Chapter 230 Who has such a big face!

When Chen Xiao drove to Yanghu.

The rain is not heavy anymore.

There is also a trend that is about to stop.

Chen Xiao did not open the umbrella, but just held it in his hand as a precaution.

But walking on the cement road beside Yanghu Lake, Chen Xiao did not feel the gloomy feeling.

I just feel like there are a lot of trees planted here.

It's been raining again, so it feels extra cool here.

Chen Xiao just walked on silently.

I met some people during this period, but they were all people who were off work from nearby factories.

At this time, workers, especially those engaged in shoes, clothing, and machinery, almost always get off work late.

Everyone's face was full of fatigue.

But at six or seven in the morning, everyone rushes back into the boring and repetitive work as if full of blood.

Chen Xiao originally wanted to grab someone to chat with.

But seeing how little strength they had, they could only continue walking alone.

Today's Yanghu is just as Xie Wensheng said.

It has long since disappeared from the scale of the past.

Now it's like a landscape lake. The water is no longer clear, but instead glows with a thick green color.

It feels like if someone falls in, they might be poisoned even if they don't drown.

After walking almost half a circle, Chen Xiao felt a little regretful.

Feeling that after all I had enough to eat and nothing to do, I came here to walk around in the middle of the night.

It's not as good as looking for any information pictures or documentaries, so that you can have a more intuitive understanding of the scene of Yanghu Lake back then.

After continuing to walk for a while, Chen Xiao already had the intention of going back.

This time, even though he brought a very ostentatious red umbrella, he didn't encounter anything.

Maybe he got bored in the end, so Chen Xiao simply opened the red umbrella.

After all, when you pass under the tree, some raindrops will still fall.

Raindrops fall on the top of the head, and the cold feeling always makes people feel excited.

Chen Xiao didn't like that feeling.

Finally got back to the car.

Chen Xiao took out a clean towel and wiped his face and arms.

When he was about to drive away, he suddenly found a few female workers working the evening shift playing with each other beside the car.

"Come with us, they are waiting for us at the barbecue stall!"

"Yes, they will invite us to the Internet cafe to stay up all night after dinner! We will play Audition and go kart racing!"

"No, I'm so hungry. I'll buy some bread later and go back to sleep. And I made an agreement with my supervisor that I will resign after these few days."

" really want to resign! What will we do if you leave?"

"Since we are all resigning, we must be together even more, otherwise when will we see each other again!"

The girl who was mentioned smiled and shook her head, her eyes slightly raised and then her eyes became a little wandering.

She didn't know who she suddenly remembered, and she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

Chen Xiao looked at the female workers walking past the car in astonishment.

It wasn't until they all passed by that Chen Xiao quickly pressed the horn.


The crisp sound of the trumpet scared the female workers to their feet.

Several even instinctively hid behind one of the female workers.

The female worker was also a little frightened, but she still stared at the car.

Chen Xiao opened the car door, got out of the car, stared at the protective female worker with a smile on her face, and said:

"Xiao Xiu, are you surprised or surprised?"

Ye Xiu's eyes suddenly widened.

"Brother Chen Xiao!" "It's me!"

"Oh my god, it's really you!"

Ye Xiu ran over with a face filled with surprise. After looking around, her happiness was beyond words.

Chen Xiao didn't expect it either.

But it didn’t seem that surprising.

At first, Ye Xiu always said that she was working in the south. When she left Xiaofeng Village, she also said that after dealing with her sister Ye Wei's matter, she had to return to the original factory to collect her salary before leaving.

So, it was a surprise to meet Ye Xiu again!

Seeing that they were acquaintances of Ye Xiu, the female workers came over one by one.

"Ye Xiu, who is he?"

"The sound of the trumpet scared us to death just now. We thought we were doing something!"

Ye Xiu quickly introduced: "He is a very good brother I know!"

Chen Xiao also smiled and nodded in greeting: "Hello, you guys."

The two parties knew each other, and Ye Xiuman asked curiously: "Brother Chen Xiao, why did you come to Shencheng!"

"Some business has to come to Shencheng. I just heard you guys talking before you get off work?"

Ye Xiu nodded: "Yes, I have to work overtime until this point every night, and then we walk back to the dormitory."

Just as he was talking, one of the female workers’ cell phone rang.

The extremely loud volume made Chen Xiao look sideways, but Chen Xiao always felt that there was something missing from the copycat phone in the hands of the female worker.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao finally realized that the missing thing was called a marquee.

"We'll be here soon. Ye Xiu met a friend. Let's talk for a while." The female worker said and hung up the phone.

At this time, Ye Xiu also pulled Chen Xiao and said, "Brother Chen Xiao, I happen to be hungry. I'll treat you to something delicious!"

Saying that, when Ye Xiu was about to explain to her colleagues, they started to boo, "Why don't we go together? Let's go to other friends!"

Chen Xiao listened to Ye Xiu's idea.

But Ye Xiu still shook his head: "You go ahead. I just met my brother. He will take me back to the dormitory later."

"Okay then, bye Ye Xiu, bye Brother Chen Xiao~~~"

Several female workers smiled and walked away. Chen Xiao also waved goodbye to them, and then led Ye Xiu to a late night snack shop on the roadside.

When they arrived at the store, Ye Xiu ordered many, many things.

Chen Xiao could tell that it would probably cost a lot of money.

And as soon as Ye Xiu sat back, he smiled and said, "Brother Chen Xiao, give me your wallet."


"I know you too well, so I have to forbid you to pay! Give me your wallet quickly and return it to you when I go back, otherwise you will eat alone."

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and took out his wallet.

After Ye Xiu took it, Chen Xiao asked: "Have you been in contact with Dali recently?"

"Get in touch, he calls me every day, and I fall asleep every time he talks. It's so annoying." Although Ye Xiu said she was annoyed, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise.

Hearing what he said, Chen Xiao felt relieved.

"He has been studying with Guo Ning's grandfather in the provincial capital recently." Chen Xiao just casually mentioned Luo Dali's situation.

But the next second, Ye Xiu's eyes became a little sad.

Chen Xiao was keenly aware of her thoughts and asked with a smile, "What's wrong with you?"

"'s nothing. It's just that he is studying with Grandpa Guo, and he always calls me no matter how late it is. Will this delay him?"

Just as Chen Xiaogang was about to explain, Ye Xiu's cell phone also rang.

Ye Xiu pressed the speakerphone directly, and Luo Dali's conspicuous voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Hello, Xiuxiu, have you returned to the dormitory? It's a new day now. There are only five days left before you leave the evil deep city. Have you thought about the next stop in your life?"

"I didn't think about it. I haven't returned to the dormitory yet."

"What? Why haven't you returned to the dormitory at this time? It's a little noisy there!"

"I was having supper with a brother I knew."

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a second, and soon Luo Dali became anxious: "Brother? Which brother? You haven't even called me brother, who has such a big face!"

(End of this chapter)

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