Chapter 237 Whose child is it?

"Forced to death?"

This was the first time Li Xi heard such a statement.

In his mind, although he kept talking, it was Zhang Shurong who forced Lian Yuhong to death.

But in fact, as most people thought, Lian Yuhong committed suicide.

But when Chen Xiao asked him if anyone else had the ability to force Lian Yuhong to death, Li Xi was stunned.

"How can there be such a person? If he forces her to death, won't she resist?"

"Yes, if one wants to force someone to death, the person being forced will always resist. However, there are situations where she cannot resist."

Chen Xiao said, but Li Xi still didn't understand.

"To put it simply, for example, Lian Yuhong has a secret that she cannot tell even if she dies, or if there is a certain thing that is known to others, she is willing to die. Can you understand what I say?"

"No, how could such a thing happen? The only secret about her is that she once worked as a hostess, and I have confessed this matter to my family. Although they are not happy, this is my marriage. It’s me!”

Li Xi was very sure that he didn't think there would be any secrets about his fiancée.

But now Chen Xiao suddenly felt that he seemed to have found a breakthrough.

When a secret is serious enough to make life worse than death, will she simply choose to die for that person?

If she chose to die, wouldn't all this be reasonable?

It is even said that the Yanghu Phantom case twelve years ago can also be investigated according to this idea!

Of course, this idea must exclude Xie Yan.

No, Xie Yan can’t rule it out!

Because he is a person with status!

People with status are often more likely to have secrets.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao thought of Zhang Xianlai again.

Zhang Xian's mentality of daring to doubt anyone and everyone is what a real crime solver needs to possess.

Who says dead people can’t make mistakes?

It's just that Chen Xiao made it clear, but Li Xi still didn't think of anything.

Seeing that asking more questions was useless, Chen Xiao said: "If you can remember anything when you go back, you can contact the number just now."

Li Xi nodded, then stood up to leave.

But suddenly, Chen Xiao thought of something and asked:

"What kind of shoes does Lian Yuhong usually wear?"

Li Xi paused: "When I go out during the day, I like to wear more comfortable cloth shoes or sandals."

"Where are the sneakers?"

"Look wherever you go, if she moves around a lot, she will wear them. Otherwise, most of them are cloth shoes and slippers."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then none of you have ever doubted why she hanged herself wearing sneakers?"

Li Xi was asked.

Judging from his reaction, Chen Xiao could conclude that Li Xi was not at all careful in this regard.

Of course, Xie Wensheng may have noticed it, and Qin Fei may also have noticed it.

Therefore, neither Xie Wensheng nor Qin Fei seemed to think that Lian Yuhong committed suicide.

Li Xi thought for a while and replied: "I, I really didn't pay attention to the shoes she was wearing."

"Then let me describe it to you, white sneakers, red shoelaces, the brand seems to be..."

Before Chen Xiao could finish speaking, Li Xi said: "She only has one pair of sneakers with red laces. She liked wearing them very much when we first met me. But then she rarely wore them. It rained a while ago and there were no suitable ones." I just took out the shoes for her, and they seem to have been kept by the bed."

"Why does she suddenly not like wearing those shoes? Is it because she is pregnant?"


Seeing that Li Xi was not sure, Chen Xiao asked again, "Did you buy the shoes?" "No, I bought her a lot of shoes, many of them fresh. Those shoes seemed to be for her birthday. It was given to me by Zhang Salong’s cheap son when we were married. She and I were already together at that time, and Zhang Salong also knew about my existence. She didn’t like me, but Zhang Salong’s stepson had a pretty good attitude towards me.”

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly: "What is the name of Zhang Shurong's stepson?"

"Peng Zhou is one year older than Yuhong. After the relationship between Yuhong and her mother has eased, Yuhong will call him brother when they interact with each other."

"Besides these shoes, have you given me anything else?"

"No, just these shoes."

Chen Xiao nodded and asked no more questions. After being silent for a while, Li Xi saw that Chen Xiao was fine and asked:

"Can I go to my room and sit alone?"

"It's better not to go. Go home. You can also think about the questions I asked before." Chen Xiao said.

Li Xi nodded helplessly and then left.

As soon as he left, Xiao Ji asked: "Brother Chen, do you think there is something wrong with Peng Zhou?"

"I'm a little curious. I haven't worn those Lian Yuhong shoes very much recently. Why did I wear them on the night of the hanging?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Xiao Ji shook his head and Chen Xiao said, "Maybe this is what the dead person said?"

Chen Xiao said and walked out of Lian Yuhong's house, continued to put the seal on and went straight to the criminal police team.

When he arrived at the team, Qin Fei came over immediately: "Mr. Chen, how is the investigation going? Did you find anything wrong with the case?"

Chen Xiao looked at Qin Fei: "Captain Qin, do you think there is anything wrong with the shoes worn by the deceased?"

Qin Fei nodded without any hesitation: "I have doubts, and Captain Xie also mentioned it to me, but Captain Xie once told me that we don't need to remind you, you will definitely find out by yourself, and you will definitely know better after you find out. Profound, because our consensus on this case is to leave it to you to investigate."

"I see. Then summon Peng Zhou."

"Peng Zhou? Zhang Shurong's stepson? Those shoes have something to do with him."

"He gave it to Lian Yuhong."

Qin Fei nodded: "Understood, I will send someone to summon him now."

Watching Qin Fei leave, Chen Xiao did not discuss it with Xiao Ji and the other three.

Just sit and wait in silence.

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, the police from the criminal police team brought Peng Zhou over.

When Peng Zhou passed by the hall, Chen Xiao observed him.

Compared to Li Xi, Peng Zhou is more manly.

Tall and strong, with a short head, beard, and well-developed muscles.

If Li Xi and Peng Zhou were to fight, they would probably be able to defeat both Li Xi with one punch.

Chen Xiao saw that the person had been taken to the inquiry room, so Chen Xiao followed him in.

Peng Zhou looked at Chen Xiao: "Comrade police, why did you call me here?"

"Lian Yuhong and you are considered relatives, right?"

"Because auntie, that's right. But we are not related by blood, and we rarely have contact with each other."

Chen Xiao smiled, nodded, and asked, "Then did you have a harmonious relationship with her?"

"It's quite harmonious. Auntie is very good to me and she always calls me brother."

"Then do you have any other relationship with her?"

"No, no, what do you mean?" Peng Zhou immediately widened his eyes.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Whose is the child in her belly?"

Peng Zhou stood up suddenly and stared at Chen Xiao angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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