I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 240 Golden knife, wooden man stake!

Chapter 240 Golden knife, wooden man stake!

Since it is speculated that Lian Yuhong's death was a murder case involving homicide.

Then we have to return to the essence of the murder case.

Whose benefit will be maximized by the death of the deceased?

This kind of benefit does not necessarily have to be in terms of money or status.

What can be gained psychologically is also a benefit.

Li Xi's family background is pretty good.

His father, Li Jindao, runs a clothing factory.

Although it is not very large, compared to ordinary people, Li Xi can definitely be regarded as a second-generation little rich man.

On the other hand, Lian Yuhong?

She was almost fatherless and motherless, all alone.

The profession he pursues is also not honorable.

That is to say, Li Xifei insisted on marrying her. Otherwise, no matter how enlightened his parents were, they might have some grudges in their hearts.

If there is really a problem with the child in Lian Yuhong's belly.

Then, Li Xi's family will strongly reject him.

What if the two cases spanning twelve years are really inextricably linked.

All this is like placing a large bundle of explosives directly on a solid embankment, directly blowing up all the defenses.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao was already a little excited.

However, he still needs a good plan.

Because this was just a conjecture between him and Lin Xi. This conjecture was the result of infinitely amplifying some evil.

If this evil wants to be verified, it cannot come directly.

"Daughter-in-law, there are several key figures surrounding Lian Yuhong. The first one is Li Xi. If Li Xi also learns that there is something wrong with the child in his belly, he is actually the most likely to force Lian Yuhong to death, but... ….”

Chen Xiao hesitated, and Lin Xi replied: "You have already met him, and you don't have deep suspicions about him, right?"

"Yes, I have talked with him. Although I am very confident in my words, I think I can tell whether a person is showing his true feelings or acting with me."

"Then trust your own judgment."

"Well, but I still lack a good entry point, an entry point that can break the current deadlock."

Chen Xiao said, looked at the time and said, "It's almost noon, why don't I go have a meal."

Lin Xi seemed to understand what Chen Xiao meant, and said with a smile: "Go ahead, his family has a good financial situation, so they should be able to eat well."

"Well, don't forget to eat. If I find you have lost weight when you go back, you will be beaten."

"Don't worry, I won't starve myself. I have made demands on myself not long ago. I want my body to be in the healthiest state at all times, hum!"

With that said, Lin Xi hung up the phone first.

Chen Xiao smiled and drove to Li Xi's home.

But when we arrived, the door of the single-family villa was closed.

Chen Xiao rang the doorbell, and soon a woman came and opened the door.

"Who are you?" the woman asked curiously.

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Chen Xiao, is Li Xi here?"

"He locked himself in his room and couldn't even shout out even though he was about to eat. Are you his friend?"

"No, I am the criminal investigation consultant of the criminal police team of the branch. I chatted with him for a while this morning."

"It turns out we are from the police force. Please come in." The woman quickly opened the door.

Chen Xiao said thank you and walked in, and the woman hurriedly asked: "Comrade, may I ask about Yuhong?"

"It's convenient. Have you all gone to Changlong Village?" Chen Xiao asked.

The woman's eye sockets can be seen.

There was some redness and swelling. When Chen Xiao asked, the woman couldn't help but said with a choked voice:

"I went, but I didn't dare to look at her more. It was too... too cruel. I can't understand why she couldn't think about it when everything was fine." The woman said, and Chen Xiao followed her into the house. .

There was also a man in his fifties sitting in the hall.

The man was in a daze, packing up the baby's clothes one by one.

When she saw those clothes, the woman finally couldn't hold back her tears.

The man raised his head and looked at Chen Xiao with some confusion: "Who are you?"

"Is this Mr. Li Jindao? My name is Chen Xiao, the criminal investigation consultant of the branch's criminal police team."

The man immediately stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Consultant Chen, I'm sorry... The family has experienced a sudden change, and it's a bit chaotic right now."

Chen Xiao shook his head to indicate that it was okay, then looked at the baby clothes with boys and girls, and said:

"Has Mr. Li prepared these so early?"

Li Jindao let out a long sigh: "Yes, although I am not very old, I am still fifty. At this age, I actually have no other thoughts. I just hope that my children can do it for me." This family is blossoming.”

"You can see these right away, who would have thought..."

Seeing Li Jindao choked up as he spoke, Chen Xiao sighed: "Please forgive me."

Li Jindao said bitterly that it was okay and asked Chen Xiao to sit down.

After Chen Xiao looked around for a week, he asked: "Mr. Li, what business do you do?"

"Shenzhen does business in stainless steel doors and windows, but it invested in a hotel in Xiangdu."

Chen Xiao was a little surprised: "It seems that Mr. Li has a unique vision. I have been to Xiangdu, and the hotel industry there is very prosperous."

"Harm, I'm just having a little fight with my friends." Li Jindao said, and then asked:

"Consultant Chen shouldn't be here to inquire about my business, right?"

"Of course not, but Mr. Li asked so, so I will tell you directly. Regarding your future daughter-in-law, do you know what she used to do?"

Li Jindao nodded: "I know. The two children hid it from me before. Later, when I found out accidentally, they confessed to me. To be honest, I couldn't accept it at first. You know I am a businessman who often It’s about sexual entertainment, so I don’t have a good impression of girls in that field.”

"But the two children have feelings for each other. I also secretly investigated Yuhong and found that she has been forced to do nothing since she was a child, so I recognized them both."

As he said that, the woman who just opened the door, Li Jindao's wife, also said, "Yes, we were originally very repelled by Yuhong's child. But gradually we got along and found that she is very sensible. Whether it is treating my son or She takes good care of us two seniors, no matter how small or small."

"Hey, at that time we were thinking that Yuhong might be far from the educated and sensible daughter-in-law we thought of. But, what is the most important thing about a family? It is a harmonious family and everything is happy!"

Li Jindao nodded silently.

He lowered his head again to pack the baby's clothes.

Chen Xiao observed their expressions, and at this moment Li Xi had already come out of the room.

He seemed very surprised to see Chen Xiao, but he also hurriedly asked: "Consultant Chen, have you discovered anything now that you are here?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "How could something happen so quickly? I came to your house just to learn something about the relationship between Lian Yuhong and the Peng family from your parents."

Li Xi was very confused: "Didn't I tell you all this?"

"Different people see things from different perspectives. I would like to hear what Mr. Li Jindao and Mrs. Li think of them."

Just when Li Xi was about to say something more, Li Jindao immediately shouted:

"Are you handling the case, or is Consultant Chen handling the case? Where does all this nonsense come from!"

Li Xi immediately lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

Chen Xiao glanced at it and said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Li is right at home."

Li Jindao shook his head: "After something like this happened, there must be someone in the family who can stabilize the situation. Otherwise, how sad the next days will be."

Li Xi lowered her head and said nothing. Mrs. Li's eyes were already red.

Li Jindao took a deep breath: "Chen Xiao, why don't we talk at the tea pavilion in the courtyard? They are making a mess here."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded, and at Li Jindao's invitation, he walked towards the yard again.

But as soon as he arrived at the tea pavilion that Li Jindao mentioned, something not far away immediately attracted Chen Xiao's attention.

It was a wooden mannequin.

The wooden dummy was wiped clean, and it was not difficult to see that someone had been in contact with it for many years.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao immediately asked: "Mr. Li lives up to his name, does he still practice martial arts all year round?!"

(End of this chapter)

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