I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 248 I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop that knife anymore

Chapter 248 I’m afraid I won’t be able to block that knife anymore

"I have confessed my guilt!"

"Why do you have to kill them all!"

"Why do we need to kill them all!"

Li Jindao sat weakly on the chair and muttered to himself.

Tan Fei looked at him indifferently: "Whoever committed the crime should confess. Of course, you are also guilty now."

Li Jindao laughed, and finally closed his eyes in pain.

Chen Xiao looked at him and sat back on the chair again.

Li Jindao noticed the movement and looked at him with hatred in his eyes:

"Chen Xiao, wouldn't it be better if I plead guilty? I'm the only one who has to answer for Lian Yuhong. Isn't this enough? My wife and I are husband and wife, and we are one flesh. What's the difference between her forgiveness and my forgiveness?"

"It makes no sense to say this."

"But she...she really didn't expect that Lian Yuhong would die. She told me that she was just too angry at the time and thought that Lian Yuhong had betrayed Li Xi, especially because of an old man like Peng Yuanqing. So she cursed Lian Yuhong, saying that she should die like her father!"

"I can't imagine how she would endure it if she went to prison! She has no temper and is so thin. What if someone bullies her inside!"

"Please, let me in! I will pay for all this on her behalf!"

Listening to Li Jindao's words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown and said:

"You mean that Gu Rong didn't want to force Lian Yuhong to death?"

"Yes, you have been in contact with her. Of course, you don't have to believe what I say. But she would not do something that would force someone to death. We were also stunned when we received the news of Yuhong's death the next day. It was also at that time We just thought that Yuhong would not betray but might be coerced."

"But everyone is dead, what else can we do? We can only cover it up as much as possible."

Listening to Li Jindao's words, Chen Xiao frowned: "Then do you know the law?"

Li Jindao said solemnly: "Of course I understand the law."

"Then why did you make this choice?"

"I want to forgive on my wife's behalf, can't I?"

Chen Xiao said indifferently: "But if you go by what you said, it is not so easy for the law to convict Gu Rong. Because she just vented her anger to Lian Yuhong, and the only point that can be discussed is that she mentioned Lian Yuhong. Da’s death is suspected of inducing Lian Yuhong to commit suicide.”

"On this point alone, it would be difficult for even a judge to directly conclude that Gu Rong had committed a crime, right? If Gu Rong had surrendered earlier, even the nature of the plot would be open to question. Since you know the law, you should understand that the only person involved in the whole incident is The person who is sure to have committed a crime is Peng Yuanqing!"

"So according to the case you described, are you taking the blame for Gu Rong or Peng Yuanqing?"

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Qin Fei followed suit: "You can no longer see Gu Rong, and Gu Rong has surrendered, so does it make sense for you to resist so stubbornly?"

Li Jindao roared angrily again: "That's enough! That's enough!"

Qin Fei looked at her coldly: "It seems that interrogating you is no longer as good as interrogating Gu Rong."

Li Jindao still wanted to struggle, but Chen Xiao and Qin Fei both walked out of the interrogation room.

After coming out, Chen Xiao kept frowning.

Qin Fei sighed at this time: "I understand what you are conflicting about now. I will take you to see some information later, and you will know why Li Jindao did what he did."

Chen Xiao nodded. He thought that the information Qin Fei asked him to read should be about the relationship between Li Jindao and Gu Rong.

This is what he reminded Tan Fei to do before. The two of them arrived at the latter's office first, and Qin Fei said: "These are only temporary findings, but these few things alone can tell that their relationship as husband and wife is deep."

Chen Xiao said nothing and watched quietly.

Chen Xiao suddenly realized it when he saw one of the incidents.

It turns out that when Li Jindao was still in society, Gu Rong, who was already in love with him, blocked his enemies' swords for him.

That knife still leaves a terrible scar on Gu Rong's body.

Later, Li Jindao changed his mind, and Gu Rong and her parents continued to pay for Li Jindao.

From these things recorded in the data, Chen Xiao can be sure that if Li Jindao still has some conscience, then he will definitely be willing to do anything for Gu Rong.

From this, it can be completely inferred that Gu Rong was not venting his anger, but really had the intention to force Lian Yuhong to death.

After closing all the information, Chen Xiao sighed: "Let's go meet Gu Rong."

Tan Fei nodded.

Then the two walked into the interrogation room where Gu Rong was.

Gu Rong was very quiet at this moment, raising her head and looking at Chen Xiao and Qin Fei silently.

Chen Xiao also looked at her: "Mrs. Li, you should have guessed what your husband said to us, right?"

Gu Rong smiled and nodded: "He should be trying to get everything from him, right? But, maybe he is getting more and more messy, and will be full of flaws in the end?"

"Pretty much, it seems you do know your husband very well."

"He is just a rude person, so I regret listening to him now. Rather than letting him fall into this pool of water, it would be better for me to tell everything early." Gu Rong said, with regret in her eyes, but also with Relieved.

Chen Xiao paused and asked:

"Then tell me why you have to force Lian Yuhong to death?"

"The person who accidentally discovered those photos was not Jin Dao, it was me! I was very angry after discovering the photos and even wanted to get angry on the spot. But, Li Xi was there at that time. I didn't want my son to face such a cruel reality, so I I endured it.”

"After I endured it, I also had fantasies about whether Lian Yuhong would leave on her own without shame. But later I observed that her choice was to hide it and pretend that none of this happened!"

"Yes, after I calmed down, I also saw that there was something wrong with those photos, and I also understood that she was tricked by that shameless old man Peng Yuanqing. But I always thought that that kind of thing happened regardless of her and my son. No matter how deep the relationship is, you should quit this relationship."

"Lao Li and I have been married for decades. In my heart, family ties and love cannot be tarnished. But what she did is tarnishing her and my son. So after observing for many days, my patience has also Reached the limit!”

"But she didn't. Her growth experience made it impossible for her to give up the happiness that my son brought her. I also thought about whether to expose this matter directly, but in the end I didn't dare. I was afraid that Li Xi couldn't bear it, and he He inherited almost all the shortcomings of Lao Li and me."

"He is willful and has no hesitation for the sake of love just like I did when I had to marry Lao Li. He is sensitive and irritable, just like when Lao Li realized that he was being betrayed, he would dare to go to a group of people to fight for his life."

"I tested my son and asked him similar questions with the help of TV series. His expression and reaction at the time told me that he would really go to extremes."

"I had already blocked a knife for Lao Li back then, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop my son from doing something like this again. So, I thought about it and decided to do it myself. As long as Lian Yuhong dies, my son will be in pain. You can let it go after a while.”

"That dirty secret must not be known to him!"

"Of course, the moment I decided to take action, I gave the choice to Lian Yuhong. Because I prepared two plans. One was to make her suddenly disappear from this world, but I knew that one was very risky and possible. She will be caught by the police. And the other plan is to make her die like her father."

"In the end, Lian Yuhong knew that she couldn't face the reality of everything being exposed, so she chose the latter. And I was lucky enough to think that her death would be as unresolved as her father's death."

(End of this chapter)

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