I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 231 The phantom reappears, is Xie Wensheng incompetent?

Chapter 231 The phantom reappears, is Xie Wensheng incompetent?

Listening to Luo Dali's anxious words on the phone.

Ye Xiugang wanted to say that he met Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao immediately signaled.

"Xiu'er, open your mouth, this skewer of beef I got is delicious, you can try it."

Chen Xiao deliberately suppressed his voice and spoke.

Ye Xiu understood the meaning and deliberately made a chewing gesture: "Wow, it's really delicious. I want more."

There was silence on the other end of the phone again.

Ye Xiu smiled and asked: "Brother Dali, why don't you speak? Is the signal not good?"

"I...no, the signal is pretty good. I just thought, um...show, I..."

Listening to Luo Dali's hesitant words, Chen Xiao felt embarrassed and said into the phone:

"Is this all you've got?"

"Holy shit, who are you talking about... Hey, no, this voice... Damn it, it turns out to be Brother Chen!"

Luo Dali burst into laughter immediately.

Chen Xiao scolded silently: "Look how proud you are now."

"Hey, Brother Chen, how did you and Xiu meet?"

"This is your fault. You knew I was coming to Shen City, but you didn't tell me that Ye Xiu and I were in the same area."

"You can't blame me. You said Ye Xiu killed her hard, but she didn't even tell her the specific location."

"Yes, yes, I'm just inviting Brother Chen Xiao."

"Haha, then you eat, I won't disturb you anymore."

Luo Dali felt relieved and ended the call.

Chen Xiao looked at Ye Xiu and saw that the corners of her mouth were always raised, and asked:

"Dali asked you about your next stop on the phone just now. Have you really not thought about where to go?"

Ye Xiu paused and shook his head: "I don't dare to go where I want to go, and I don't want to go where I dare to go."

"Then go where you want to go. After you go there, you will find that all your worries and anxieties are actually self-inflicted."

Chen Xiao can see the changes in Luo Dali.

He could also see where Ye Xiu's heart belonged.

There is a saying in later generations that sincerity is the last resort.

Although Luo Dali and Ye Xiu are not in the same place, Luo Dali has not lowered his requirements for himself.

So at this moment, Chen Xiao hopes that the two of them can succeed.

Ye Xiu raised her head and took a deep breath: "Brother Chen Xiao, do you think I can really do it? I am just a working girl who doesn't understand anything, but you are all people who do great things, I..."

Chen Xiao stopped Ye Xiu: "After you go to Dongzhou, ask Dali to take you to Fenghuang Street. Then if you ask about the deeds of Chen Xiao and Luo Dali, you will know what we were like before."

"Of course, if you feel that Dali's image has collapsed in your heart after asking about it, you can leave at any time."

Ye Xiu was stunned: "Collapse?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, we were both jerks before. However, the Dali of today is the Dali of today, and the past is just the past."

Ye Xiu nodded heavily: "Okay, if you say so, I am really interested in your past affairs."

Chen Xiao didn't say anything more. After finishing the food with Ye Xiu, he planned to go back.

He drove Ye Xiu to the dormitory.

Chen Xiao explained: "If you are not in a hurry, you can wait a few more days in Shencheng, and then I will take you back to Dongzhou."

"Okay, but you go about your business. I quit this job, got my salary, and can leave at any time."

Chen Xiao hummed: "Then get some rest early. I'll go back first. If you have any questions, call me."


Chen Xiao drove towards his residence.

One night, Chen Xiao encountered no ups and downs.

But he was still very happy when he met Ye Xiu again.

Especially when they saw that Luo Dali and Ye Xiu both had feelings for each other, they felt even happier.

Ye Xiu is definitely a good girl who is suitable for life.

Although her education is not high and her appearance is average, it is enough that she is the one who dreams about in Luo Dali's heart.

I returned to my residence and said nothing else the whole night. Early the next morning, Zhao Hai came.

Lin Yao also gave Zhao Xiaoyu a beautiful braid.

Because it was already past September, Zhao Xiaoyu had to go to senior class.

When Zhao Hai looked at his daughter who was wearing a princess dress and was clean, his eyes turned red.

"Thank you Chen Xiao, thank you Lin Yao, the child has caused you to worry so much these days!"

Zhao Hai thanked him repeatedly.

Lin Yao was still a little reluctant to give up.

But Chen Xiao had already explained that Zhao Xiaoyu could play with them for a few days, but it was not suitable to live with them all the time.

"Xiaoyu should study hard."

"I know Sister Lin Yao."

Zhao Xiaoyu said with a smile and ran to Chen Xiao: "Uncle Chen, squat down."

Chen Xiao didn't know what she was going to do, so she listened and squatted down.

"Come on."

Zhao Xiaoyu kissed Chen Xiao on the face and said with a smile: "Uncle Chen, I am going to school. I will go home with my father after school."

Chen Xiao understood the meaning and touched her head: "Okay, be obedient."


Zhao Xiaoyu waved happily and followed Zhao Hai to school.

Lin Yao looked at their backs and said, holding her breath: "Brother-in-law, please give birth to a nephew or niece with my sister for me to play with."

Chen Xiao had a dark face: "The child was born just for you to play with?"

"I don't care, at worst I'll cover the diapers."

"Your sister and I can afford it ourselves!"

Chen Xiao said that and went to find Guo Qing.

He still has a title in Longding, so the matters that need to be dealt with still have to be dealt with.

Once you get busy, time will disappear silently.

It wasn't until another two or three days passed that Chen Xiao suddenly remembered that Xie Wensheng seemed to have never arranged for anyone to deliver information to him.

Chen Xiao felt that Xie Wensheng might be making a work handover.

After all, he was going to the hospital for treatment soon.

Xie Wensheng should be very busy during this period.

It's like he forgot about Yanghu when he got busy.

Chen Xiao called Xie Wensheng, but what shocked Chen Xiao was that Xie Wensheng turned off his phone!

It is definitely a rare thing for a detective captain's mobile phone to be turned off to rule out battery failure.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao saw that it was only eight or nine o'clock in the evening, so he decided to go to the criminal police team to get it in person.

But just as he was about to go out, Lin Yao came out of the room and shouted:

"Brother-in-law, come and see, something happened to Captain Xie!"

Chen Xiao's scalp jumped sharply and he immediately ran over.

"what happened?"

"I don't know either. I just saw Team Xie's name when I was surfing the Internet and browsing the local forum."

Chen Xiao ran to the computer.

Now that Lin Yao has nothing to do, she likes to browse the Internet with the notebook Chen Xiaogang bought, especially browsing local news and posts.

She originally wanted to check the forum to see if there were any experts who could talk about business, but unexpectedly she came across a post criticizing Xie Wensheng.

Chen Xiao looked at the post and saw that the post traffic was not high.

After all, computer coverage is not high these days.

However, the title of the post made Chen Xiao’s eyes freeze instantly!

"The phantom of Yanghu reappeared, and the incompetent criminal police captain Xie Wensheng was so frightened that he lost consciousness and fainted to death!"

The Phantom of Yanghu Lake reappears!

However, Xie Wensheng is incompetent?

Scared to the point of losing consciousness and fainting?

(End of this chapter)

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