Chapter 220 The lust of words!

Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng both remained silent and listened quietly to Jiang Anguang's story.

"Last year my wife Qin Ling was critically ill and kept vomiting blood. In panic, I drove her to the hospital for rescue, but I met some of them on the way!"

"I was very anxious because Qin Ling had been vomiting blood. I saw them blocking the road, so I honked the horn. It was precisely because I honked the horn that those bastards came to my car on purpose. Walk forward like a turtle crawling."

"If Xue Xiangdi hadn't pulled them away one by one in a hurry, I think I would have driven them all to death at that moment!"

"But Qin Ling was in danger at that time, so I didn't care so much and just wanted to send her to the hospital quickly. But after arriving at the hospital, Qin Ling still couldn't be rescued and died in my arms. As time went by, As time went by, I gradually forgot about that incident.”

"But I didn't expect that this year, Xiong Ruru would actually come to see me for medical treatment. When she appeared in front of me, the grief and anger that day brought me again. But I didn't think about it at that time. If I want to kill them, I just want to use the opportunity of seeing a doctor to trick them."

"Because Qin Ling kept holding my hand before she died and told me to live well! I will listen to her and live well. But I didn't expect that the medicine I prescribed randomly would actually work. I cured Xiong Ruru’s illness.”

"After that, Xiong Ruru and the others came to me when they were sick or injured, and I took the opportunity to drain them of all their money again and again."

As he spoke, the anger in Jiang Anguang's eyes rose to an extreme again.

"How much money can these little bastards who have nothing to do all day long have? Gradually something happened to them, and I didn't want to care about them. Then I didn't see them for a while, until they showed up again a month or two ago. , it seems that he was beaten up instead of robbing someone."

"I just wanted to treat them casually, but because I had to buy medicinal materials that day, I went to get the medicine first and left them in my hospital. When I came back, they couldn't wait. left!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao naturally understood that things started from that day!

"After they left, Duoduo also disappeared, right?" Chen Xiao asked, and Jiang Anguang gritted his teeth and said:

"That's right, Duoduo is missing! He is very well-behaved and never wanders around! Especially after Qin Ling passed away, he never leaves me every day!"

"It seemed to know Qin Ling's death and my sadness. So every day after Qin Ling left, it seemed to be taking Qin Ling's place!"

"But at first I just suspected that Duoduo had been stolen by them, until one day I heard them discussing what it would be like to eat dog meat outside their residence! Do you know how I felt at the moment I heard that? My whole body They’re all shaking!”

"I can't imagine how cruel they are, how they would kill Duoduo! They obviously knew that Duoduo meant more to me, but they still killed and ate Duoduo!"

"So from that moment on, I made up my mind to kill them! I want them to pay the price for their lust for words!"

Having said this, Jiang Anguang's eyes finally showed a hint of joy.

Upon seeing this, Xie Wensheng asked: "So you invited them to have a last meal, and then killed them one by one after they were all drunk?"

"Of course not, they don't need me to feed them! After I prepared the food and wine that day, I was a little worried that they would feel guilty and guard against me. But when I prepared the food and wine, I found that they didn't feel any guilt at all. Everything was eaten and drank cleanly!”

"Originally Xue Xiangdi didn't want to drink, but after being drunk by her scumbag boyfriend, she ended up drunk at my house. After they fell down, I tied them up one by one and interrogated them as to why they ate Duoduo! "But no matter how hard I pressed, they actually said they didn't steal Duoduo, let alone eat Duoduo!"

"Haha... If I hadn't overheard them talking about eating dog meat, I might have believed it. But I heard it all with my own ears. Do you think I would believe what they said? Besides, they are all cancers in society. , scum, what they are best at is lying!”

"So in order to force them to tell the truth, I first pushed Xue Xiangdi's scumbag boyfriend to the floor and hammered him to death with a nail! I wanted to kill one of them first. They should tell the truth and repent, right?"

"But I still underestimated their ability to cheat. In the end, I didn't want to ask anymore. As long as I saw their faces, I wanted to kill them! Anyway, killing one is killing, and killing them all is killing!"

"Die, let's all die...hahaha!"

Jiang Anguang laughed loudly as he spoke.

But Chen Xiao frowned at this moment.

He believed that Jiang Anguang was right in his assessment of gangsters in society.

Those people are really good at lying and being rogue.

But when faced with death, where did they find the courage to deny it?

Especially when someone has been executed, their psychological defenses have already collapsed!

So, is it possible that Duoduo's disappearance has nothing to do with Xiong Ruru and the others?

It just happened that they stayed in the store that day, and they left when Jiang Anguang came back. Duoduo disappeared?

Chen Xiao thought of this possibility in his mind, but did not say it out loud.

Because it doesn't matter whether Duoduo's disappearance is related to Xiong Ruru or the others.

Seeing Jiang Anguang laughing wildly, Chen Xiao asked, "Why did you kill them with nails?"

"It's very simple, less bleeding. Qin Ling loves cleanliness the most, and every floor in her house is carefully selected by her. I don't want the dirty blood of people like them to splash on the floor Qin Ling chooses! Of course, I I thought about poisoning them directly, but I was afraid that they would vomit. I also thought about strangling them, but I was afraid that their struggle would damage the things in my house."

“I ended up accidentally finding some spikes and a hammer in my toolbox at home, so I nailed them down that way!”

After speaking, Jiang Anguang also looked at Chen Xiao and asked a question:

"I'm curious, are the murderers you met before like me, who would panic after killing someone? But after panicking, they would regain their composure in a short period of time, even calmer than ever before!"

Chen Xiao did not answer this question, and Xie Wensheng only answered with four words: "It varies from person to person."

Jiang Anguang smiled indifferently, and Chen Xiao asked: "After you dumped Hu Caixia's body, why did you choose to pose like that for her? What does that pose mean to you?"

After listening to Chen Xiao's words, Jiang Anguang raised his head and looked out of the woods, as if he had landed on Qin Ling's tombstone.

Gradually, Jiang Anguang's eyes began to wander, and there was a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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