Chapter 223 When people face death

Facing the camera, Chen Xiao clearly answered every question about the case.

However, what should be said was said, but Chen Xiao naturally did not mention a word about what should not be said.

Moreover, he and the Guo family's business in Shencheng were mentioned many times without any trace. Chen Xiao felt that his goal had been achieved.

When the reporters gathered around Jiao Hu, the latter answered in the same way.

But just like reciprocating a favor, Jiao Hu also mentioned the Dragon Cauldron intentionally or unintentionally.

Just like that, the reporters dispersed. Chen Xiao walked to Jiao Hu and said sincerely:

"Jiao Ju, thank you!"

"We don't need to be so polite, everything is for the better!"

Jiao Hu had already said this, so naturally Chen Xiao didn't mention it any more.

Not long after, Jiao Hu also took the opportunity to leave, and Song Ru had already driven his car to pick up Chen Xiao and the others.

Taking the car to Song's house, Zhao Xiaoyu followed Lin Yao.

Chen Xiao and Zhao Hai chatted until Lin Xi called.

"Honey, Xiaoyao called me and said the case was solved?"

"Well, everything was completed smoothly."

"That's good, hubby, guess who I'm with now!"

Listening to Lin Xi's words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but be curious.

At this time, Lin Xi must be at work.

But since she asked this question, Chen Xiao naturally had to guess among the people he knew.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao asked in surprise, "You're not going to be with Mr. Guo, are you?"

"How smart! Mr. Guo has decided to invest in a food city in Dongzhou and build the crayfish base you mentioned." Lin Xi said, and Chen Xiao suddenly realized.

"Let Mr. Guo talk to you, he is right next to me!"

"it is good."

Chen Xiao replied, and soon Guo Zhengchang said: "I know everything that happened in Shencheng, and Guo Qing also called me to apologize. But before, I thought you were investigating the case and didn't want you to be separated. Xin Xin, now that the case is over, I would like to ask for your opinion. How about I leave the business in Shenzhen to you?"

Guo Zhengchang went directly to the topic without too many pleasantries.

Hearing this, Chen Xiao refused without any consideration:

"Mr. Guo, business management is definitely not what I'm good at. Shencheng's business is of great significance to the Guo family, so you must not waver in this kind of thing!"

"But Guo Qing disappointed me this time!"

"Every man makes mistakes and his horse makes mistakes. You can't negate all his efforts just because he is anxious, right?"

Chen Xiao doesn't think he is better than Guo Qing.

And he didn't think Guo Qing's mistake this time was so unforgivable.

What's more, Guo Qing is a member of the Guo family, and the Guo family is the big boss in this cooperation. If he is allowed to take charge of the business in Shencheng, it will not be beneficial to Chen Xiao. On the contrary, it may destroy his original good relationship with the Guo family. friendship relationship.

"I know you will say this, but Chen Xiao, I am not young anymore, and you have a share of the business in Shencheng. If one day my words no longer count in the Guo family, do you know the consequences?"

Chen Xiao smiled calmly and said, "I will naturally quit on my own by then."

"I believe in you, and it is precisely because I trust you enough that I have booked a flight to Shencheng tonight. Guo Qing is indeed very good, but his shortcomings are also obvious. No matter what the reason is, I need to go there after all. Click on him."

Chen Xiao didn't feel like saying anything else, so he just said, "Okay, then I'll pick you up with him then."

"You can come alone. Okay, I won't delay you and talk to Xiaoxi. You guys can talk."

Guo Zhengchang returned the phone to Lin Xi. Just as Chen Xiao was about to speak, Lin Xi stepped aside and spoke first: "According to the current progress, do you have to stay in Shencheng for a while?"

"I want to stay. After all, I've said it all. It's more or less a show."

"Well, then I'll wait for you to come back at home. When you come back, just rest at home for a while and I'll take care of you."

Chen Xiao: "In what age are you still using the word "serve"?"

"I don't care, what happened to my man who was serving me? Besides, if Xiaoyao hadn't been in trouble this time, you wouldn't have rushed over in a hurry. So, in order to reward you, I will never allow others to make irresponsible remarks!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but reveal a wicked smile: "Then can you tell me how to serve you?"

"Then listen carefully, I will speak very quietly."

Chen Xiao pricked up his ears and listened to Lin Xi's words carefully.

After listening, Chen Xiao took a deep breath and said, "You can buy a computer tonight."

"Ah? What are you doing!"

"I'll go buy it later, and we'll video chat tonight! Don't say no!"

"Well... ok, ok, it's a strange waste of money. Computers are so expensive."

"What did you say?"

"Um, no! I will definitely buy it!"

Seeing that Lin Xi was obedient, Chen Xiao put down his phone with satisfaction.

But when Chen Xiaogang was about to enter the house, he saw Zhao Xiaoyu running towards him and hugging his thigh.

Chen Xiao smiled, rubbed Xiao Yu's head, and asked, "What's wrong? Aren't you playing with Sister Lin Yao?"

"Sister Lin Yao went to help grandma cook. Uncle Chen...can we have a whisper?"

Children whisper a lot.

Chen Xiao found a bench in the courtyard and sat down. Zhao Xiaoyu lay on his lap, blinking his big eyes and asked:

"Uncle Chen, everyone will die, right?"

The sudden inquiry made Chen Xiao speechless. He thought for a while and asked:

"Why does Xiaoyu ask that?"

"Although my father has always told me that my mother and brother went to a far away place, in fact, Uncle Chen... Xiaoyu knows it. I used to have a very good classmate. Her father was a firefighter, but her father died because of the rescue. After the fire passed away, her mother kept lying to her that her father had gone to a far away place."

Chen Xiao lowered his head and glanced at Zhao Xiaoyu.

There weren't actually many complicated emotions in her eyes, they just showed her longing for her mother and brother.

But this picture made Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of an experience in his previous life.

That must have been when he was thirty-two or thirteen years old, and he went to work in a place called Yingzhou. At that time, his landlord died unexpectedly, and everyone in the family lied to the landlord's daughter that he had gone to a far away place.

This seems to be the only way that Chinese people can think of to answer when faced with this kind of question.

Many people actually know that this method cannot always be hidden from their children.

But no matter what the reason is, as long as the child doesn't bring it up himself, no one will expose it.

Chen Xiao thought silently and soon felt some moisture on his legs.

He looked down and saw the big tears in Zhao Xiaoyu's eyes.

Chen Xiao did not comfort her, but just patted her back gently and said, "Xiaoyu just needs to think about them. They will miss you too."

"You have to be good, study well, eat well, and grow up well. Then even if you don't miss your brother and mother, they will be happy every day."

(End of this chapter)

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