Chapter 236 Forced to death?

Chen Xiao took a knife, cut off the rope, and caught the frightened Liu Dayou.

The latter was breathing heavily.

"What...what are you doing, Brother Chen!"

Liu Dayou was really frightened.

Although he was calmer at the moment, he didn't think Chen Xiao would harm him.

But when the strong feeling of suffocation hit him just now, he was really panicked.

Fortunately, he clamped his crotch tight, otherwise he would have been unable to hold back his pee when he had just felt the urge to pee.

Chen Xiao said with some embarrassment: "I just wanted to make it more realistic, so I made this move. Only your physique is closer to Lian Yuhong."

Liu Dayou had thought that Chen Xiao might be doing it for experiments.

So now I don’t care much after listening to it.

However, Chen Xiao still patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can satisfy your request later, within five hundred yuan, no more."

"Hey, five hundred is enough!"

Liu Dayou lost his opinion for a moment, and even had the urge to do it a few more times.

Soon, Chen Xiao looked at Xiao Ji and said: "Based on the scene, you can make a good guess."

Xiao Ji nodded and looked towards the stool just now.

But Dao Man had already thought of something: "Brother Chen, isn't this right? How many people can have such ability as you? Back in Dongzhou, you were able to kill dozens of Qiao Ye and the others by yourself."

"There are people outside the world, and there is never the strongest person. The same is true for force and fighting."

The sword man nodded: "Then there should be marks on the stool, and didn't you say that there are also marks on the stool from the red feet of the red jade?"

"Yes, there are imprints of Lian Yuhong's shoes on the stool..."

Chen Xiao said and suddenly frowned:

"What shoes is Lian Yuhong wearing?"

"Didn't you mean sneakers?"

Chen Xiao immediately looked at the knife man. Before the latter could react, Xiao Ji immediately said: "A pregnant woman wearing sneakers in the early morning? This is unreasonable!"

"Yes, this is no longer reasonable, because she is still wearing pajamas. She can't climb on the stool for convenience, so she deliberately changed into a pair of sneakers, right?"

Xiao Ji looked surprised, but quickly frowned: "It's unreasonable, but it seems like no one can control what shoes she wears. What if she just wears a pair of sneakers?"

"Yes, this is just an unreasonable place. It cannot be said that it is completely unreasonable."

"But if there is someone as skilled as you, Brother Chen, maybe he can suddenly attack when the other party is not paying attention." Xiao Ji said again.

But when Chen Xiao took a look at the distance from the bedroom to the main hall, he shook his head and said:

"I just tried, but even from the distance from the bedroom to the main hall, I couldn't completely control the deceased, and then put her into the rope loop without leaving any traces."

Chen Xiao was just doing an experiment.

But this experiment obviously cannot leave any traces after its success.

People are bound to struggle when they are threatened.

And the power that a person bursts out when his life is threatened is much stronger than usual.

She will definitely scratch and scratch.

As long as you scratch, the murderer's hair, clothing fibers, and even skin may be scratched between the fingernails.

If the killer had taken control of her hands, there would have been bruises on her hands from being controlled.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao remembered a number. This was Li Xi's contact information that Qin Fei gave him.

The call was dialed, and a very haggard voice came from the other end: "Hello, who is this?" "I am Chen Xiao, the consultant of the branch's criminal police team. Come to Lian Yuhong's house now. I will wait for you here."

The other end paused for a moment, then replied: "Okay, I'll be right back."

Chen Xiao put down his phone and temporarily put aside all his thoughts.

To create an absolute suicide scene, Chen Xiao found that there was no other way except for one reason.

Zhang Shurong didn't know this reason.

Apart from Zhang Shurong, the only person in the world who is still familiar with Lian Yuhong is Li Xi.

Not long after, Li Xi arrived.

As Zhang Shurong said, Li Xi is indeed very thin and not tall.

That kind of feeling makes people feel like he is a drug addict.

Li Xi came over, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked extremely haggard.

Chen Xiao nodded at him: "I won't go into details. I'll just ask you a few questions. After Lian Yuhong and you got to know each other, has he committed any crime? Or was he taken advantage of?"

Li Xi shook her head without hesitation: "She stays with me every day, what could she possibly do?"

"I mean earlier."

Li Xi still shook his head.

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions, took a pack of cigarettes from Xiao Jina and handed one to Li Xi.

The latter took the light and smoked it naturally without any deep inhalation.

Chen Xiao smiled and changed the subject: "How did you and Lian Yuhong meet?"

Li Xi turned his head and stopped talking.

Judging from his tangled look, it seemed that he still felt a little bit unspeakable.

"Isn't it hard to tell?"

"Does how she and I met have anything to do with her death?"

"I understand your mood, that's why I spoke like this. And you must answer my questions seriously." Chen Xiao reminded.

Li Xi took a deep breath and said, "KTV, she is a bartender."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

No wonder Li Xi was a little hard to talk about.

"She grew up with her grandfather, and her mother didn't care much about her affairs. Later, when her grandparents got older and couldn't make money, she dropped out of school and went to work. It's just that the older her grandparents got, the worse her health became. No, the monthly medication costs a lot.”

"So in order to make quick money, she went to KTV to accompany her. I also met her when we were playing together. Later, we contacted her frequently and learned about her."

"Originally I thought she said that to me on purpose, but I didn't expect that was really the case. But there are some things I don't like about her, and that is that she is too nice to her mother."

"If it were my mother, I think it would be better to die as far away as possible. But then I figured it out, isn't it like this that the more people lack something, the more they want to get it. In order to get it, you can ignore the harm and give up your own principles."

"Now her mother also knows that she has no shame. She killed her own daughter for her stepson. Such a person should die in pain! If she hadn't been a hindrance and wanted to take more benefits from my family, Yuhong and I would have separated. Live? If we don’t live separately, this kind of thing will never happen!”

When talking about Zhang Shurong, Li Xi's eyes looked like she wanted to strangle the former with her own hands.

Chen Xiao sighed: "Then do you think Lian Yuhong will really commit suicide?"

"I don't believe it, but I can't help but I don't believe it. I have been very careful to comfort her, for fear of touching her emotions if I say something wrong. I was actually very tired that night, but I still kept chatting with her, and later she I hung up the phone because I didn’t want to say anything.”

Speaking of this, Li Xi sneered: "I don't know why Zhang Shurong looks down on me. My wife was forced to death by her!"

Following Li Xi's words, Chen Xiao seemed to ask inadvertently:

"Then do you think that besides Zhang Shurong, is there anyone who has the ability to force Yuhong to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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