Chapter 228 Loyal dog, big dream!

When I came out of Xie Wensheng's old house, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

But both of them stood under the eaves, and it was raining heavily outside.

Xie Wensheng was a little unhappy with the weather.

"It was fine when we came here, but now it's raining heavily."

"Let's run over there, it's time to go back."

"You wait for me here, I'll get an umbrella from the car."

Xie Wensheng dropped these words and ran directly towards the car, without giving Chen Xiao a chance to speak.

Seeing that Xie Wensheng was already wet, Chen Xiao was also waiting under the eaves.

An umbrella was quickly brought, and Chen Xiao held it before getting into the car.

While wiping the rain off his body, Xie Wensheng continued to complain: "This damn weather, it won't rain when it wants it to rain, and it will rain hard when it doesn't want it to rain. It seems that this god is of no use."

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly, and Xie Wensheng continued to drive back.

Just driving on, Xie Wensheng suddenly changed direction.

Chen Xiao asked curiously: "Where else are you going?"

"Go to Jiang Anguang Medical Clinic. I guess the dog is still at the door."

Chen Xiao had forgotten the dog named Duoduo that Qin Ling left for Jiang Anguang.

"What happened to the dog after he left the criminal police team that day?"

"I go back to sleep at night and wait at the door of the criminal police team during the day. Hey, if nothing else, he is a really loyal dog, but how could he know that his owner has already handed him over to the detention center?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then what does it eat during this period?"

"I will go and feed it when I have nothing to do. Originally, I wanted to take it home to raise it, but it's a pity that it won't come with me. Let's go take a look and try to find a place for it to stay."

"Then go take a look." Chen Xiao said.

Soon, the two returned to Jiang Anguang's traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Sure enough, at the door of the medical center, I saw Duoduo, who was all wet.

When the car drove to the entrance of the store, Duoduo obviously raised his head.

Just looking at the car, its head drooped again.

Xie Wensheng walked over, picked up the ham sausage he just bought on the road, tore it open and opened it in front of Duoduo.

"Don't dogs have a lot of backbone? I haven't eaten the food I brought you before."

Duoduo blinked and turned his head to the side.

Xie Wensheng was furious: "You still dislike me? Do you know how much trouble your departure caused?"

With that said, Xie Wensheng reached out and patted the dog on the head and said: "Bow at me twice, and I will take you home. Although I captured your only relative, I think you are humane. I have no choice but to catch him, so don’t wait any longer, you won’t be able to wait.”

Duoduo still turned his head to the side and ignored Xie Wensheng.

But when Xie Wensheng handed over a piece of ham sausage, Duoduo ate it this time.

This made Xie Wensheng surprised: "Hey, this guy is enlightened."

Chen Xiao also laughed.

After waiting for the feeding, Xie Wensheng continued: "Hurry up and bark at me twice, and I will take you away. From now on, you will have enough to eat three meals a day, and there will be a nest for you to sleep in."

Duoduo still ignored him and hid under the eaves of the medical center to sleep on his own.

Chen Xiao saw this and asked, "Don't Jiang Anguang have a brother-in-law?"

"Well, after I found out that he had nothing to do with the case, I looked for him, but the dog still wouldn't follow him. I even took him to see Jiang Anguang, but he stayed here."

Chen Xiao glanced at it: "Forget it, just have someone feed it every now and then. Moreover, it has its own ability to survive. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to run back home with its feet dripping with blood."

"I know this, but I'm just afraid that it will be caught by dog ​​dealers."

Chen Xiao didn't say much.

After Xie Wensheng put all the things he bought on the ground, he said: "Save it and eat it slowly. I may have to come to see you for a long time after eating. Don't starve yourself then."

After saying that, Xie Wensheng stood up straight.

Duoduo raised his head, opened his eyes and kept looking at Xie Wensheng, but never shouted at Xie Wensheng.

Even when Xie Wensheng pulled it, it still didn't move. In the end, Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng had no choice but to get in the car.

Chen Xiao looked at Duoduo's figures in the rearview mirror fading away, and couldn't help but think of a movie.

But after thinking about it, Chen Xiao suddenly said: "Captain Xie, do you think Duoduo's disappearance is really a coincidence?"

Xie Wensheng frowned, shook his head and said, "Not sure. Director Zhu showed it. Although he is a forensic doctor, the scars can still be identified. In the past two months since it was missing, it must have been chained for a long time. So much so that there are scars all around my neck.”

"I was also beaten with whips and other things, but you know, a lot of times people are lost and can't be found."

Chen Xiao hesitated, but in the end he didn't say what he just thought of.

Firstly, Xie Wensheng was about to undergo surgery, and secondly, the case was already a fact.

Jiang Anguang did kill someone out of anger over Duoduo's disappearance.

But was Duoduo stolen from the Chinese Medicine Clinic, or did he run out and be locked up? No one can know anymore.

If it's the latter, what about the person who can guard the dog?

Even if it's the former, you still have to find evidence to prove that the dog was stolen.

Furthermore, how serious a crime can stealing a dog be?

The root cause of the serial murders was Jiang Anguang. He swung the butcher's knife without trying to figure it out!

However, Chen Xiao silently glanced at the rearview mirror.

Although Duo Duo is no longer around.


Not long after, Xie Wensheng had sent Chen Xiao to his residence.

When the two of them parted, Chen Xiao reminded: "When you need surgery, remember to notify me."

"Okay, I will have someone send you some information about the Phantom of Yanghu Lake when the time comes. You can take the time to learn more about it."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Well, you have to be prepared recently. It is not suitable to be so busy before surgery."

"I know." Xie Wensheng smiled and drove away in his car.

Seeing that the car was gone, Chen Xiao turned around.

When they arrived in the room, Lin Yao and Zhao Xiaoyu were chatting about something.

Chen Xiao smiled and asked: "What are you talking about? Why do you look so longing for me?"

Lin Yao said quickly: "Hey, brother-in-law... didn't you go to socialize tonight? You don't look like you were drunk!"

"I had a meal with Captain Xie tonight and didn't drink."

"Then your entertainment is over, are we going back to Dongzhou?" Lin Yao asked.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I'm not going back yet, but you don't want to start a business? Don't you want to stand out?"

"Of course! I don't want to be an old man! But I'm not afraid that you will worry, so I want to go back."

"You don't have to wait for me if you want to go back to see your parents. If you don't think it's necessary to go back, just go ahead and do it. If you hit a wall, just go home. Anyway, there's plenty for you to eat at home."

Lin Yao immediately became unconvinced:

"I don't want to eat from you, I can earn it myself! Hum, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly!" Lin Yao was full of pride.

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "Let's go, it's raining heavily outside!"

Lin Yao made a sound, and Zhao Xiaoyu said: "Uncle Chen, what is your dream?"

Chen Xiao was a little surprised: "Were you just talking about dreams?"

"Yes, Sister Lin Yao said she has a big dream!"

Lin Yao's expression changed, and Chen Xiao asked: "Why don't I know what big dream she has?"

"Sister Lin Yao said she wanted to earn a lot of money and then build the most luxurious house in the world..."

Chen Xiao nodded, this can indeed be regarded as a dream.

Just the next second, Zhao Xiaoyu said again: "She also wants to cover the big house with gold, so that she can sparkle every day and dazzle everyone's eyes! But, Uncle Chen, I think it dazzled everyone else's eyes." Bad eyes."

As Zhao Xiaoyu said this, Lin Yao screamed and rushed towards him.

Chen Xiao praised: “What a simple and unpretentious dream!”

(End of this chapter)

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