Chapter 260 A case within a case!

"Li Jindao?"

When Chen Xiao said this name, let alone Geng Youfeng.

Even Lin Xi was a little stunned.

She never expected that Chen Xiao would ask Geng Youfeng about Li Jindao.

But what she didn't expect was that Geng Youfeng kept muttering after reminiscing:

"Hey, this name... why do you feel like you've heard it somewhere before?"

When seeing Geng Youfeng's reaction, Chen Xiao did not interrupt.

He was waiting, waiting for Geng Youfeng to recall it himself.

The waiting time didn't last long before Geng Youfeng remembered.

"I remember the Li Jindao you mentioned. It seems that he is also a smuggler like Zhu Mao and the others. But there seems to be someone there for Li Jindao, so he has been very careful and nothing happened."

"It's him. Can he remember anything besides these?"

It was not surprising that Geng Youfeng thought of Li Jindao and Chen Xiao, because Li Jindao also said that he knew the three Lianda people.

Geng Youfeng has been following Zhu Mao since he was sixteen years old, so it is not surprising that he knows Li Jindao.

Geng Youfeng continued to recall, thinking as he said: "If I remember correctly, Zhu Mao and the others seem to be quite afraid of Li Jindao. People who work in their profession cannot offend Li Jindao."

"Otherwise, Li Jindao will drive people to death!"

The moment he heard that he was going to death, Chen Xiao's brows suddenly wrinkled:

"What do you mean by pushing to death?"

Geng Youfeng shook his head: "I'm not sure about this, I just heard about it. And at that time, wealthy people also liked to do business by lending money. When you can't get the money back, you know how to do it."

When the words "collection" came to mind, Chen Xiao's mind suddenly stopped.

"After Zhu Mao passed away, did he owe any high debts?"

Geng Youfeng shook his head again: "There are debts, but there are no high amounts, and no one has come to ask about the debts. I always paid off the debts one by one according to the debts Zhu Mao mentioned to me before he was alive."

Although Geng Youfeng's words were gentle and calm.

But Chen Xiao did feel from the family members of the deceased in the Yanghu Phantom case that everyone is different.

After Lian Da's death, Zhang Shurong directly took his family's savings and remarried Peng Yuanqing. Although she had her own pursuits and could have chosen to ignore Lian Da's parents at that time, she didn't even care about her biological daughter.

But after Zhu Mao died, Geng Youfeng had a completely different approach.

He helped her husband pay off the debts he had owed during his lifetime, and supported the old man and raised his children with his thin body.

Chen Xiao believes that when her child gets married, she will be the proudest person.

But Geng Youfeng did have a hard life.

After asking this, Chen Xiao actually knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get any valuable information from the family members of the deceased.

But one thing that is certain is that the deaths of Lian Da, Zhu Mao, and Chang Guan did not involve money.

Since money is not involved, what else can force someone to death?

Lian Yuhong was forced to death by Gu Rong because she had an unidentified child in her belly and was worried about being exposed.

But the reason why the latter can really drive Lian Yuhong to death is that Lian Yuhong has a sense of shame. If Lian Yuhong is like her mother, Gu Rong can't force her unless she takes action.

Therefore, the deaths of Lian Da and the others must have nothing to do with shame or money.

It's just that without money, there's no shame or shame for their loved ones, so what else can make them choose to die willingly?

Especially what happened that night that caused them to fall into the water three times?

Is it really just drunk?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but say: "Sister Geng, do you know where the three of them drank on the night they fell into the water?"

"Officer Xie also asked me this question. Zhu Mao was still in a state of confusion after he fell into the water and came back. I saw his ghostly look and said a few words to him. He seemed to mutter "blind man, blind man!" several times. "

Chen Xiao has never seen the word "blind man" in the case file!

This made Chen Xiao wonder whether Xie Yan was in the police force when he asked this question, or whether it was just a daily chat with him.

It’s understandable if it’s a daily conversation, but if it’s a serious job of taking notes in the police force, the word “blind” will definitely be included.

"Where did Officer Xie ask you at that time?"

"I asked you this casually when I was chatting with you at my house."

Chen Xiao suddenly understood and smiled and said: "Then do you know where the blind man is pointing? The blind man's barbecue stall? Or the blind man's food stall? Or the blind man's porridge shop?"

"I've never heard of it. The places he frequents have nothing to do with the blind man. I don't understand."

Seeing that Geng Youfeng was indeed unclear, Chen Xiao stopped asking further.

After looking at the time, Chen Xiao said, "Sister Geng, it's getting late, so we won't disturb you."

"Don't bother me. I know that many people have given up on what happened back then. Even nine out of ten of our family members have given up. But for me, I feel very happy to see you police officers come to investigate this matter again. Excited."

"I don't care about others, but in my heart I really hope Zhu Mao can rest in peace!"

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, but didn't say another word.

After leading Lin Xi out, he asked, "Are you tired?"

"Are you looking down on me too much? This is just a lot of work, not to mention you are doing it all."

"Okay, I'll take you to the nursing home to look for the relics left by Officer Xie."

Lin Xi nodded, but also said: "Actually, after understanding the case so far, I think we are still blind and trying to figure out the elephant. We always feel that we are close to something, but when we get deeper, we find that we are wrong again."

"Yes, I always feel that everything is possible, but in the end nothing is possible." Chen Xiao frowned.

Lin Xi's eyes were full of solemnity: "I think the current situation is very important for Lian Da, the three of them, and Officer Xie, and there must be a rope between them, and that rope connects all four of them. Tied up."

"That's what you say, but what can happen to tie up a criminal police officer who was investigating the case and three smugglers? Team Qin has already gone to investigate, but Officer Xie is not involved in any smuggling cases."

"What is Officer Xie mainly investigating?" Lin Xi asked.

Chen Xiao blurted out: "What he is best at is the investigation of murder cases. Judging from his resume, he is not very outstanding in other crimes."

"In that case, why not make counter-inferences based on what Officer Xie is best at?"

Chen Xiao paused when he heard this: "Based on Xie Yan's ability, are you doing reverse reasoning? Xie Yan is best at investigating murder cases. If you do it the other way around, can you say..."

At this point, Lin Xi's eyes suddenly widened and she exclaimed: "Oh my God, there's not another case behind the Phantom of Yanghu Lake!"

Chen Xiao did not respond because he had already started the car and drove towards the criminal police team!

 In the new year, I wish my dear readers good luck and happiness. I will definitely update more after the new year! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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