Chapter 263 I don’t make this choice!

When I heard the name Cao Chan.

Xie Wensheng didn't notice the flash of surprise in Chen Xiao's eyes.

However, before the doubts in his mind were solved, Xie Wensheng said another extremely surprising thing.

"The person who introduced me and your sister-in-law is my dad!"

The introducer of Xie Wensheng and Cao Chan was actually Xie Yan!

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi both looked surprised. Cao Chan smiled and nodded:

"Yes, dad was our introducer. I was an orphan, and we met during a volunteer activity. Later, dad introduced me to Wen Sheng. Then, we quickly got to know each other, and finally formed the current family."

"Sister-in-law, haven't you had a family since you were a child?"

"Well, my parents disappeared to who knows where when I was little."

"I see, that's it... let's not talk about this anymore." Chen Xiao said with a smile, and then changed the subject:

"By the way, Captain Xie, you know I have a friend who is very good at divination. Why don't you give me the birth dates of you and my sister-in-law, and then I'll ask him to calculate the good and bad luck."

Xie Wensheng reacted: "You are talking about Dayou, right? Indeed...his previous divination of Xue Xiangdi, Xiong Ruru and those people was amazing!"

As he spoke, Xie Wensheng wrote out his birth date and said with a smile:

"Although I am a policeman, I have to admit that there are indeed strange people in this world!"

Seeing that Xie Wensheng did not resist, Chen Xiao said to Cao Chan and Ye Suzhi: "Sister-in-law, aunt, why don't you write one too, so that we can all comfort ourselves."

Ye Suzhi wrote down her own without hesitation. Cao Chan smiled and said, "Why should mine be counted as well?"

"You and Captain Xie are one husband and wife."

"Okay, I'm one of them." Cao Chan didn't refuse, and scrawled down her birth date.

Chen Xiao left the ward after getting it, while Lin Xi kept chatting with Cao Chan.

When they arrived in the corridor, Chen Xiao called Liu Dayou: "I have sent you the horoscopes of birth. Among them, you can calculate Cao Chan's birth horoscopes accurately, especially her destiny in this life."

"I understand, Brother Chen, but you also know that divination is always on time or inaccurate."

"It's okay, no one knows whether you are accurate or not, just do the math and see."

"it is good."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he put down his cell phone, but when he turned around, Cao Chan was standing at the door of the ward at some point, looking at him.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and Cao Chan also walked over and said with a smile:

"Chen Xiao, thank you for taking Wen Sheng's matter so seriously."

"Sister-in-law, why are you so polite to me?"

"This is not polite, but gratitude from the bottom of my heart. I also know that you have been investigating my father-in-law's death. This is Wen Sheng's heartache, and you are the only person he can place his hope on."

Listening to Cao Chan's words, Chen Xiao felt a little shaken.

He looked at Cao Chan and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you think I have to investigate the Yanghu Phantom case?"

Cao Chan lowered his head: "You accepted Wen Sheng's commission. He should be eager to find out."

"Then if the final result is very bad for him, sister-in-law, do you think it should be revealed?"

Cao Chan smiled softly: "This is a matter for you as case handlers. How can I, a woman, know so much?"

"But you are his wife, I think you should help him make a choice at this time."

"I don't make this choice."

Cao Chan said and turned back to the ward.

Chen Xiao looked at her figure and became increasingly irritable.

In the conversation just now, either Chen Xiao was overthinking, or he and Cao Chan hinted at each other's thoughts.

Although Chen Xiao couldn't explain what blind man meant.

There is no way to explain how, if it was really Cao Chan, she forced Lian Da and the others to death. And since Xie Yan introduced Cao Chan, it stands to reason that Xie Wensheng should also know Cao Chan's experience.

When seeing Cao Chan about to enter the ward, Chen Xiao shouted: "Sister-in-law, do you know about the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90?"

Cao Chan paused, shook her head behind Chen Xiao's back and said, "I've never heard of it."

Chen Xiao did not reply.

After waiting for Cao Chan to go in, Lin Xi also walked out, frowning and saying:

"It looks like it, but it doesn't look like it. Many things cannot be explained."


"But if so, how are you going to choose?"

"I don't know." Chen Xiaozheng said, and Qin Fei called Jiao Hu.

"Hey, Chen Xiao, I'm Jiao Hu. Qin Fei said you have something to ask me about?"

"Jiao Ju, do you have any memory about the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90?"

Jiao Hu paused briefly and replied: "I have some memories, but that case was handled by Xie Yan and his junior brother together. It seems that after that case, his junior brother went to sea to do business. In that murder case, there were only a few footprints. , so in the end we didn’t find out who the real culprit was.”

"It seems that it was for this reason that Zuo Shu was severely hit and has never joined the police again."

Chen Xiao had no idea that the Lumingling Reservoir case was the reason why Zuo Shu abandoned the police and went into business!

Before that, Ye Suzhi just said that Zuo Shuzhi was not in the police force. Xie Yan was still very confused about this and almost got into a fight several times!

Listening to Jiao Hu's words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask another question: "In the case file of the Lumingling Reservoir case, except for the two police officers who were the main investigators, the persons recorded in the case file were why there were no children among the relatives of the deceased?" Li Qian and his wife were both forty years old at the time."

"I wasn't working in the criminal police team at the time. I just had an impression of the case and knew who was investigating it, so I didn't know the details of the case. However, there should be records in the case file. If there are no records, it means there are no children."

Jiao Hu's words already show that he does not know much about the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90.

However, Jiao Hu revealed another piece of information, that is, Zuo Shu was involved in the investigation of the reservoir case!

It happened that Chen Xiao had already made an appointment to have dinner with Zuo Shu that evening, so after saying a few words to Jiao Hu, he also hung up the phone.

Not long after, Guo Qing called and said that he and Zuo Shu were already on their way to the hotel.

After checking the time, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi did not stay in the hospital anymore. They said goodbye to Xie Wensheng and went straight to the hotel.

On the road, Lin Xi sat quietly in the passenger seat.

Chen Xiao drove the car silently.

When they arrived at the hotel, Guo Qing and Zuo Shu had already arrived first.

Chen Xiao pushed open the door of the box and saw Zuo Shu at a glance.

He was a man who looked like a weak scholar at first glance. He was wearing a pair of myopic glasses.

He was talking to Guo Qing with a faint smile in his eyes.

After hearing the noise, Guo Qing and Guo Qing looked toward the door.

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand and said hello with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Zuo, we meet again!"

Zuo Shu stood up and said with a smile on his face: "Yes, I didn't expect President Chen to take the initiative to come to me this time. It seems that you have found out everything that happened before!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "It was definitely not a deliberate investigation, but I didn't expect that Mr. Zuo and Captain Xie Wensheng's families actually have such a connection!"

Zuo Shu smiled: "Yes, but if you come to me now, you must have investigated the Lumingling Reservoir case in 90, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao's eyes couldn't help but condense.

(End of this chapter)

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