Chapter 225: Fierce eyes and golden eyes, one word hits the mark

In the study.

Guo Qing was describing to Guo Zhengchang the development plan he had already formulated.

Chen Xiao was also listening silently.

I don't know how much time passed before Guo Qing finished describing it and waited expectantly for Guo Zhengchang's evaluation.

"It's not bad, but it could be more detailed. I also read these newspapers just now. It seems that Chen Xiao has left a deep and good impression on the Shencheng officials this time!"

Guo Zhengchang smiled.

Guo Qing couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "I didn't expect the effect to be so good. Today, almost all the mainstream media in Shenzhen mentioned our Dragon Cauldron in their reports."

"It can be said that things just happened to maximize our benefits." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Guo Zhengchang pondered for a while: "Everything seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it is your ability and confidence. It is impossible for a talent in any field to make such a contribution to Longding in such a short period of time." Great advertising effect.”

"Just like Guo Qing's idea before. Once it is done, everyone will know that Long Ding is just putting on a show. If the people in Shencheng give them face, they may say yes. But if they don't give face, they will have to poke our spines and say that we eat human blood steamed buns. .”

"But now Chen Xiao has solved the case. Not only has he solved the case, but he has also increased the time to solve the case from three days to one day. Even if everyone in Shenzhen City thinks that we, Long Ding, are taking the opportunity to solve the case to enhance our reputation, it will be useless. Seriously, they may even hope that Mr. Chen from Longding can stay in Shencheng."

"That way, if something happens in Shen City, people don't have to worry about it, because there are talents here!"

Guo Zhengchang analyzed, then looked at Guo Qing: "To be honest, your idea is not that dirty in terms of business itself. But compared with Chen Xiao's, it is a yin and yang difference. 伱 is yin. To achieve your own goals, you are afraid in your heart that others will know that you planned all this."

"But Chen Xiao is different. He comes here in an upright manner. Even though countless people know that he has selfish motives, they are still only convinced."

Guo Qing nodded heavily: "So after I saw Chen Xiao's interview report, I admired it from the bottom of my heart. And uncle, after I came to Shencheng, I suddenly discovered that the future space of this place is absolutely huge, and I have all the profits. I can’t imagine it!”

"So now, I really admire Chen Xiao's vision!"

Guo Qing's words were filled with excitement, while Guo Zhengchang was very calm: "What's so surprising about this? Haven't we already seen Chen Xiao's vision with our own eyes?"

"Yes, so Mr. Chen... otherwise you should be in charge of the business in Shencheng!" Guo Qing grinned.

Chen Xiao did not object to the title Mr. Chen, but still replied without hesitation:

"Let me just lie down and make money in peace. It's not my ideal to spend all my time forgetting food and sleep to make money!"

Guo Qing smiled bitterly, and Guo Zhengchang also said with some regret: "What a pity, you don't have ambitions in business!"

Chen Xiao just smiled and said nothing more. After Guo Zhengchang continued to determine the next direction, the three of them left the study together.

Back in the hall, the three of them noticed Zhao Xiaoyu who was still writing and drawing in the yard.

The three of them came up behind them in silence. Guo Zhengchang smiled and said, "This little girl's handwriting is quite ugly."

"Haha, you have to correct me! Such a pretty little girl needs to show off her handwriting. I will buy her a few stacks of copybooks tomorrow!"

Chen Xiao said nothing.

He looked at the words written by Zhao Xiaoyu quietly and slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, have you learned these words in kindergarten?"

Zhao Xiaoyu shook his head: "No, my father taught me to write many of them. Just like my grandfather said, he always said that my handwriting is ugly. Ugly? Not ugly!"

Chen Xiao smiled, pointed at Guo Qing and said, "It's really ugly, so I'll ask that uncle to send you some copybooks tomorrow, and you can copy more."

"I don't want it, wuwuwu... I don't want it, I'm just bored, I don't like writing!"

Guo Zhengchang seemed to like Zhao Xiaoyu very much, holding her hand and saying:

"Then don't write. Let's go... Grandpa will take you to watch TV."

Zhao Xiaoyu quickly pulled Guo Zhengchang and ran away.

Guo Qing glanced at it, took out a cigarette, put it on his mouth, and said softly: "Thank you, Chen Xiao."

"Actually, I think it's easier for you to call me by my name than to call me brother."

"Okay, I won't be too lazy to be polite to you in the future." Chen Xiao nodded, Guo Qing exhaled the smoke and continued: "Then what are your plans for the next few days?"

"Let's go for a walk with you. Longding needs my business card in the short term. In addition, your method can be used now, please those media to create more publicity."

"I understand. Then I will pick you up early tomorrow morning and take you around the city first. Then, we will go to some dinner parties together in the evening."

"No problem." Chen Xiao nodded again.

Guo Qing didn't say much, and the two of them waited silently in the yard.

Not long after, Zhao Xiaoyu also felt sleepy, so Chen Xiao took her out of Guo Qing's residence first.

After returning home, Chen Xiao sent Zhao Xiaoyu to Lin Yao, then went back to his room and started a video chat with Lin Xi.

As soon as the camera was turned on, Lin Xidun on the other end of the video suddenly became red-faced.

Chen Xiao didn't know what she was ashamed of, but she just thought the clothes Lin Xi wore at night were really nice.

The couple didn't know how long they chatted, but in the end they had to hang up reluctantly because Lin Xi had to go to work early in the morning.

That night, Chen Xiao had a good dream.

If it hadn't been for Guo Qing's call early the next morning, he might have slept a little longer.

After meeting Guo Qing, Chen Xiao started wandering around Shenzhen.

This went on for several days. During the day, I visited the market in Shenzhen City, and at night, I attended some dinner parties.

After a week, Chen Xiao had unknowingly become acquainted with many prominent figures in Shen City.

But on this day, Chen Xiao turned down all the meals and came to Xie Wensheng's house.

After the Jiang Anguang case was concluded, Xie Wensheng invited him many times.

Chen Xiao can't refuse, and he doesn't want to keep refusing. The dinner party that happened to last for several days also made him feel a little tired.

Carrying some gifts, Chen Xiao walked into Xie Wensheng's house.

The latter lived in a three-bedroom apartment, which was neither particularly large nor small.

There were also two children studying in the room, and they greeted Chen Xiao politely.

Xie Wensheng's wife is very enthusiastic and talks much more than Xie Wensheng.

When he saw his wife going to the kitchen to cut braised beef for them to drink with them, Xie Wensheng said:

"I went to the hospital today."

The chopsticks that Chen Xiao stretched out to pick up food suddenly stopped above the plate.

After being frozen for a second, Chen Xiaocai asked:

"what did the doctor say?"

Xie Wensheng was calm and calm, and he even didn't forget to give a thumbs up: "The old doctor has a sharp eye and hit the nail on the head. A brain tumor needs surgery."

Chen Xiao was speechless for a moment, and Xie Wensheng looked up with a smile: "I collapsed several times when I got the results today, but I feel fine now."

"Then what does the doctor say is the success rate of surgery?"

"It's not very high anyway, and even if you survive the surgery, you won't be able to be a criminal police officer anymore."

At this point, Xie Wensheng couldn't help but feel a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

When he looked at his wife who was busy in the kitchen and the two sensible children who were helping, his eyes were full of guilt and reluctance.

But soon, he grinned: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's go somewhere together after eating?"

Chen Xiao only smiled and replied with one word: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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