Chapter 249 What hexagram is coming from?

Gu Rong spoke quietly.

Chen Xiao and Qin Fei also listened calmly.

When Gu Rong finished speaking, Chen Xiao took over the words.

"Have you ever thought about why Lian Yuhong hanged himself wearing those sneakers?"

Chen Xiao actually wanted to test Gu Rong's heart with this question.

Not beyond his expectation, Gu Rong raised her head and said: "Based on my understanding of her, I think she actually wanted to leave some revelations. But her revelations were not to inspire you to find me, but to hope that someone could know about her. The harm encountered.”

"Because she knows that once she dies, I won't be able to tell her, let alone that old beast Peng Yuanqing."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

Gu Rong's words can stand up in the case.

The cause of the case was Peng Yuanqing's despicability, the process was Lian Yuhong's forbearance, and the final result was Gu Rong's unbearable action.

The reason why Gu Rong took action was because she knew her family too well.

She thought about it for a lot of time and gave Lian Yuhong a lot of time.

But how could Lian Yuhong give up so easily? What she had already obtained was the loved life she had always longed for?

However, is there really no other possibility?

In Chen Xiao's opinion, there is.

If Gu Rong had told Lian Yuhong earlier that she already knew everything, would Lian Yuhong have chosen to retreat despite the difficulties?

If Lian Yuhong didn't choose to die when facing Gu Rong, but directly exposed Peng Yuanqing's viciousness, would everything be completely different?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

But Chen Xiao felt that the root of all evil was Zhang Shurong!

And Peng Yuanqing, this scumbag must be tortured to death in order to satisfy people's hearts!

Just when Chen Xiao was thinking about these things, Gu Rong said again:

"Counselor Chen, Captain Qin, it should be difficult for me to see my old Li again, right?"

Qin Fei nodded, and Gu Rong said bitterly: "Then give me something to tell him not to bother anymore, and don't feel that he didn't take good care of me. This time is a lesson, he didn't listen to me and destroyed me The fingerprints left behind are something we both have to pay now.”

"But he shouldn't be in jail for too long, so let him watch Li Xi carefully after he gets out. And Li Xi, please help me do his work. Tell him that neither his parents can accompany him now." It’s time for him to start being a real adult.”

Chen Xiao also nodded: "Is there more?"

Gu Rong shook her head.

Chen Xiao asked: "What about the case?"

This question made Gu Rong shake her head and smile bitterly:

"I'm disgusted by my behavior, especially because Peng Yuanqing, the most damned person, didn't die in the end. But I'm also selfish. I just want to keep that secret, even though it's dirty. But I don't dare to gamble, because Lian Yuhong may reveal this matter at any time."

"Once she breaks out, Li Xi will definitely go to Peng Yuanqing to fight for her life. I can't let her uncertainty lead to the possible tragic end of my son. So, let her shut up forever. She can blame me , but she has herself more to blame.”

"Why should a mother who doesn't love her at all be stupid enough to please her? If she doesn't want to please her, where will Peng Yuanqing get the chance?"

Gu Rong's words ended here.

Chen Xiao also stood up without any extra words.

Opening the door of the interrogation room, Chen Xiao walked out.

Not long after, Tan Fei also came out with a look of helplessness on his face.

"I really didn't expect it to be like this." Tan Fei sighed. Chen Xiao also sighed: "Yes, but Captain Qin may not be easy to explain."

Tan Fei rubbed his face fiercely.

"Captain Xie really put me on the fire! He made such a huge impact, and finally ended the case in this way, I can't imagine how many people would question it!"

Tan Fei really had a headache.

Xie Wensheng single-handedly made the influence of the Phantom of Yanghu famous again.

Although the network fermentation has been controlled to a certain extent.

But who among the people in Shenchen City now regards the death of Lian Yuhong as the reappearance of the Phantom of Yanghu Lake?

Chen Xiao looked at Qin Fei's helpless look and said with a smile: "What we pay attention to when handling cases is to seek truth from facts. The case must be announced accordingly."

"I know this truth. It's just a joke. I hope the general public can accept this result."

Chen Xiao thought for a while: "Why don't we wait and announce it? After all, the case I just took over this morning has not yet reached the evening. I will check the case from twelve years ago later."

Tan Fei was obviously surprised: "You still need to be investigated!"

"Actually, Captain Xie didn't put you on the fire. I was the one who was really put on the line. I've seen all the posts on the Internet, and almost everyone is expecting me to find out the truth about the Phantom of Yanghu. As for Lian Whether Yuhong died at the hands of the murderer of the Phantom of Yanghu, or was forced to death by Gu Rong, to most people they don’t care.”

Qin Fei nodded: "It's true. Only when many cases happen around us can we have strong empathy. Otherwise, what people care about most is what they care about."

Chen Xiao patted Qin Fei on the shoulder and said, "Give me a little more time and I'll see if I can find out some clues. In addition, I want to take my friends to the archives to look at the information from that year. .”

"That's no problem, just go ahead."

Chen Xiao hummed without saying much, and called Xiao Ji to notify the three of them to gather.

After making the call, Chen Xiao looked at Qin Fei's back and sighed.

Finding out about Lian Yuhong's death was irreconcilable for both Qin Fei and Chen Xiao.

From the moment Chen Xiao entered the scene to investigate Lian Yuhong's death, it meant that he had to find out the truth about the Phantom of Yanghu twelve years ago.

Otherwise, just being found out about Lian Yuhong's death will not only bring no benefit, but may even bring some doubts to him personally.

But Xie Wensheng cannot be blamed for this matter, because this was a choice made by Xie Wensheng after Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng had reached a consensus long ago.

As for Lian Yuhong's death, Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng should not have any connection with the Phantom of Yanghu twelve years ago.

Soon, Xiaoji and three others came over.

"Brother Chen, how's the situation?" Xiao Ji asked hurriedly.

"Lian Yuhong was indeed forced to death, and the person who forced her was Li Xi's mother. After Lian Yuhong died, Li Jindao learned all this and wanted to take the blame on Gu Rong's behalf. That's how he came up with this A series of things.”

Chen Xiao said and Xiao Ji nodded.

Liu Dayou, on the other hand, said in astonishment: "Is it so simple?"

Xiao Ji and Dao Nan were immediately dissatisfied: "Simple? Why haven't you come up with any valuable clues?"

Liu Dayou suddenly became embarrassed: "No, no, brother Xiao Ji, you misunderstood me! I just..."

Before Liu Dayou finished speaking, Chen Xiao suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, by the way...didn't I ask you to perform a divination on the jade red red divination before? I hung you up later, but I forgot about it. What divination did you predict at that time?"

(End of this chapter)

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