Chapter 262 Cao Chan

When the contents of a cold murder case file appear to be missing.

Not to mention Lin Xi is a policeman, even an ordinary person knows what that means.

Lin Xi looked at Chen Xiao, and Chen Xiao was also looking at her.

Although the couple didn't make eye contact, the shock they showed could not be hidden from each other.

"Why is it happening like that?"

Lin Xi's voice was a little low.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After the case was investigated until this point, the scene that Chen Xiao least wanted to see finally appeared.

The case file has lost its content.

And it is impossible to determine when it was lost.

But who is interested in the content of the case Xie Yan is investigating?

Besides the murderer, would Xie Yan do this?

And what is missing from the case?

It looks like it should be part of the transcript!

It’s just a transcript, but whose transcript is it?

Lin Xi thought for a while and replied: "The lost content should be easy to find who said it, and looking at the transcript, I think it will be easy for you and me to guess it."

"Indeed, there are two parents of the deceased and their friends in the case, but the only thing missing is the records of their children! The two deceased were husband and wife, and money was lost at home, so this case of burglary and murder was There is no reason to lose the transcripts of the deceased’s relatives.”

With that said, Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and called Geng Youfeng.

The latter answered and asked: "Sister Geng, I suddenly thought of a question. I shouldn't bother you, right?"

"How is that possible? Consultant Chen, just ask."

"Well, did Zhu Mao make a fortune around 90? And if I remember correctly, doing business should require capital. When did he start smuggling, and how did he get the capital? "

Geng Youfeng was stunned by this question: "They are the same businesses that started in 90. Zhu Mao borrowed the principal from his relatives, and they paid it back very quickly."

"Well, let me ask again what size of feet does Zhumao wear?"

"42 shoes."

"Do you know Lian Da and Chang Guan?"

"I don't know their feet, but Chang Guan's feet are the smallest."

"Okay, I'll hang up now. I'll tell you if I find out."

Chen Xiao hurriedly hung up the phone, then pointed to one of the footprints in the case file and said, "The size of the footprints is consistent. Although the footprints cannot be counted as evidence, if they match, it is enough to label them as suspects."

"And Chang Guan and Lian Da will be able to get the data very quickly. If nothing else, it might be the two of them."

"If so, the cause of death of the three Lianda people can be determined, and..."

And Lin Xi didn't say everything, because Chen Xiao could understand what he said.

If the Lumingling Reservoir murder was committed by three people from Lianda.

If there is anything missing in the case, it was Xie Yan who took it away.

Then by combining these two information points, many things can be hypothesized.

Because Chen Xiao had asked before that whether Xie Yan's death was to protect someone!

But who to protect, now there is an answer.

That person is probably a relative of Xie Yan, but it is impossible to be a blood relative.

Because the deceased in the Lumingling case was not related to Xie Yan.

Chen Xiao sighed: "Xiaoxi, go buy some things and let's go visit Captain Xie."

"Are you really sure you want to go now? Otherwise, wait until tomorrow. He will have surgery soon. Not to mention whether you have evidence, even just a guess will be a heavy blow to Team Xie." Chen Xiaoshen Taking a breath: "I understand, but you have to know that they heard the phone call just now. Team Xie will have surgery tomorrow morning, and they are all here today."

Lin Xi didn't speak anymore, nodded and said, "I'll listen to your arrangement, but I think you won't say it now. You want to find out."

"Yes, I still don't know her name."

After the couple finished speaking, Xiaoji and the three of them came back just at this time.

Chen Xiao told them: "You continue to look at the case files here, there are many others..."

"What's wrong, Brother Chen?"

"I will send two birthday numbers to your phone later, and you can help me calculate them."

"no problem."

After the explanation was completed, Chen Xiao walked out of the archives room, then took out his mobile phone and called Qin Fei:

"Team Qin, do you know about the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90?"

"I don't know that. I wasn't a police officer at that time."

"Well, please help me investigate whether the deceased in the Luming Ridge case has any children. If you find out, remember to tell me the name of the child as soon as possible." Chen Xiao paused for a moment and then continued:

"Why don't you just ask Jiao Ju directly? He should be very familiar with him at that time. I'm going somewhere right now...waiting for news from you."

"no problem."

Seeing that Qin Fei agreed, Chen Xiao had nothing to arrange.

I took Lin Xi to the hospital and bought some things on the way.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xie Wensheng looked surprised when he saw Chen Xiao and Lin Xi arriving:

"Hey, you two are really here! I am having surgery at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, not eight o'clock tonight. You are busy with your business!"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Xiaoxi said she wanted to come and see you, my big brother, and send you her blessings. Although it's a bit embarrassing to say it, she really brought me a lot of luck, so I also hope you will be happy tomorrow." The operation went smoothly and everything was a false alarm.”

Xie Wensheng nodded repeatedly: "Haha, let me thank my siblings first!"

As he was talking, Xie Wensheng's wife also brought two glasses of water: "Chen Xiao, brother and sister, drink water."

"Xie Dui, is this sister-in-law? Sister-in-law looks so elegant!" Lin Xi started talking.

Xie Wensheng's wife smiled and shook her head; "When you are old, why talk about temperament?"

"You can't say that. If you were more than ten years younger, you would definitely be a beauty."

Xie Wensheng agreed with approval: "Yes, when I first met her, she almost fascinated me to death."

"You are still talking nonsense at your age!"

"Honey, I'm not talking nonsense. While Chen Xiao and I are here, you have to think that I mean what I said. I'm still a little scared..."

Before Xie Wensheng finished speaking, his wife's eyes widened: "Don't say unlucky words!"

"Okay, okay, don't say anything bad. But you have really worked hard these years, and thank you for your love and care for me over the years."

Xie Wensheng was moved. His wife shook her head with a smile and said with red eyes, "I do. Who wants you to thank me?"

Upon seeing this, Chen Xiao glanced at Lin Xi, who quickly asked: "By the way, Chen Xiao, what's your sister-in-law's name? Can I save her phone number?"

"Her surname is Cao, and her single name is Chan, which is the same Chan as Chanjuan."

Lin Xi suddenly said: "Sister-in-law and Captain Xie are the same age as you?"

"That's not the case. Your sister-in-law is much younger than me. I am in my forties now, and your sister-in-law is only thirty-five this year. When I first met her, I remember correctly it was in 91, and she was only twenty years old at that time. Woolen cloth!"

Xie Wensheng was talking to himself, and Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Then how did you meet? Was it through introduction, or was it free love?"

"We were introduced by someone, but you would never guess the person who introduced us!"

(End of this chapter)

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