I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 222 God’s will plays tricks on people!

Chapter 222 God’s will plays tricks on people!




I don't know how much time passed, but Jiang Anguang pointed at the native dog in the rearview mirror and finally made some noise.

But his voice was like a mute roar!

Xie Wensheng, who was driving, saw something was wrong and stopped the car.

As soon as the car stopped, the native dog chased after him.

He stretched his front legs and leaned on the car door, looking hard into the car window.

Jiang Anguang opened his mouth, tears streaming down his face.

At this moment, I don't know if he is surprised or regretful.

Xie Wensheng also looked at the native dog in disbelief and asked with difficulty: "How... many?"

Chen Xiao nodded, and then looked at the dog's raised front paws.

His claws were all worn out, and there were many injuries on his body and legs.

At this time, Chen Xiao suspected that maybe the dog might have been stolen, or maybe it was taken away by others when it ran out, but it ran back on its own.

As for where it was taken and how many days it took to get back, no one knows.

Chen Xiao closed his eyes helplessly.

Is this God's will to trick people?

What a coincidence!

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and said to Xie Wensheng: "Things cannot be changed. Let the dog get in the car, otherwise it will keep chasing behind."

"I was wrong...I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Jiang Anguang burst into tears.

But no one could sympathize with his cry.

He himself finally had unprecedented remorse!

Is there any use just regretting it?

Chen Xiao ignored it and sat quietly in the car, hearing only Duoduo's "whimpering" sounds from time to time.

Maybe it's the only one that makes me happy in this car.

The car finally arrived at the criminal police team.

When Jiang Anguang was pulled out of the car, his whole body was already limp.

If it weren't for Xie Wensheng's support, he might not even be able to stand firmly.

Xiaoji and the others rushed back after hearing the news. When they looked at Jiang Anguang's appearance, they couldn't help but asked in shock:

"Brother, what's going on? Are you scared?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and told the story from beginning to end. After hearing this, Xiao Ji and the other three were also stunned.

I don't know how much time passed before Xiaoji sighed: "It's such a terrible mess."

"It's bad, but the case has already happened and there's nothing we can do about it. You three... have worked hard." Chen Xiao said with a smile to Xiao Ji and the others.

Xiao Ji and Dao Man shook their heads.

Liu Dayou said angrily: "Brother Chen, so my divination is still not accurate!"

"Why aren't you sure?"

"The hexagram I divined is that disaster comes from the mouth, but now the dog has not been eaten, so it is still wrong!"

"No, you are very accurate! There is nothing wrong with the hexagram, it is very strong!"

Chen Xiao was not trying to appease Liu Dayou, but was praising him from the bottom of his heart.

If there was no hexagram that misfortunes come from the mouth, how could Chen Xiao think of Duoduo behind the scenes!

Xiaoji also nodded and said: "Brother Chen is right. Although Duoduo was not eaten in the end, the case is correct. It was because Jiang Anguang suspected that Xiong Ruru and the others ate Duoduo."

Hearing that Chen Xiao and Xiao Ji both affirmed him, Liu Dayou burst into laughter.

"It seems I still have some effect!"

Chen Xiao smiled and didn't say much.

Just at this time, Lin Yao came over with Zhao Xiaoyu, and Zhao Hai was also released because Jiang Anguang was arrested.

When the two parties met, Zhao Hai asked Zhao Xiaoyu a few questions, then walked up to Chen Xiao and said with a smile:

"Thank you, Chen Xiao." Chen Xiao shook his head: "It should be done."

Zhao Hai: "Your method is the right one. I shouldn't hide on purpose just for fear of trouble. After all, taking the initiative to explain to the police is completely different from being found by the police."

Chen Xiao smiled: "As long as you have nothing to do with this case, it's fine. After all, Xiaoyu's only support now is you."

Zhao Hai nodded, pulled Zhao Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, say goodbye to Uncle Chen and Aunt Lin."

Zhao Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "Dad, do you still have money?"

Zhao Hai was a little embarrassed: "Children, why are you asking me this question?"

"Well, I ate a lot of things from Uncle Chen and Sister Lin, so I want you to treat them to dinner."

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then became even more embarrassed.

Chen Xiao knew that he had already donated all his family property, and the only money he had left was stolen by Xiong Ruru and the others after he came to Shencheng.

So Zhao Hai was very nervous at this time.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, why don't you wait until night? Uncle will take you somewhere in the evening."

Zhao Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, but where are we going?"

"Anyway, as long as we have food to eat!"

As Chen Xiaozheng said, Song Ru's phone call came in time.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, I heard that the murderer was caught?"

"Well, we just caught the criminal police team."

"Haha, it has to be Mr. Chen. I know that no case can be difficult for you. In this way, I will prepare a small banquet at home to celebrate your success!"

Chen Xiao originally planned to go to Song Ru's house to have another meal.

It's not that he doesn't want to treat Zhao Hai to another dinner, but that Zhao Hai can't let him pay for it again.

If Zhao Hai pays the bill, then his and Zhao Xiaoyu's living expenses may be gone.

"Okay, let's see you tonight."

"it is good."

After both sides talked, Chen Xiaocai put down his cell phone and Jiao Hu came to the criminal police team again.

As soon as he saw Chen Xiao, Jiao Hu's face suddenly filled with a smile.

"Mr. Chen's behavior today is really shocking to me, a police chief who has been a police chief for more than ten or twenty years!"

Jiao Hu shook hands with Chen Xiao enthusiastically. Chen Xiao did not deliberately be polite, but asked:

"Does Bureau Jiao have any other instructions regarding this case?"

"I had already communicated with my superiors before I came here. Regarding this serial murder case, the city bureau decided to issue a formal announcement later. But as far as I know, the media in Shenzhen City have already arrived at the criminal police team, so Mr. Chen can speak freely, and our branch is deeply grateful for your help!"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "This is also because Jiao Ju and Shen Cheng have enough trust in me, otherwise everything would not go so smoothly!"

Jiao Hu laughed twice, and then saw reporters getting out of the car outside the criminal police team, so he smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, please! This situation actually gives me a headache."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded, and as expected, the reporters surrounded Chen Xiao as soon as they arrived.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that the murder case has been solved. Is this true?"

Facing the camera, Chen Xiao is now calm.

"Yes, the suspect is currently being interrogated. When we arrested him, he also confessed to the crimes he committed."

Reporter: "But Mr. Chen, didn't you say 72 hours? This...it just passed!"

"Wouldn't it be better to hurry up?" Chen Xiao asked with a smile. The reporter was stunned for a moment, then applauded:

"Haha, they say Mr. Chen, the Dongzhou detective, is the fastest at solving crimes. I finally saw it today!"

"Mr. Chen, we are reporters from the daily newspaper. I heard that it was a long time after this murder occurred that you arrived in Shencheng. Is this case the reason why you came to Shencheng?"

It's time to come, it's finally here!

Chen Xiao looked at the camera and smiled: "No, solving the case was just a coincidence. I originally came to Shenzhen to carry out business on behalf of the Jiangsu Longding Group, but after the murder, my friendship with Captain Xie Wensheng was added, so I joined During the investigation of this murder case!"

"Fortunately, I lived up to your trust and let the truth come to light!"

(End of this chapter)

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