Chapter 229 Visiting Sheep Lake at Night

After the trouble.

Lin Yao and Zhao Xiaoyu both became quiet.

Chen Xiao was on the phone with Lin Xi while watching TV.

After the call ended, Lin Yao said:

"Brother-in-law, why don't you take your sister back to my house before you finish your work in Shencheng?"

Chen Xiao was curious: "Do your parents have anything to deal with?"

Lin Yao did not answer, but continued to talk about her dream.

"Do you think what Xiaoyu and I said were just to tease her?"

Chen Xiao smiled, and Lin Yao said angrily: "Brother-in-law, please don't laugh. Actually, I am serious. I am such a common person!"

Chen Xiao put away his smile.

He really thought that Lin Yao was just teasing Zhao Xiaoyu for fun.

But now that she was serious, Chen Xiao naturally listened carefully.

This seemed to be the first time that he was ready to listen to Lin Yao's words.

"My parents have no children, although they are quite open-minded. But you know where we are, sometimes people like to bully families who don't have boys."

"Later, my parents finally expected us to grow up, and my sister got a job and married you. At that time, I was thinking that our family finally has a strong man to support us!"

"But brother-in-law, I don't need to tell you what happened after your marriage. I'm really confused. Not to mention having a strong man at home to support you, you don't even have a majestic aura in my heart."

Chen Xiao nodded awkwardly: "I really didn't take you into consideration before."

"Oh, I didn't want to mention the past. I also thought about the difficulties you might have had in the past. But now you don't care about those difficulties. Can you go to our place to support my parents? Although they never said that , but many times I can tell that they are holding a breath in their hearts!"

Lin Yao said with a smile, and Chen Xiao replied without any hesitation: "Go, you must go, but what does this have to do with your dream?"

"Of course it does matter. In the past, the family lacked a pillar, and my father gradually became older and became less capable, so I wanted to make my own way through my own efforts. And then let those weird people blame my parents, and they always used it for my sister's benefit. Then look at all the relatives who belittled her, my old Lin family and I, Lin Yao, are here!"

"So what if I'm a girl? I can do anything a man can do! Earn money and fight for your reputation! After you get rid of your reputation, throw away all those yin and yang relatives!"

Chen Xiao understood what Lin Yao meant.

I also suddenly understood why she had the exaggerated idea of ​​filling her home with gold to dazzle others.

Although everyone lives their own life, there is no need to care about what others say.

But when people are rushing to get involved in their own lives, is it necessary to have these thoughts anymore?

No need.

You should be like Lin Yao and dazzle their eyes!

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao said: "When I finish my work here, I will take your sister back to catch their attention!"

Lin Yao was immediately happy!

"Not only that, we also need to invite all those people who have made us angry and yin and yang to come over and give them some words!"

"Listen to you."

"Haha, then I'll take Xiaoyu to sleep. I think I'll have a sweet dream tonight!"

Lin Yao happily took Zhao Xiaoyu to rest.

Chen Xiao opened the bag silently, and there were several house books inside.

Originally he wanted to be quiet.

But what Lin Yao said is right. Sometimes it's hard to shut those restless mouths without flexing your muscles.

Soon, Xiaoji and the other three came back from outside.

Chen Xiao did not take them with him these days, but instead let them expand their knowledge on their own. As soon as he saw Chen Xiao, Xiao Ji's eyes immediately brightened.

"Brother Chen, didn't you drink tonight?"

Chen Xiao: "No, I'm going to see Captain Xie."

"Meet Team Xie! Is there a new case?"

Not to mention Xiaoji, even Liu Dayou and Dao Nan were a little energetic.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "There are so many cases happening, it's just reminiscing about the past."

While talking, Chen Xiao did not mention Xie Wensheng's illness.

Xiao Ji and the other three suddenly became bored. Chen Xiao looked at it and said with a smile: "There is no case yet, but there is one thing."

The three of them looked curious.

"There is a lake called Yang Lake where Captain Xie lived before..."

Before Chen Xiao finished speaking, Liu Dayou exclaimed: "The Phantom of Yanghu?!"

"Huh? Have you heard about it?"

The three of them nodded, and Liu Dayou said: "We have been wandering around these days and have communicated with many fellow Taoists. We also heard about Yanghu from their mouths."

When Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng communicated, they actually didn’t talk much about Yanghu.

Especially what kind of legend Yanghu is, Xie Wensheng didn't mention it from the police's point of view. He just said that someone would send the information later.

But Chen Xiao feels that a strange thing cannot be viewed entirely from a scientific perspective, and sometimes he has to listen to the opinions of some nagging groups.

For example, Liu Dayou.

"Then tell me, what's going on with the Phantom of Yanghu Lake?" Chen Xiao asked about Liu Dayou.

The latter replied: "Before the Yanghu Lake was renovated, it was originally a large lake, and many villagers lived nearby. In the old society, many things were decided by the clan."

"For example, if someone's daughter-in-law steals a man, if the clan decides to sink her into the lake, she will sink to the bottom of Yang Lake!"

"So many older people here are afraid of Yanghu Lake. Many people even say that when passing by there at night, they can always hear women sitting by the lake crying."

"Of course, some people say that the innocent ghosts in Yanghu have killed many people. It seems that an incident like this happened more than ten years ago, and several people died in a row! An old lady told me that one day she At night, I heard the window of the house next door being banged in the middle of the night, and then the next day someone in that house was tricked into hanging to death!"

After hearing this, Chen Xiao was basically sure that it was the case that Xie Wensheng mentioned twelve years ago.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then you continue to investigate the matter about Yanghu tomorrow. The clearer the better, I will see how much influence this matter has in the local area!"

"No problem, but Brother Chen, from what angle should we record it?" Xiao Ji asked.

"Whether it's a legend about gods or ghosts, or someone who knows something, just record it. There's no need to sift through it, just tell me everything."

After explaining, Xiaoji and the three of them took note of it. Then he went to bed happily, leaving Chen Xiao sitting alone in the living room.

I don't feel sleepy and I don't know what to do.

After sitting in the living room until past 0 o'clock, Chen Xiao was worried about disturbing Lin Xi, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to call.

Finally, Chen Xiao conveniently picked up an umbrella and went out.

He decided to go to Yanghu to see for himself.

See if you really meet a woman crying in the middle of the night.

Just as he walked out of the door and got into the car, he glanced casually and noticed that the umbrella he was holding turned out to be a red umbrella!

(End of this chapter)

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