Chapter 253 Three Eyes, Zuo Erlang

Chen Xiao expressed his opinion.

After listening to this, Xie Wensheng's mood became much more stable.

After taking a long breath of relief, Xie Wensheng said: "What you said does make sense, but just because you said that, it means you're not done with it, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Although Lian Yuhong's death has been investigated clearly, and it is indeed the truth, few people can be convinced by that result."

Xie Wensheng couldn't help but feel a little sorry: "I was too anxious. If I had been calmer, I wouldn't have let you fall into this dilemma."

"It's okay. You just wanted me to find out about the Phantom of Yanghu and repay me. You are a policeman who has experienced the Phantom of Yanghu, so when you see the daughter of the deceased committing suicide again in the same way, you will naturally be more concerned than anyone else. People are excited.”

Xie Wensheng smiled: "Let's not talk about this anymore. While I am still awake enough before taking any medicine, let's seize the time to discuss the next plan!"

Chen Xiao nodded, but was silent for two seconds before speaking:

"Actually, your impulsive behavior has another benefit."

Xie Wensheng was confused: "What's the benefit?"

"Even ordinary people can think of the Phantom of Yanghu Lake. Let me ask you...if the murderer from back then is still in Shencheng, has he also been reminded?"

Xie Wensheng thought for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Chen Xiao continued: "If we were very passive when Lian Yuhong's death first happened, then this passiveness will be reduced by two points now."

"At the beginning, we couldn't determine whether Lian Yuhong's death was caused by the murderer back then, so we could only go in two directions. One was to investigate the cases together, and the other was to investigate them separately. Facts have proved that I am still lucky. Yes, I chose the right path from the beginning.”

"Now the death of Lian Yuhong can come to an end. This end has not been announced to the public yet. The only people who know about it are the people involved in the case and the police."

Hearing this, Xie Wensheng couldn't help but interject: "I understand what you mean. Are you saying that the murderer back then might have been paying attention to the case after it happened?"

"He will definitely pay attention, unless he doesn't pay attention to the news at all. As long as he pays attention, do you think that with his status, he can not be interested in Lian Yuhong's death?"

Xie Wensheng nodded: "So your idea is not to fish him out, right?"

"No, I don't know enough about him yet. We have to fully understand Lian Da, Zhu Mao and Chang Guan, as well as your father's state back then. Only then can we understand nearly half of the murderer. .”

A strange color flashed in Xie Wensheng's eyes.

The half-understanding that Chen Xiao said made him startled.

Originally he thought this was just a probability mentioned by Chen Xiao, but then he thought about it and thought that this half understanding was the truth.

Because Chen Xiao has already raised two possibilities. Yi Lian Da and the others were forced to death like Lian Yuhong, while his father Xie Yan was forced to death in another form.

The direction of his father Xie Yan's investigation back then was to find out the events behind the deaths of the three Lianda people.

Neither Xie Yan nor later Xie Wensheng had any clues in this direction. Time can test everything, and now Xie Wensheng must wonder whether this direction is wrong.

Now Chen Xiao's words have proposed a new direction, which is to think about all four deceased people together!

"I learned through Li Jindao and some people that the three Lianda people back then had been engaged in smuggling business. This kind of business was shady, and they even had criminal records one after another. So I was thinking, what if Keep a record of all the people involved in the smuggling."

"Furthermore, we need to identify among those people whether there is anyone who has dealt with Senior Xie. If we can find someone in common, then search around him to see if we can find some clues!"

Chen Xiao gave his suggestion.

Xie Wensheng was greatly moved: "You can go to Bureau Jiao about this matter. He will definitely help you contact the anti-smuggling and customs units."

Chen Xiao nodded: "This does require Jiao Ju's help, but there are two other things. First, was there anyone that Senior Xie was very afraid of back then?"

Xie Wensheng was confused by this question, but Ye Suzhi, who had been silent in the ward, said:

"Are you talking about pure fear, or does it mean something else? If it's pure fear, then no."

"It can be said that it is fear, but it also includes someone who the old-timers feel from the bottom of their hearts that they are inferior to."

Ye Suzhi also frowned and said while recalling: "The words "Ashamed" reminded me that he often mentioned several people during his decades of work. One was his teacher, and two others The third one is his senior brother."

"Teacher Gu passed away before him, and I have never seen the other two senior brothers since his death. One of them is senior brother Zhaocheng, and the other is Zuo Shu. Senior brother Zhaocheng also retired a few years ago. , Zuo Shu seems to have gone into business in the 90s."

"When he chose to go to sea, Lao Xie was very confused and even angry. He felt that with his talent, he could make great achievements in the police industry."

"For this reason, Lao Xie went to see him several times, and the two almost came to blows. But later, Lao Xie also looked away. Everyone has his own ambitions. If I remember correctly, Zuo Shu has now established himself in the business world and is at the helm of a very large company. , the name should be called Lihai Group."

When he heard this name, Chen Xiao suddenly paused: "So, I should have seen him before. Does he have a mole between his eyebrows?"

Ye Suzhi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Lao Xie and the others often said that it was Zuo Shu's third eye. And because Zuo Shu was the second eldest child in the family, Lao Xie and the others gave him the nickname Zuo Erlang."

"Then I should have met him before."

Before taking over the Yanghu Phantom case, Chen Xiao had been following Guo Qing to visit prominent officials and businessmen in Shenzhen City.

Zuo Shu is one of them.

I actually don’t have much memory of the name Chen Xiao. After all, I always call him President when we meet.

However, the reason why Chen Xiao still remembers Lihai Group so clearly is because Zuo Shu was the only businessman who was very interested in him solving the case during the banquet.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao asked another question: "What is the relationship between Zuo Shu and Senior Xie?"

"They were all brought up by Mr. Gu to be able to stand alone as police officers. When they were young, they even ate and slept together. Although they were not blood brothers, they looked like brothers. But that was only at that time. As time goes by, Whether it’s people or feelings, things will always change.”

Chen Xiao understood the meaning, thought for a moment and said, "Madam, besides you, Captain Xie and Captain Xie's two children, do you think there is anyone who the old senior would rather die to protect?"

(End of this chapter)

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