Chapter 227 The Phantom of Yanghu Lake!


Chen Xiao couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Xie Wensheng nodded slowly, turned around and looked outside the door.

"Twelve years ago, in 1994, the road extending for several miles from our village was called the Yanghu Formation."

"Yanghu Lake is still there now, but it's not as big as it was back then. But I don't like that place, not just because of my father. But I grew up in the legend of the Phantom of Yanghu Lake since I was a child. My grandma, my mother They have all been mentioned to me countless times.”

"Especially my grandma. She said that countless people had died unjustly in that lake. Some people drowned there, and even more recently, there were people who made mistakes and were sunk into the lake. I was scared when I was a child, but later I grew up and started working again. As a police officer, my father and I have a deep disdain for the so-called Phantom of Yanghu."

"After all, those are all unfounded legends. People who died unjustly in the past turned into ghosts and phantoms to seek revenge. They are just stories that follow what others say."

"But I never thought that my father and I would actually encounter such an incident in my life. Of course, I still don't believe that my father died of suicide after being bewitched by the so-called Phantom of Yanghu Lake. .”

"In fact, I firmly believe that if there are still people who use those frightening legends to kill people, then I will definitely be able to bring him to justice!"

"It's just a pity that in 1994 I didn't have the ability now, or everyone didn't have the knowledge and means now."

Saying that, Xie Wensheng paused and turned to look at Chen Xiao again:

"Actually, that night when Hu Caixia's body was dumped and a large number of police officers appeared at the scene, I saw some reasons. But I didn't expect that you would admit it so openly. It was also at the moment when you admitted that I was dissatisfied with your participation in the case. Re-defense.”

"Now we have established some friendship, so I want to help you, and I also want to eliminate a trace of regret in my heart."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly: "When you talked about your father, I already knew why you were looking for me."

"Our goals are almost the same at this moment. I want to find out the truth about the Phantom of Yanghu. Although fewer and fewer people in our area mention the Phantom of Yanghu, it is undeniable that its influence is still there. Especially Everyone my age knows about this incident."

"I think if you are willing to spend some time investigating, it should be helpful to your Dragon Cauldron. And I can also tell you that there may be big moves in our area next. I don't understand. I don’t know much about business, let alone how to operate it.”

"But I know that the more famous you are, the better it will be. At least it will save you a lot of advertising!"

Chen Xiao took a deep breath: "You have so much confidence in me?"

"In the case of Jiang Anguang, there are several details that impressed me deeply. One of them is the half-smiley face painting. Although the painting is not of Jiang Anguang, it shows Jiang Anguang's miraculous expression!"

"Secondly, in the autopsy room, when you touch the bones of the deceased, you can detect a peculiar smell that even Director Zhu didn't notice!"

"Third, that is your self-confidence. You always firmly believe that the case is not a big deal. In fact, when you said this, I really wanted to refute you. Because it involved the killing of many people. But it turned out that your guess was right!”

"It only takes one case, and I can be sure that your ability is far superior to mine. Of course, I don't have enough confidence that you can really find out the Phantom of Yanghu, but I can only ask you now."

Chen Xiao understood Xie Wensheng's mood very well.

However, he did not intend to keep talking about the Phantom of Yanghu Lake, but asked seriously:

"Does the doctor have an optimistic view of your condition?"

Xie Wensheng let out a long sigh, pointed to his head and said: "If we have to go under the knife here, it will only be a narrow escape. But I still have my own responsibilities that have not been completed. I haven't been able to bring my mother back to support me. I have not brought up my children, nor have I made up for the mistreatment of my wife over the years." At this point, Xie Wensheng suddenly said: "Chen Xiao, do you believe that people will have a chance to do it again?"

Chen Xiao didn't know how to answer this question.

Xie Wensheng didn't seem to want to seek the answer, and said to himself: "If I were given a chance to do it again, I would not be a policeman again, nor would I disobey my father. I would choose a very ordinary job. So peacefully spending time with my wife and my children."

Chen Xiao knew that Xie Wensheng felt very uncomfortable.

However, a thousand words cannot make up for the regret and self-blame.

Perhaps many people need to stop and calmly think about whether they need to change their way of living when facing life and death.

Gently patting Xie Wensheng's shoulder, Chen Xiao said:

"I think there may be a chance to start over in life, so you can calmly accept the doctor's advice and be hospitalized. If you can't continue your current job after the surgery, then change your job and make up for the time you owed to spend time with your family. Time will make up for it all.”

"That's what I thought, and I also consulted Dr. Huang. Although he said the chance was slim, there is still hope of cure."

Chen Xiao grinned and said, "That's great. I thought you were explaining the funeral arrangements."

"Haha, I am afraid that I will never wake up after the operation, so I just want to trouble you."

Chen Xiao: "Then have you told your family what happened?"

"The kids don't know yet, and neither does my mother."

"Children, you can watch and talk, but I think you should inform the aunt."

Xie Wensheng felt melancholy for a while: "I donated his body according to my father's wishes, and she agreed at first. But later she gave up her obsession to continue to find out the truth about my father's death, so she wanted to discuss with me about letting my father be buried. For peace."

"I know that my father's body has no role in the case. But, I understand him. He said more than once when he was alive that he did not want his body to become just a pile of useless bones. He said , use it as long as you can, one year, two years, five years... ten years, even twenty years."

"Now that twelve years have passed, maybe it's time for me to take him home."

Xie Wensheng said and lowered his head again.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and replied: "Just wait for me for a while. I need to find out about the so-called Phantom of Yanghu. If I can find out, I will try my best to let you take your father home without guilt."

Xie Wensheng raised his head and said with a smile: "Thank you in advance, but my operation is not that fast. I will try my best to promote this matter before I go for the operation. I think you should understand very well. We have been together for twelve years and even... There are many obstacles to reopening the investigation if we can't find any evidence to prove it was a homicide."

Chen Xiao nodded.

This case is not difficult to understand.

Even though everyone thought it was definitely not a simple suicide case.

But when more than ten years have passed and no progress can be made in the case, the only option is to shelve it.

Because time cannot stay in 1994 forever...

(End of this chapter)

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