I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 221 The native dog chasing after you!

Chapter 221 The native dog chasing after you!

"That was the most beautiful scene in my memory of my wife!"

"I remember it was a sunny and warm morning, and the school was full of new students who had just arrived. They were so small, but each of them had an innocence and enthusiasm in their eyes that adults no longer have."

"They stood upright, waiting for their teacher to arrive. I went there just because of a coincidence. I have looked back on my life, but no scene has made me so lucky. I am here, and I saw it. .”

"She was so shy at the time. When she walked out from the teachers, she was wearing a floral skirt and her face was red. She seemed to have the most beautiful things in the world in her eyes."

"When I looked at her, it was like there was a voice in my heart that kept shouting to me, grab her... cherish her... don't miss it, she will be the love of your life!"

"I have never been so excited, and my heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't hold it back. But when I thought that was her most beautiful side, she let me see her cuter side. She taught the children to salute, But because of her nervousness, she, a teacher, frequently made mistakes in simple salutes."

"I could see that she was about to cry, but fortunately...she calmed down on her own. After teaching the children to salute, she taught them morning exercises."

"I knew then that the girl I wanted to find didn't need to be so stunningly beautiful. She just needed her smile and every move to win my heart. That's enough!"

"From that day on, I always took the opportunity to get close to her. Later, we came together and imagined our future together. We agreed to have many, many children..."

Speaking of this, the smile on Jiang Anguang's face gradually turned into pain.

"But God wants to play tricks on us, ordinary people, and insist on making a trace of regret appear in our beautiful life. We fought for it and worked hard, but then I gave up. I didn't want to see her working so hard anymore."

"However, I ignored her determination. She was like a man possessed. She kept taking various medicines without telling me. I found out and scolded her, but she still didn't listen."

"In the end, she finally collapsed. I made money like crazy just to save her as soon as possible, but it was too late! She vomited blood profusely on the day she left. She kept shrinking in my arms and said she was in so much pain. ."

Jiang Anguang's voice was crying at this time, but he did not shed tears.

Chen Xiao watched and listened quietly, and even Xie Wensheng didn't stop him.

After Jiang Anguang's throat trembled several times, he closed his eyes silently.

"She still left, and she gradually became cold in my arms. Duoduo stayed with us both, sometimes holding her head against Qin Ling to wake her up, and sometimes licking my face, as if she wanted to tell me not to cry. .”

"In those difficult days after Qin Ling left, it was all with me. But why did they eat it? Why? I don't want to kill people. In my heart, no matter how many lives are taken, how can it be done? It’s worth everything I have.”

"They ate a lot, they ate everything I had..."

Jiang Anguang slowly lowered his head as he spoke.

After Xie Wensheng was silent for a while, he finally said, "Come with us."

Jiang Anguang raised his head, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

He looked at Chen Xiao, and Chen Xiao understood what he wanted to say, so he asked:

"The last two questions, why do you want to destroy their facial features? Just to make the police more troublesome in their investigation?"

Jiang Anguang smiled: "Actually, two of the six of them should not die, and that is Xue Xiangdi and Luo Yan. They are not that bad, but it is a pity that they are in the wrong company. People, no matter who they are with in this life, they will die. Keep your eyes open.”

"If they are blind, then I will take away their eyes. Whoever is the gluttonous, then I will smash their mouth. Whoever's ears are not listening, I will cut off their ears. When I finish all that After that, I came up with the idea of ​​causing trouble for you."

"After all, I'm not good at those things, but I know a little bit about them."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Last question, why did you choose this method of dumping the body?"

"It's very simple. At first I thought about throwing them one by one, to give you a hint for the next one. I don't know why, but after I hinted, I felt a secret feeling of joy in my heart. That secret feeling made me more and more obsessed. , but then it was really uncontrollable, not to mention Qin Ling’s brother will return to Shencheng soon.”

"If he comes back and goes to the recycling bin, he will definitely find it, so I threw them all out last night. As for why I chose Hongfeng Lake as the final dumping point, I was actually saying goodbye to myself."

"Everything starts from there, then everything ends from there!" After saying that, Jiang Anguang stopped talking.

Chen Xiao didn't have any more questions.

The three of them walked out of the woods together.

But after walking out of the woods, Jiang Anguang sang excerpts from "Peacock Flies Southeast" as he walked.

Without any pause on the road, Xie Wensheng drove to the criminal police team of the branch.

But on the way to the Criminal Police Team, you have to pass by the Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Jiang Anguang looked at his Chinese medicine clinic and his eyes began to wander again.

"More than ten years have been like a dream."

Xie Wensheng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "Don't you have any regrets at all?"

"There is no turning back when I take the first step. There are some things that I can't take back when I take the first step. Some people deserve to die, and some people die unjustly."

"The wronged one, please wait until I get down and come find me again."

Xie Wensheng frowned and didn't want to say anything, but Chen Xiao asked abruptly: "Have you ever thought that there might be a misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Jiang Anguang didn't understand.

Chen Xiao: "When faced with death, how can people still be able to hold on with tough words, cheating, and lying? Maybe they are not talking about a lot, but have actually been to a dog meat restaurant once?"

Jiang Anguang's eyes suddenly filled with a sneer: "That's impossible, I know their morals very well! They steal and rob, what can't they do? They just don't know how to behave!"

Chen Xiao didn't want to continue arguing about this topic.

After all, in the face of the case, these are no longer important.

However, what Chen Xiao never expected was that when the car drove past Jiang Anguang's traditional Chinese medicine clinic, a dirty figure suddenly appeared in the rearview mirror.

That's a dog!

A native dog!

Very thin and covered in dirt.

But it seemed to sense something and kept chasing Xie Wensheng's car.

While chasing.

While shouting loudly.

Chen Xiao looked at the figure of the chasing dog in the rearview mirror, and his eyes widened little by little.

Jiang Anguang also obviously noticed it, looking at the rearview mirror little by little.

When you see the dog chasing after the car.

He was completely stunned, and the color drained from his face instantly!

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but at this moment he couldn't make even a single sound!

(End of this chapter)

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