I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 250: entangled and entangled, as if they were separated

Chapter 250: entangled and entangled, as if they were separated

"Isn't the case solved? Why are you mentioning hexagrams!"

Seeing Chen Xiao asking, Liu Dayou didn't say anything indifferent.

Chen Xiao thought for a while, and he was still quite interested in Liu Dayou's divination ability.

"It's precisely because the case has been solved that I want to know if you are right this time."

Liu Dayou shook his head directly: "I feel like I didn't succeed this time. I didn't even understand the hexagrams when they came out!"

Chen Xiao was full of curiosity: "You can't understand?"

"Yes, it's very complicated!"

Liu Dayou said that Chen Xiao and others were confused, so he had no choice but to describe it simply:

"Let me tell you in a layman's terms. Don't forget that I only use a few copper coins for divination, but the hexagrams can change in countless ways. At that time, the hexagrams divined based on Lian Yuhong's birth date were as follows: It’s never been clear, I just see that this man had a rough life.”

"But when I did my divination, I based it on the Phantom of Yanghu Lake, and the hexagram images I saw were vague and distant."

"This means that I think Lian Yuhong is related to the Phantom of Yanghu Lake, but if you look closely, it doesn't matter. When I think it doesn't matter, she seems to be inextricably linked."

Xiaoji was speechless for a while: "Does it matter or not?"

"I do not know."

"You made your own divination, but you can't make up your mind?"

"Yes, it's so mysterious!" Liu Dayou spread his hands, and the sword man gave a very pertinent comment:

"You have to be so mysterious to look awesome, right?"

"Nonsense! How much money has Brother Chen given me? How can I fool him like someone else?" Liu Dayou said, patting his chest and saying:

"Brother Chen, this hexagram is like this. It seems relevant, but it doesn't matter. But if you think it doesn't matter, it will still matter."

Chen Xiao knew Liu Dayou.

So when he looked like this, Chen Xiao was sure that he was not talking nonsense, but was expressing the hexagrams seriously.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Okay, no matter what the hexagram says, I will take you to the archives and take a look at the case file of the Phantom of Yanghu from twelve years ago."

"Brother Chen, you mean that we have to continue investigating, right?"

"Well, just the fact that Lian Yuhong was forced to death by her future mother-in-law under the guise of the Phantom of Yanghu cannot completely convince the outside world. The reason why we got involved in this matter is to let the people in Shencheng know who broke the Phantom of Yanghu , so before the goal is achieved, comrades still need to redouble their efforts."

"Brother Chen, that's your order." Xiao Ji didn't feel troublesome at all, and the sword man nodded solemnly:

"Anyway, I'm just a piece of meat. Brother Chen, when will you ever need to say a word?"

When Liu Dayou saw Xiao Ji and Dao Nan expressing their loyalty, he also patted his chest and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry, as long as the funds are not insufficient, I, Liu Dayou, will never be ambiguous."

"You've lost your money." The knife man sneered, and Liu Dayou said:

"Haha, this little kid doesn't understand the pain of not having a man. No money means no women, do you understand?"

It was okay not to mention women, but when women were mentioned, the knife man became sad again, lowered his head and said nothing.

Xiaoji shook his head helplessly, but Chen Xiao was too lazy to respond.

Liu Dayou asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiaodao, what's wrong with you?"

"You do not understand."

"What do I don't understand? I've eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, and you say I don't understand?"

"Do you know the feeling of emptiness after being eaten here?" The knife man asked, pointing to his chest.

Liu Dayou was speechless: "What are you trying to show off? Don't men and women just love each other? You love to sleep with her and she loves to sleep with you. She sleeps for a long time. If she doesn't sleep well, she wears clothes and breaks up. Look at you. This is so awesome, it seems like it’s not up to standard!”

The sword man ignored Liu Dayou again.

Not enough words to speculate.

Liu Dayou didn't bother to talk to the knife man anymore. He felt that the knife man just hadn't been beaten enough. After the group entered the archives room, they gradually became quiet.

In the Yanghu Phantom case twelve years ago, a total of four people died.


Zhu Mao.

Always closed.

Xie Yan.

Chen Xiao picked up Xie Yan's case files and handed Lian Da's to Xiao Ji, Zhu Mao's to Dao Nan, and Chang Guan's to Liu Dayou for memory.

Soon, the archives room became quiet.

Chen Xiao looked at the photos left in Xie Yan's file. He could tell that Xie Wensheng took after his father's appearance.

However, Xie Yan is not as tall as Xie Wensheng.

Xie Yan is less than 1.7 meters tall, fat and has a big belly.

Xie Yan was already in his fifties when he died in the line of duty.

His age was already on the older side for the branch at that time.

However, it can be seen from Xie Yan's file that he is a policeman who likes to simulate cases.

Also relying on this ability, Xie Yan solved many cases.

After reading Xie Yan's personal file, Chen Xiao carefully looked at the records of the crime scene of Xie Yan's death.

The description in the text made Chen Xiao feel exactly like Lian Yuhong's death.

Completely consistent with the characteristics of suicide by hanging!

Looking at the photo data left at that time, Chen Xiao felt that no matter which photo he took, it was still a suicide.

When closing the case file, Chen Xiao couldn't help but close his eyes and think.

"Perhaps Dayou's hexagram is not wrong. Lian Yuhong's death is inseparable from the Phantom of Yanghu twelve years ago. When she thought it was not related to twelve years ago, she was related again. Saying that she has When there is a connection, the actual connection cannot be found.”

"However, Lian Yuhong's death gave people one more piece of information to refer to. She died due to Gu Rong's persecution, and why was Gu Rong able to force her to death? It was because Lian Yuhong had her own problems. So, back then, Since perfect suicide scenes can appear one after another in cases, is this also the reason?"

"But what's wrong with Xie Yan himself? He was a policeman who had worked diligently for decades. Even at his age at the time, he could have retired after working for a few more years. Especially since he told the police before he died After the death of his own child, he chose to donate his body to continue to shine."

"For such a respectable veteran policeman, it's hard for me to doubt his character."

Chen Xiao was thinking about it, but he was also thinking about why Xie Yan explained his funeral affairs to Xie Yan?

In addition to the various unpredictable risks that the police profession brings, is there any reason why Xie Yan might feel something?

If so, could Xie Yan's death be caused by something being discovered at the time?

And what he found made the murderer have to take action against him?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao suddenly felt that he needed to go somewhere.

That is the nursing home where Xie Wensheng's mother lives.

Xie Wensheng said that after he and his mother had a dispute, all of his father's belongings were taken away by his mother.

When Chen Xiao was investigating the skull case, even Uncle Wan De, who didn't know a few Chinese characters, would leave clues.

Xie Yan, who is a criminal police officer himself, wouldn't he have thought of this?

With a plan in mind, Chen Xiao stood up and saw Xiao Ji and the other three were still reading, so he confessed and left the archives room.

(End of this chapter)

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