Chapter 226 Teacher General!

After meal.

Chen Xiao got into Xie Wensheng's car.

In the car, Xie Wensheng was in a good mood.

"Want to listen to music?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "Thank you, team, and you still like music?"

"I almost joined the band, but my father dragged me into the police force. I was rebellious at the time and almost started fighting with him."

"Then has your father ever beaten you?" Chen Xiaole asked.

Xie Wensheng squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Are you asking me whether I have been beaten before? You should ask how many times you have been beaten and whether it was hard or not."

"Haha, I'm about the same. In my memory, my father never really took action until I was in junior high school." Chen Xiao replied, and Xie Wensheng nodded in deep agreement:

"Perhaps every father is like this. Junior high school is a watershed. They will think that we are almost grown up and almost as tall as them, so it is not appropriate to do anything anymore."

"Maybe, but if you really make a big mistake, you can still make it right."

Xie Wensheng also laughed: "When I wanted to form a band, my dad even took out his belt. But at that time, I was already taller and stronger than him, so I thought there was no need to coerce him."

"Even when his belt hit me, I didn't feel much pain. It was nothing compared to when he used scissors to cut off my long hair."

When he said this, Xie Wensheng's eyes were full of nostalgia.

Chen Xiao did not ask where Xie Wensheng's father was.

The eyes can already see it.

Chen Xiao also feels that he is very lucky. Lao Chen is not old now, and his mother has not yet entered the ranks of old people.

He and his parents should have many, many years to spend together.

But after Xie Wensheng brought up the topic of his father, he gradually fell silent.

Xie Wensheng waited until he was in front of an old house and said:

"This is my hometown. We have always lived here when my father was still alive."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xiao felt doubtful.

He said that his father was still alive, but he did not mention his mother.

"Do you and your brothers and sisters live together?" Chen Xiao asked, looking at the old house in front of him that showed no sign of living there.

Xie Wensheng lowered his head: "My mother is in a nursing home."

Chen Xiao frowned.

He does not think Xie Wensheng is an unfilial person.

Or maybe his idea is not entirely right.

But he still has a somewhat rigid view that children should take care of their elderly parents.

Xie Wensheng is already in his thirties and forties, which means that his mother should be around 60 or even older.

This age is not like that of Lao Chen and others.

And the bodies of people in their 60s these days are far less healthy than those of their peers in later generations.

As for nursing homes, Chen Xiao's trust level is not very high.

Xie Wensheng seemed to have read Chen Xiao's thoughts and said bitterly: "She swore never to see me again in her life."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but raise his head, with a look of surprise in his eyes that was difficult to conceal.

Xie Wensheng didn't explain much at the door. After making a gesture of invitation, Chen Xiao followed him into the old house.

As soon as he entered, Chen Xiao could still feel that someone was cleaning the place from time to time. Although the furniture in the room was covered with dust-proof cloth, you could still see that the cleaners were very careful and wiped the furniture clean every time.

"Does sister-in-law come often to clean?"

"Well, sometimes I'll come when I'm free."

Chen Xiao recalled that he had never seen any photos of the deceased in Xie Wensheng's home before.

Now Xie Wensheng said that his mother had not seen him forever, which made Chen Xiao feel that there should be a lot of stories in it.

Xie Wensheng took off the cloth on two of the chairs and said with a smile: "Sit down."

Chen Xiao nodded, Xie Wensheng pointed to the middle of the hall and said: "That's where I made mistakes when I was young and often knelt down. My father also had a discipline stick, but I later stole it and threw it into the stove. hey-hey."

"Xie Dui, you have said so much, can I take the liberty to ask if there is anything going on between you and your father-in-law?"

Chen Xiao finally asked.

Xie Wensheng sighed: "It has been twelve years since my father died in the line of duty, but he is still here and is still a teacher that many students have met."

When hearing this sentence, Chen Xiao was in awe!

"Mr. Xie is a general physical education teacher?" Chen Xiao asked.

Xie Wensheng agreed: "After my father died in the line of duty, I donated his body to become a physical education teacher in accordance with his last wish. Of course, he is about to retire now, after all, it has been too long."

When he said this, Xie Wensheng lowered his head and did not raise it.

At this moment, Chen Xiao's inner respect became even stronger.

He was well aware of the importance people attached to their remains.

It is also clearer how important it is for everyone and everyone's loved ones to be laid to rest.

Anyone who is willing to donate his body is great in Chen Xiao's eyes.

It is so great that it cannot be praised with just a few words.

However, Chen Xiao also roughly guessed something from Xie Wensheng's short story.

"Your mother has a big opinion on this decision, right?" Chen Xiao asked.

Xie Wensheng nodded: "Yes, I made this decision according to my father's wishes during his lifetime. But my mother did not understand and could not accept it. A few years ago, she was still supportive despite her grudges, but later she despaired of me and scolded me. I am an unfilial son, and I have allowed my father to close his eyes for so many years and not be able to rest in peace."

"Is there a problem with your father's death in the line of duty?" Chen Xiao asked.

"Yes, my father's death was something I fought for for many years. When he was found, the investigation results at the scene showed that he committed suicide. But my father was not yet fifty years old at the time. Why did he commit suicide? Especially, he A similar case was being investigated at the time!”

Chen Xiao said nothing.

Xie Wensheng raised his head slightly and said: "I still can't understand my father's death. I have almost torn through the files on him and those people, and I still can't find out the problem. Because I haven't found out the problem since. The education I received in criminal investigation was all about a suicide case!"

"But one of the deceased people was my father, who was the person who investigated the case. How could he commit suicide in the same way as the deceased in the case?"

Chen Xiao understood Xie Wensheng's intention to find him tonight.

Just from what Xie Wensheng said, Chen Xiao felt that it was not simple.

Although the criminal investigation technology of more than ten years ago was even more backward, the investigating police definitely had a set of criteria to determine whether the deceased committed suicide or was murdered.

Especially now, Xie Wensheng still can't find any evidence of homicide when reviewing the case, which means that there is something deeply fishy about this case.

While Chen Xiao was thinking, Xie Wensheng opened a drawer, took out a photo frame and wiped it gently.

There are photos of his father in old-fashioned police uniforms in the frame.

As he wiped it, he said:

"My father died because of a ghost legend, and I have been researching that legend for many years. Originally, I thought I still had time, but time is about to be questioned!"

(End of this chapter)

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