!"

When Chen Xiao heard that the bag was found, he was full of surprise.

Do you think the police over there are so efficient?

But now that the bag has been found, why is Lin Yao still so nervous?

Chen Xiao vaguely noticed that something had happened, so he asked, "What next?"

"The police were very serious on the phone. They told me to stay where I was and not move around. They came over immediately. They also said that I was involved in a murder case and that I had to go to the police team to cooperate with the investigation!"

(End of this chapter)

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