Chapter 252 The importance of experience!

Almost every sentence was about complaining about Xie Wensheng, even Ye Suzhi, who had never forgiven Xie Wensheng for many years.

The moment he heard that Xie Wensheng had a brain tumor, he didn't say anything and just put away his clothes silently.

Looking at Ye Suzhi's movements, Chen Xiao said:

"His wife is already taking care of her in the hospital."

"How will Xiao Nan take care of her? She also has two children of her own and they still have to go to school. If the surgery happens, she cannot do without someone else."

This sentence left Chen Xiao speechless.

"Okay, I'll drive you to the hospital."

"it is good."

Ye Suzhi didn't panic too much.

At least from the way she packed her clothes, it could be seen that the old man was not at a loss as he imagined.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything along the way, and just drove to the hospital silently.

But when he walked into the ward, Chen Xiao was a little worried.

He is afraid that he may do bad things with good intentions.

Chen Xiao stood behind Ye Suzhi. Xie Wensheng's wife saw her coming and said with a look of surprise:

"Mom, why are you here?"

Xie Wensheng was reading the newspaper, but when he heard these words, he immediately turned his head.

Ye Suzhi glanced at his haggard daughter-in-law and said:

"It's true that you two are in charge of this family, but what time is it? He can't tell the difference and you can't tell the difference either? The two children at home are enough to worry about. If it's time for the operation, will you still be busy? "

When Xie Wensheng's wife heard this, her panic for many days seemed to suddenly find a backbone.

"Mom, I..."

Ye Suzhi shook his head: "Don't say anything. I'll come to the hospital and you go home."

"That won't work, your age..." Xie Wensheng also spoke, but Ye Suzhi glared coldly at him.

Xie Wensheng's words reached his lips and he could only forcefully swallow them back into his stomach.

"Mom, then I'll switch with you. Today you'll be at the hospital and watch me go home. When I come, you can go home and take care of the child."

Ye Suzhi nodded: "Well, let's go back."

Xie Wensheng's wife smiled and nodded, packed up some dirty clothes and went home.

Ye Suzhi pulled up a chair and gave it to Chen Xiao: "Sit down, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't know until after surgery."

Xie Wensheng was embarrassed: "There is no better person to know than a mother."

"Don't talk to me. I won't know what your plans are. It's just that you're afraid that I'll find out and leave you alone, or that I'm too old to bear it. You've thought too much about your father. Everyone can stick to what they believe in.”

"But it has nothing to do with your dad now. I am your mother. If you ask me to send my white-haired person to the black-haired person, that would be a great act of unfilial piety on your part!"

From the first time Chen Xiao saw Ye Suzhi, he felt that this old man had a very distinct personality.

Now it seems that his feeling was not wrong.

On the contrary, Xie Wensheng, the criminal police captain, is not as transparent as his elderly mother.

At this moment, Xie Wensheng, a forty-year-old man, couldn't stop crying after being taught a lesson by Ye Suzhi.

But this kind of crying is not a bad thing.

Chen Xiao also smiled and walked out of the ward silently, making room for their mother and son.

I don't know how much time passed, but Chen Xiao heard the call and walked into the room. Xie Wensheng said gratefully: "Chen Xiao, thank you."

"Why are we so polite?"

Xie Wensheng was not pretentious: "But why did you go to see my mother today? How far has the case progressed now?"

Seeing Xie Wensheng ask this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Didn't anyone tell you?"

"It's normal. I have resigned as captain now. If I don't ask about the case, they will naturally not take the initiative to inform me."

Chen Xiao nodded: "The suspect has been caught."

Xie Wensheng was shocked: "Caught? So fast!"

Chen Xiao did not reply. Xie Wensheng reacted immediately after being briefly shocked:

"So he's not an accomplice, right?"

"Yes, practicing Yuhong is suicide, but it is just being forced to commit suicide." Chen Xiao replied.

Xie Wensheng frowned subconsciously, and his mind couldn't turn around for a while.

"When I came to you before, I talked about my speculation about the child in Lian Yuhong's belly. Although we still need to wait for the results, there is indeed a problem with who the father of the child is. So the person who forced her to commit suicide is her future Mother-in-law Gu Rong, and Gu Rong’s motives, in my opinion, are firstly about face, and secondly, to keep this secret and don’t want Li Xi to know.”

"With the interaction of the two motives, she found Lian Yuhong. You also have a general understanding of the case. Once this layer of window paper is pierced, how can the despairing Lian Yuhong have the courage to continue living."

When Xie Wensheng heard this, he sighed helplessly.

"I thought the opportunity really came, but I didn't expect it. In the end, it was just a coincidence."

Chen Xiao replied: "Not necessarily. Lian Yuhong's death inspired me a lot. In fact, Lian Yuhong's death is a template for the Phantom of Yanghu. Unless there is really a ghost that has bewitched people's minds. Let him hang himself, otherwise judging from the scene, the only possibility is death by force!"

"This is impossible!"

As soon as Chen Xiao finished speaking, Xie Wensheng immediately refuted.

They are all professionals. How come Xie Wensheng, the voice-over voice of Chen Xiao, doesn't understand.

The voiceover of these words is that the four victims of the Yanghu Phantom case twelve years ago could be forced to death only after someone took advantage of them.

But Xie Yan is Xie Wensheng’s father!

He would never doubt his father!

Sensing that Xie Wensheng was getting excited, Chen Xiao said:

"My words don't just mean that. The reason for being forced to death is not just being shortchanged. Captain Xie, have you forgotten that in a case I once investigated, there was also a person in a similar situation? "

Chen Xiao asked, Xie Wensheng thought for a moment and replied: "Your Uncle Wan De?"

"Yes, he clearly had a chance to escape but gave up his escape in the end for my safety and died at the hands of Chen Xianzu."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao continued: "He has no blood relationship with me. What he did was entirely due to his friendship with my father, and of course his love for me. How could he treat me like this? I was thinking about thanking him back then. Did something like this happen to the old timers when they got into trouble?”

Today, Chen Xiao has been exposed to many cases and met many police detectives.

There are countless police detectives across the country who have outstanding abilities. They may have extraordinary memories, extraordinary profiling, or cunning observation skills. Anyway, their abilities vary.

But every police detective will eventually have a convergence of abilities, and that is - criminal investigation experience!

This seems to have little to do with the skills that an individual is good at.

But if there are two police detectives with the same ability, one has rich experience and the other has shallow experience, then the more experienced one may solve the case more efficiently!

Chen Xiao now feels more and more the importance of experience.

Based on his own experience, he made a guess about the Yanghu Phantom case.

The deaths of Lian Da, Zhu Mao, and Chang Guan were most likely the same as Lian Yuhong's death.

But Xie Yan’s death may be similar to Wan De’s situation!

(End of this chapter)

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