Chapter 261 The lost transcript!

When Lin Xi said, "There will not be another case behind the Phantom of Yanghu Lake."

Chen Xiao felt as if a pair of hands had reached into his chaotic mind.

Those hands were Lin Xi, and she was helping Chen Xiao tear through the chaos, finally revealing a glimmer of light.

Chen Xiao has never figured out what kind of thing could drive three grown men to death.

Hearing that Li Jindao had granted the loan, Chen Xiao thought of the high debt. He suspected that Lian Da and the others might owe huge debts and be unable to repay them with their lives.

But Geng Youfeng said with certainty that no one asked for debts after Zhu Mao's death.

This means that money is probably not the root cause.

Then there was the search for clues to Lian Yuhong's death, but in the end Chen Xiao felt that it was unlikely.

Finally, Lin Xi asked if there might be another case behind the scenes.

Chen Xiao's thinking has never been the same again.

If there really was such a case and they could be sentenced to death directly, would it be possible for the three Lianda people to choose to hang themselves in order not to affect their relatives?

However, there is still something unclear about this idea.

That was Xie Yan's death.

Chen Xiao didn't care so much for the time being and drove to the criminal police team first.

When Qin Fei saw it, he looked surprised: "Consultant Chen, you are such a hot-tempered person..."

"Ask the people in the archives to do you a favor and compile the files on all the cases that Senior Xie Yan handled during his lifetime, especially those where the real culprit was not found!"

Every city has unsolved crimes.

It can even be subdivided into each criminal police team.

Especially in the distant past, almost all shelved cases existed.

Chen Xiao's current idea is to find the case that can connect Xie Yan and Lian Da.

Of course, this is just the best wish, and it is also a wish that cannot be realized immediately.

Because that case definitely did not lead to the investigation of Lian Da and the others.

Qin Fei was also a little confused when Chen Xiao said what he meant.

"Have you found anything?" Qin Fei asked more, and Chen Xiao shook his head and said: "Not yet, but Lin Xi gave me a heads up, so I think I should rule it out. Well, if the case has characteristics, it would be best good."

"Then what characteristics do you have to say?" Tan Fei said with a bitter smile.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said: "Blind man!"

Qin Fei nodded: "Okay, I will notify the archives to sort it out for you."

As he said that, Tan Fei couldn't help but glance at Lin Xi. But he didn't say much, he just smiled and nodded and went to the archives first.

After waiting for him to leave, Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and called Xie Wensheng.

Xie Wensheng will enter the operating room tomorrow.

After Xie Wensheng came out from the operation, it was obviously not suitable to think about or recall anything.

The most important thing is that no one is sure that Xie Wensheng can safely get off the operating table tomorrow.

The call got through.

Xie Wensheng smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have a question. You should have heard of some of the cases that the senior handled during his lifetime, right?"

Xie Wensheng nodded: "No, I don't know about many of his cases because I was not in the same place as him after I started working."

"Well, do you know how many cases your father had in which the real culprit was not caught?"

"That's true."

"Is there a suspected murderer in the case, or do the deceased and his family members have blind characteristics?"

Xie Wensheng replied almost without thinking: "No, at least I haven't heard my dad talk about it." "What about the old lady? Does she have any memory?"

On the other end of the phone, Xie Wensheng asked his mother: "Mom, did my father ever handle a case before his death, and the relevant people in it had bad eyesight?"

"I've never heard of it, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Chen Xiao is just asking."

"Oh, it probably doesn't happen, or maybe your dad didn't mention it to me. He rarely told me about his previous work matters."

Chen Xiao heard the conversation on the other end and smiled bitterly: "In that case, I will check the files myself."

"Well, but can you tell me why you need to check like this?"

Chen Xiao told Lin Xi's conjecture, and Xie Wensheng said with a look of astonishment: "This conjecture is very new, but don't ignore a crucial question. Why did my father die in that way?"

"I know, but the word blind was told to me by Zhu Mao's wife. She said that Zhu Mao kept mumbling the night he fell into the water, so I want to rule it out."

"It does have to be ruled out, but when did your wife come?"

"She arrived last night, and she didn't tell me." Chen Xiao smiled, and Xie Wensheng said: "I heard you said before that your wife is also a policeman. It seems that she is also very powerful! If there is a chance , you can come to the hospital to see me again, the surgery will be at eight o'clock tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I will go."

Chen Xiao replied and the two hung up the phone without further chatting.

After continuing to wait in the criminal police team for a while, Qin Fei informed him that the files had been sorted out.

Chen Xiao took Lin Xi to the archives room. When looking at the piles of case files, Lin Xi felt dizzy:

"Hmph, I knew I came to Shen City to find you and want to work for you."

Chen Xiao chuckled, pinched Lin Xi's cheek and said, "Help me, husband and wife work together to make a difference!"

"After watching, treat me to something delicious."

Lin Xi said casually, and Chen Xiao realized that he had a dinner date with Zuo Shu that evening.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao immediately called Xiao Ji and the others.

"The three of you come to the Criminal Police Team now to help look at the case together. The police force here in the Criminal Police Team is limited and we are busy."

"Okay, Brother Chen, we'll be there soon."

After Chen Xiao made the call, he also started to check.

Both he and Lin Xi focused on checking the case files of unsolved cases.

There are not many unsolved cases, three in total.

Xie Yan was already in his fifties when he died, and his entire police career lasted from the 70s and 80s until the end of 94.

In such a long time, it is understandable that the murderer was not caught.

Just be afraid, you have arrested the wrong person!

However, Chen Xiao had no feelings about two of the cases because the time interval was too long.

What really caught his attention was the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90!

Chen Xiao looked at the case file and placed it in front of Lin Xi, with an almost certain look on his face and said:

"Look at this case, the numbers are right!"

Lin Xi picked it up immediately, and after looking at it for a few times, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "The couple were killed, all the money was stolen, and the suspicious footprints of three people were found at the scene!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, the number of these three people is very wrong. Moreover, please scroll back."

Lin Xi continued to turn back, but his brows furrowed as he looked at her:

"Hey, why does this case feel like something is not right? It seems that the content before and after it is not connected, especially the transcript part!"

Chen Xiao squinted his eyes and said, "Yes, I feel the same way. I even suspect that part of the contents of this case file... is lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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