I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 259 There is a person, do you know him?

Chapter 259 There is a person, do you know him?

Chen Xiao immediately opened the door and found Geng Youfeng again.

"Sister Geng, there is something I want to talk to you about."

As Chen Xiao said, Geng Youfeng was very surprised.

"You ask."

"I learned from the case files of that year that Officer Xie found out something, that is, your husband and three of them all fell into the water in Yanghu Lake the night before Lian Da died, right?"

Geng Youfeng nodded: "Yes, they all seemed to have drunk too much that night, and the three of them rolled into the lake together."

"Then why do some people say that the three of them fell into the water after being bewitched by some female ghost? But after escaping in the water, they were entangled by the female ghost again and finally hanged themselves?"

Hearing this, Geng Youfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Consultant Chen, what kind of female ghost is there in you?"

"Of course I don't believe it."

"That's right. Officer Xie scoffed at that kind of legend at that time."

"That's natural, but from whom did you hear that it was a female ghost who harmed people? Did someone tell it personally in front of you?" Chen Xiao asked.

Geng Youfeng was obviously stunned by this question.

She thought seriously for a while, then shook her head and said: "I don't know about this. I think I heard it from my mother-in-law. At that time, she cried every day, and many relatives and friends came to comfort her. Later, there were That legend.”

"Then do you know who saw Zhu Mao and the others falling into the water three times by Yang Lake, or what kind of female ghost appeared when they fell into the water?"

Geng Youfeng shook his head again: "I really don't know. The day after Zhu Mao's accident, Lao Chang also had an accident. Then when I went to Lao Chang's house, many people said what the hell was going on."

"Well, if something happened to Lian Da, why didn't you and Zhu Mao go visit him?"

Geng Youfeng said: "I remember Officer Xie also asked about this matter. At that time, I told him that Zhu Mao had gone."


"Yes, Zhu Mao and Chang Guan both went. But I don't know why, they didn't go to Brother Lian Da's house in the end."

"Then when something happened to Zhu Mao, Chang Guan didn't come to the house, right?"

"Yes, I talked about this matter with his wife later. He said that Chang Guan locked himself in the house that day and said nothing. It was precisely because of this that Officer Xie felt that the three of them were dead after he learned about it. It’s not normal. In fact, I also find it strange that three brothers who are so close to each other, when something serious happened, they all rushed over, why didn’t they enter the house in the end.”

Geng Youfeng also looked puzzled.

Chen Xiao fell silent, and finally asked.

"Did Zhu Mao behave abnormally before and after the accident?"

You don't need to think about this question to know that Xie Yan must have asked it.

But Chen Xiao still chose to ask again because he told Lin Xi that he wanted to forget Xie Yan's previous investigation.

Geng Youfeng raised his head and said, "There's nothing unusual about this. It's just like every day before. I go out during the day and come back at night."

"Then do you know the enemies of Zhumao and the others?"

"I know, Officer Xie went to investigate everyone at first, but later found that there seemed to be no problem."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly. He felt that the question he asked was too routine.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Where is Peng Yuanqing? From what you know, what is this person like?"

Chen Xiao asked. Geng Youfeng couldn't remember it for a while, so Chen Xiao reminded him: "The person Lian Da's wife Zhang Shurong later remarried."

Geng Youfeng suddenly realized: "It turns out to be him. I have nothing to say about that person. He is just a rotten person. Both Zhu Mao and Chang Guan knew that he and Zhang Shurong had problems. Several times they said they wanted to kill him when they were together. Peng Yuanqing."

"But they didn't know how to explain it to Brother Lian Da, so the matter was delayed again and again, and nothing was resolved in the end."

"Well, let's not talk about relationships. What position did Peng Yuanqing hold in your husband's business at that time?" Chen Xiao asked again. Geng Youfeng said with disdain: "That kind of person will definitely not hold any important positions. He was also lucky enough to save Brother Lian Da once, and then Brother Lian Da took him as a confidant. If Zhu Mao and Chang Guan hadn't been blocking him, No one knows how much benefit will be gained.”

"Does that mean he was excluded at the time?"

"Well, Zhu Mao and Chang Guan have been rejecting each other. Brother Lian Da mistakenly thought that they were worried about their positions being affected. Later, thinking about brotherly feelings, he stopped caring about Peng Yuanqing."

Chen Xiao also couldn't help but analyze Peng Yuanqing in his heart.

In Chen Xiao's current feelings, the person who caused the case of the Phantom of Yanghu was the person.

He must meet several conditions.

One: He knows the legend of the Phantom of Yanghu Lake very well.

Two: He and Lian Da must have a deep relationship.

In the end, Xie Yan was also involved to a certain extent in that relationship!

Because Chen Xiao must believe part of the facts of the case, that is, regardless of Lian Da, Zhu Mao Changguan, or Xie Yan.

There was no external force at the scene of their death!

Chen Xiao asked Peng Yuanqing because Peng Yuanqing and Lian Da had a relationship.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "Does Officer Xie know Peng Yuanqing?"

"I remember that Officer Xie interrogated Peng Yuanqing."

"I know this. What I mean is that when the case first started, do you think Officer Xie and Peng Yuanqing knew each other?"

"I don't know you, or maybe I didn't pay attention at the time."

Chen Xiao grinned slightly, and then took down the paintings he had drawn on the drawing board.

When he walked out again, Chen Xiao suddenly thought of a question:

"By the way, how do Zhu Mao and Lian Da Changguan know each other?"

"Because they are both members of the Yanghu group, they were all young people in the village who didn't know each other at first. Later, because they were doing the same thing, they became friends in order to take care of each other."

"So that's it. Then there were only three of them who worshiped me at that time. Is there anyone else?"

"No, I followed Zhu Mao when I was only sixteen years old, so I know everything about Zhu Mao."

After asking this, Chen Xiao started to feel something in his heart.

The emergence of this feeling made him feel that the questions he asked had begun to go on the right path.

It's just that he can't decide yet whether it is correct in the direction or on a separate issue.

Seeing that they had been chatting for a long time, Geng Youfeng suddenly realized: "Look, you two have been chatting for so long, and you even forgot to pour you a cup of tea."

"It's okay, sister." Lin Xi quickly grabbed Geng Youfeng.

The latter said it was okay and ran over to pour two cups of tea.

Chen Xiao remained silent after asking, not even communicating with Lin Xi.

Although his eyes were staring at the tea in the teacup, his face was also full of thoughts.

Finally, Chen Xiao suddenly frowned. He felt as if he had really missed someone.

So he quickly put down the tea cup and asked: "Sister Geng, please stop working now. I have to ask someone else."

Geng Youfeng turned his head curiously, and Chen Xiao said, "Do you know Li Jindao?"

(End of this chapter)

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