Chapter 219 Here I come!

Chen Xiao analyzed and looked at the time.

It was noon at this moment, less than six hours before 6:13 in the evening.

If the police force is used at this time, and this person is definitely in Shenzhen, it should not be difficult to find him.

What's more, Jiang Anguang likes hints the most.

The five medicinal herbs hint at his state of mind, and the wall clock that doesn't move hints at the time.

So, where did he hint at the location?

The answer is probably still in "The Peacock Flies Southeast".

Because this is a Han Dynasty Yuefu poem about poignant love, Jiao Zhongqing and his wife Liu Lanzhi were forced to separate due to various reasons. Liu Lanzhi then committed suicide by drowning, and Jiao Zhongqing hanged himself at home to express his sincerity.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao said to Xie Wensheng: "Go and find out where Qin Ling was buried after her death. I think Jiang Anguang is probably at his wife's cemetery."

This answer is not difficult to think about, let alone understand.

Xie Wensheng nodded quickly and called to inquire. After learning the place, he immediately said to Chen Xiao: "He is buried in Lishan Cemetery."

"Let's go now."

Chen Xiao nodded, but at this moment Xie Wensheng's phone rang again.

Xie Wensheng answered: "Say."

"Thanks to the team, we found the waste recycling station related to Jiang Anguang. But the name on the recycling station's ID is Jiang Anguang's brother-in-law. Now that we have arrived at the place, Director Zhu also discovered the unprocessed corpse at the scene!"

"Okay, let Director Zhu collect evidence. It is best to find evidence that can directly prove that it is Jiang Anguang!"

"Understood, but thanks to Captain, don't we just arrest Jiang Anguang? Now we have enough conditions!"

"He is hiding. We don't know where he is yet. Mr. Chen and I are on our way to find him."

Xie Wensheng said and hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng didn't waste any time, got in the car and headed to Lishan Cemetery.

After arriving at the place, Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng stood at the foot of the cemetery together, looking up towards the mountain.

There were people walking around in front of the dense rows of tombstones.

But at first glance, maybe because of the distance, Chen Xiao found no trace of Jiang Anguang.

While searching along the cemetery, Chen Xiao frowned in front of Qin Ling's tombstone.

They didn't meet Jiang Anguang!

But there are traces of worship in front of the tombstone!

Xie Wensheng was a little unwilling and deliberately observed everyone in the cemetery, but there was still no sign of Jiang Anguang.

"Mr. Chen, did we guess wrong?"

Chen Xiao was not very sure and said: "But he doesn't have it at home!"

"what are you saying?"

"I talked about the story of "The Peacock Flies Southeast". Although I am not well-educated and cannot recite the whole poem, I know the story behind this poem. The heroine Liu Lanzhi committed suicide by drowning, and the hero Jiao Zhongqing also followed in the courtyard of his home. He hanged himself on a tree."

As he said that, Chen Xiao turned his gaze to the woods on the side of the cemetery: "He's not really going to find a tree to hang himself, is he?"

Xie Wensheng understood and shouted: "No matter if it is true or not, let's just go inside and look for it. The forest is not big!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and the two of them looked towards the woods next to the cemetery again.

In order to find Jiang Anguang as quickly as possible, the two went deep into the forest in two directions. However, Chen Xiao didn't walk long when he saw a white cloth hanging on a tree from a distance.

There was no body hanging on the white cloth!

Chen Xiao walked quickly, but before he reached the tree, he had already shouted: "Jiang Anguang, I'm coming!"

A figure walked out from behind the big tree.

His long beard had been shaved off and his face was trimmed cleanly.

Wearing a suit and with shiny hair, he looked like a groom about to get married.

Jiang Anguang glanced at Chen Xiao quietly, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It is indeed you, young man."

Chen Xiao said as he walked: "Did your wife pass away at 18:13?"

"Yes." Jiang Anguang nodded.

Chen Xiao: "We have found the waste recycling station, so you know what this means, right?"

Jiang Anguang smiled, as if it didn't matter at all: "When you came to me for the first time today, I knew the time was up. Although my medical skills are not good, I can still tell whether you are sick or not."

"In that case, can you tell me why Xiong Ruru and the other six were killed? Was much did they eat?"

Chen Xiao asked, and the smile on Jiang Anguang's face faded, and then became full of indifference.

"You are so efficient. When I first met you, you didn't seem to know anything. But now, only three or four hours have passed, and you already know a lot about it."

Chen Xiao: "Aren't you also very alert? When I found you for the first time, you knew you couldn't hide it."

"Then you should be very happy now, you finally defeated me in this battle of wits!" Jiang Anguang couldn't help but sneered, but Chen Xiao shook his head:

"Although I am happy that the case has been solved, you now make me feel that the series of hints you planned are actually to give yourself a reason, right?"

"What reason?" Jiang Anguang narrowed his eyes.

Chen Xiao replied: "A reason to live."

Jiang Anguang's eyes widened for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "That's amazing, I didn't expect you to even guess my state of mind!"

"It's not difficult, because if you don't have such a reason, you don't have to hint again and again. This is not a battle of wits, but digging a hole for yourself."

Jiang Anguang nodded: "You are right. In fact, I have never underestimated the criminal police. I know that whether I left a hint or not, the police will find me sooner or later. So I think since the result is the same, I might as well do Something. Of course, if you police can’t find me after I’ve done it so obviously, then God doesn’t even want to take me in.”

As he spoke, Jiang Anguang glanced at his phone and sighed:

"It's just a pity. In my original imagination, I should be a dead body when you found me. That would be my punishment for you. But, in the end, it didn't go as I wished."

When Chen Xiao noticed that Xie Wensheng was also coming, he said, "Xie Wensheng is also here, so let's tell you what's going on."

Jiang Anguang glanced at Xie Wensheng and sneered: "Captain Xie, haven't you been tired these days?"

"It doesn't make any sense for you to laugh at me at this time. Besides, it's impossible for me to lose control because of your words." Xie Wensheng replied calmly.

Jiang Anguang smiled: "Yes, let's talk about the cause of everything. It starts from the day my wife became critically ill. It was also the day God told me that those little bastards must die in my hands. superior!"

"It's just that I hate it. I hate myself for not taking action earlier!"

When he spoke, the smile on Jiang Anguang's face had already faded again, and his eyes were filled with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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