Chapter 239 A word that wakes up the dreamer

Unless someone tells Chen Xiao now that Lian Yuhong committed suicide because of Zhang Shurong.

Otherwise, Chen Xiao couldn't think of any other reason that could force Lian Yuhong to death.

Only being forced to death can explain Lian Yuhong's death.

And being able to be forced to death means that the things behind it must never be told to anyone.

Even if it means death, it cannot be spoken out.

Once you say it, the living will be even more uncomfortable than death!

After thinking again and again, Xie Wensheng also chose to believe Chen Xiao, but he still hesitated.

"Once your conjecture is established, Lian Yuhong's death can be explained. But what about Lian Da, Zhu Mao, and Chang Guan?"

"Can I say that after I accepted this case, I never considered the three of them or even your father?"

Chen Xiao said seriously. Xie Wensheng's expression changed slightly, but he soon understood:

"It turns out that my decision made you already have a plan."

"Yes, the biggest difficulty of the Phantom of Yanghu twelve years ago is not the various weird situations back then, but the time that has passed and the indifference of others except your father."

"But the threat of the Phantom of Yanghu is still there. Regardless of whether Lian Yuhong's death has anything to do with the murderer back then, it will definitely alarm him!"

"So I threw away the case from twelve years ago and focused on Lian Yuhong's death to investigate. As long as I find out Lian Yuhong's death, whether it is the same one or not, I can use this to follow the clues!"

Xie Wensheng breathed a long sigh of relief:

"Then go and investigate. No matter what the guess is, just verify it. Qin Fei will definitely cooperate with you, because finding out the truth in this case will only benefit him and not harm him."

"I understand. Just rest and recover. When is the surgery scheduled?"

"Three days later."

"I hope I can bring you good news before you enter the operating room. Of course, I hope you know my good news after the operation."

"If I'm determined, I should be able to survive."

"wishing all the best."

Chen Xiao didn't say anything more to Xie Wensheng. When he walked out of the hospital and got into the car, Lin Xi called.

"Hey, wife, aren't you busy right now?"

"Husband, Xiaoyao called me today and said that you took over another big case over there?"

Chen Xiao hummed: "Yes, I would like to express my gratitude to the team..."

Chen Xiao told Xie Wensheng's arrangements. Lin Xi smiled bitterly after listening:

"He really has good intentions, but he is so attentive. If the case is solved, it will be of great benefit to you."

"Yes, so I have to stay for a while. Once this case is investigated clearly, I won't stay if anyone wants me to. It's too tiring to make money!"

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't make any money, what should I spend? My salary is very low, okay?"

"That doesn't matter, I just like to lie down and make money anyway." Chen Xiao said with a smile, and then said: "By the way, wife, do you want to eat anything? I will bring back the specialties here."

"I want to eat cured duck, roast goose, and dried lychees..."

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it when it's done."

The couple chatted for a while, but Lin Xi became serious: "Husband, what do you think about the case?"

"I don't have a clear plan in my mind, but I feel that following the clues should be the right direction."

"So the target of your suspicion now is Peng Zhou's father, but how do you confirm his suspicion? Lian Yuhong is dead, and there is almost no evidence of his death. He can't even be identified by identification."

"The most difficult question before me now is this. There is no suitable way for people to speak out."

Chen Xiao was indeed stumped by this problem. Lin Xi on the other end of the phone thought for a while and said: "There are two situations we are facing now. The person who forced Lian Yuhong to death is or is not the murderer back then. If so, I think conventional methods must be used on him. It’s not going to work.”

"So let's attack the simple ones first and think of a method in the direction that the two cases were not committed by the same person."

"Well, do you have any good ideas?" Chen Xiao asked.

Lin Xi replied: "Actually, I think you and Captain Xie both made the mistake of thinking first and second."

Chen Xiao paused: "How do you say that?"

"Twelve years have passed since the Phantom of Yanghu, and the development of Shencheng in these twelve years can be described as taking a plane. People have long forgotten this matter, unless someone deliberately reminds them .For example, you were reminded by Team Xie."

"It's because of his father that Captain Xie will never forget him, so you can't put your own thoughts on the murderer of Lian Yuhong."

Chen Xiao suddenly realized: "You mean, first check whether the target I am now suspecting had been close to the Phantom of Yanghu twelve years ago?"

"Yes, there are so many legends in a city. Why did he just happen to imitate the extremely difficult method of the Phantom of Yanghu Lake?"

Lin Xi's words can be said to wake up a dreamer!

She was right.

He remembered the Phantom of Yanghu because of Xie Wensheng.

Xie Wensheng was deeply moved by Xie Yan's death.

But what about the murderer?

Hasn't there been a major case in Shen City in the past ten years?

Are there no unsolved cases in Shencheng?


Since it's impossible, why did the murderer choose the very difficult Phantom of Yanghu?

You must know that it is more difficult to force a person to die willingly than to create a perfect murder scene.

But after thinking about it, Chen Xiao also replied: "This may not be difficult to think about. Lian Yuhong is Lian Da's daughter. It should not be difficult to connect."

When Lin Xi heard this, he was immediately discouraged:

"Well, it seems that I haven't thought about the problem comprehensively enough. Indeed, Lian Yuhong is Lian Da's daughter. When the target wants to kill her, the first thing to think of is the Phantom of Yanghu Lake."

Lin Xi was a little disappointed on the other end of the phone.

But her words suddenly stimulated Chen Xiao.

"No, your question is very important. In other words, the angle of this question can be changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Then if Lian Yuhong dies, who will benefit?" Chen Xiao asked.

Lin Xi replied: "Of course it's someone who has done something wrong to her."

"No, you are wrong! Let's assume that it is really Peng Zhou's father as we suspected. He can even do such shameless things, and he is still afraid of publicizing it? Unless he has some very important work, but he not at all."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao said in a deep voice:

"If Lian Yuhong dies, will the person who can really benefit, or achieve her goal, be the person who didn't want her to marry Li Xi in the first place? Such as Zhang Shurong, or Li Xi's parents! As for Peng Zhou The father and son don't mind who Lian Yuhong marries at all, and the combination of Lian Yuhong and Li Xi will be of great benefit to them!"

Lin Xi on the other end of the phone was extremely pleasantly surprised when she heard this: "Yes, hubby, you woke me up right now. Who doesn't want Li Xi and Lian Yuhong to be together? It's the one who gets what Lian Yuhong gets after his death." The benefit or the one that achieves the goal!”

"Well, what are the names of Li Xi and Li Xi's parents? It seems that his father is called Li Jindao?"

(End of this chapter)

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