Chapter 258 Sharp Sword

Chen Xiao was also surprised by Geng Youfeng's words.

However, thinking of Xie Yan's style of handling cases, Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile and said:

"He had mock hangings at each of your houses?"

"Yes, in my house, it was in the room where Zhu Mao hanged himself. Zhu Mao was in the middle, and Officer Xie tied the rope on the other side. At that time, he didn't let any of us go into the room, and the police officer who accompanied him kept Counting the time, I saw that it took too long before I rushed in."

"As soon as I entered, it was a nightmare for me. His face changed color and his tongue stuck out, just like... Moro Mao at that time."

Listening to these words, Chen Xiao had a picture in his mind.

For the police officers handling the case, there is nothing special about reconstructing the situation at the time of the crime to the best possible extent in the most suitable crime scene and in the most similar form.

But for the family members of the deceased who have just experienced the death of a loved one, the reappearance of the scene is still a bit cruel.

However, from Geng Youfeng's description, Chen Xiao also felt that Xie Yan's behavior was too risky.

Restoring the scene is a very effective investigative tool.

But when a person encounters a fatal crisis, it is impossible to maintain a clear mind to analyze the circumstances of the case.

Even in Chen Xiao's view, that kind of recovery is likely to be self-defeating.

Under the leadership of Geng Youfeng, Chen Xiao came to the room where Zhu Mao hanged himself.

But the house has been renovated.

This is not to cover up anything, but people who are alive always need to look forward, otherwise no one can live well when facing pain every day.

Geng Youfeng also said with emotion at this time: "After Zhu Mao was hanged, I didn't even dare to enter this house. It has been like this for several years. Later, my father-in-law made the decision and renovated the inside."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, thought for a while and then asked: "Can you roughly describe to me what Officer Xie did at that time?"

"I saw it while standing outside the door that day. When he went in for too long and no one answered his calls, the police officer waiting outside rushed in. The door was open, and I saw him hanging there. The situation is dangerous."

Geng Youfeng pointed in a direction in the house as he spoke.

"Well, I'll go in and wait for a while." Chen Xiao said and walked into the room alone.

Geng Youfeng's face changed slightly, and when she was about to say something, Lin Xi said, "It's okay, sister, don't worry."

Seeing Lin Xi take the initiative to close the door, Geng Youfeng said nothing more.

The room was quiet.

Chen Xiao also closed the curtains to make the room as dark as possible.

But there was no bed in the room, so Chen Xiao squatted on the ground and closed his eyes silently.

In fact, he didn't quite understand Xie Yan's behavior.

He knew that many police detectives would use on-site simulations to recreate cases.

But every simulation keeps people far away, which is a very abnormal behavior.

At first, Chen Xiao thought this might be Xie Yan's unique habit, but this habit almost killed him, which made Chen Xiao have some doubts.

He meditated quietly.

Under the power of cultivation, the picture Geng Youfeng described became clearer.

Xie Yan, who was not tall and somewhat fat, seemed to be standing next to him.

Chen Xiao turned his head, his eyes still closed, but in the scene under construction, his eyes seemed to be facing Xie Yan.

As soon as their eyes met, Xie Yan's body was already under the rope.

With the help of the bench, Xie Yan grabbed the rope and pulled his head in.

Then Xie Yan's face began to gradually turn red, and finally his eyes began to become bloodshot, his tongue protruded, and his saliva drooled. I just don’t know why, but Xie Yan’s image suddenly collapsed again at this moment, making it impossible for Chen Xiao to capture it anymore.

Chen Xiao tried several times, but finally he had no choice but to open his eyes and shouted: "Xiaoxi."

Lin Xi opened the door: "What's wrong?"

"Go to the car and get some paper, pens and an easel. It's in the trunk."

"it is good."

Lin Xi hurried back and handed over the sketch paper, pens and easel that Chen Xiao had prepared habitually.

After waiting for Chen Xiao to set up, Lin Xi closed the door again.

Geng Youfeng looked puzzled: "Ms. Lin, does Consultant Chen want to paint?"

Lin Xi nodded: "Well, he also has some strange behaviors like Officer Xie. But the difference is that Chen Xiao likes to draw."

It’s not that Chen Xiao likes painting.

As a person beside him, Lin Xi was sure that Chen Xiao was not good enough to draw a suspect.

He wanted to try to draw some lines, and those lines were the known facts of the case.

Chen Xiao sat in front of the drawing board, holding a pen and drawing "swish, swish, swish" while analyzing in his mind.

"Lianda died first, then Zhumao, and then Changguan. The three deaths were only one day apart, and Lianda's death was treated as a suicide from the beginning. At that time, it was even No police were called.”

"It wasn't until Zhu Mao died that some rumors began to spread. In the end, Chang Guan also died, so the police intervened. The person who intervened was Xie Yan."

"After Xie Yan intervened in the investigation, he began to look for the reasons that led to the deaths of the three people. The reason why Xie Yan determined that the deaths of the three people were strange was that when Lian Da died, Zhu Mao and Chang Guan were not present, and when Zhu Mao died, Chang Guan also Still didn’t come, and Chang Guan died in the end!”

"When the three of them were alive, they claimed to have been friends through life, not to mention life and death. When a person dies suddenly, his friends usually come over. But after Xie Yan's investigation, he found that the deaths of several people seemed to have been said to have happened long ago. It seems better, we finally investigated what happened when Lian Da fell into the water the night before his death."

Chen Xiao thought that this time he was not painting a portrait.

He painted lakes.

Draw three figures on the shore.

He also painted three figures falling into the lake.

It's like drawing a cartoon.

By the end, three men hanged in different scenes appeared on the drawing paper.

Chen Xiao looked at it and temporarily stopped writing.

"The fall into the water may have been due to drunkenness, but why did some people say they saw strange shadows by Yanghu Lake that night? Also, on the day of Lian Da's death, I seemed to hear someone tapping on the window of their house."

"Yes, I almost forgot about this information. Who saw the shadow by Yang Lake? Why didn't Xie Yan check it? Is it because he felt in his heart that this was a lie? If so, why did he slap Window didn’t explain the reason in the file?”

"Did someone shoot it outside, or did Lian Da shoot it himself?"

Chen Xiao looked at the painting and finally put a "√" on the lake.

He felt that it might not be a coincidence that the deaths of Lian Da and the others were linked to the Phantom of Yanghu.

Just like Xie Wensheng sacrificed himself to guide public opinion in order to get Chen Xiao the maximum benefit from the Yanghu Phantom case!

And isn’t the Phantom of Yanghu a sharp sword that can guide public opinion?

In murder cases, there is no shortage of cases where feudal superstitions and legends of monsters and ghosts are used!

(End of this chapter)

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