Chapter 268 Informant!

Cao Chan still has a deep resistance to Chen Xiao.

Especially when she said that Chen Xiao could not do anything to her, she told Chen Xiao directly.

She wasn't wrong.

She's just seeking revenge.

Moreover, the law cannot severely punish her for her behavior.

The only thing she worries about is that her husband will find out and it will affect her entire family.

That's it!

But Chen Xiao came to her now not to convict her.

Seeing Cao Chan looking like she was going to resist to the end, Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh:

"Sister-in-law, didn't Senior Xie's death bring you any reflection? Yes, I know you think you are right, and avenging your parents is indeed right in my opinion."

"But have you ever thought about how much suffering Senior Xie must have suffered at that time? He was a good policeman who had never had a stain in his life. Even if he died in the end, he still made the decision to donate his body while he was still alive. .”

"Did you really never think about what he died for?"

Xie Yan was mentioned.

Cao Chan's head, which had been held high, finally lowered its head.

Tears fell from his eyes one by one.

"I really didn't expect that he would end his life in that way. I also knew that he did it to save me. At that time, he actually knew that I did it. Especially when my father saw their When you change your shoe size, your whole person changes.”

"I originally thought he would definitely talk to me about the deaths of the three Lianda people, but I didn't expect that he didn't say a word in the end."

Chen Xiao started to think.

Now, he still has two doubts in his mind.

One is what Cao Chan said. In his opinion, it was not enough for Lian Da and the three of them to commit suicide one after another. There was probably something else behind the matter.

The other one is Xie Yan's death.

Although Xie Yan is a very principled policeman, suicide is not a trivial matter.

He can feel ashamed because he is a policeman but cannot arrest his daughter-in-law without mercy.

But that shouldn't make him completely despair, right?

Is there someone who always knows what Cao Chan is doing? If that person takes this as a threat, then Xie Yan may choose to go to extremes.

Also, Chen Xiao had doubts before, who first publicized the Phantom of Yanghu?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Cao Chan deeply, and said extremely seriously:

"Then have you ever thought that everything you did was seen? You even left evidence. Although if you think about what you did roughly, no one may be able to do anything to you. But if you pretend to be a ghost every time , if there are people witnessing it, then your behavior has already involved murder!"

Cao Chan's expression changed with shock: "How is this possible!"

"How is it impossible? When Senior Xie realized that it was you who did it, he actually had many choices. For example, he advised you to surrender, because at that time you could not become the direct murderer of the murder."

"Since it's difficult for you to be identified as a murderer, how could Senior Xie go to that extreme? What's more, he himself has experienced the Luming Ridge case. I think although he is a policeman, he should also have some thoughts in his heart. A steelyard."

As Chen Xiao said, Cao Chan also fell into deep thought.

If no one asked her about this kind of problem, she might never think about it in her life.

Because anyone who knows Xie Yan knows that Xie Yan is a person who values ​​mission and honor above all else.

Someone among his relatives became a murderer, and naturally he couldn't accept it. But he couldn't do it for the sake of justice, so he was tormented in his heart and chose short-sightedness. It was very reasonable!

But this kind of rationality lacks convincing power if we think about it seriously.

So after Cao Chan was pointed out by Chen Xiao, she began to waver.

But Chen Xiao did not wait for her to figure it out, but said:

"Who knew you were a survivor of Luming Ridge back then?" "Uncle Zuo was the only one. At that time, Uncle Zuo and my father suspected that an acquaintance of my father had committed the crime. So, my father hid me. But I met Uncle Zuo before this, and then Wen Sheng and I met him, and I thought he should be suspicious."

As he said that, Cao Chan suddenly paused: "No, there seems to be someone else who knows."


"I don't know his name. My eyes weren't healed when he came. But, Dad said it was one of his informants."


"Yes, my father had a lot of informants at that time. The information provided by those informants can help us get clues faster. My father called him here at that time, it seemed that he was just to check the missing cash from my house."

"And that informant, dad should trust him very much!"

Cao Chan told the reason.

This made Chen Xiao frown: "Does Captain Xie know about Senior Xie's informants?"

"How do I know this, but Uncle Zuo should know it!"

Chen Xiao quickly took out his cell phone and called Zuo Shu.

Zuo Shu: "What's wrong, Mr. Chen?"

"I have a question for you. I heard that senior Xie Yan had many informants during his lifetime. Do you know about this?"

Zuo Shu couldn't help but replied: "At that time, it was not just my senior brother, but me as well. It was all for the convenience of investigating the case. Most of those people had some evil elements, and then they had the leverage in our hands."

"Then who does your senior brother trust the most?"

"I don't know his real name, but he seems to be very good at fighting. His nickname is Golden Leopard!"

Chen Xiao had no sense of familiarity with this nickname.

The people involved in the entire case seemed to have nothing to do with this nickname.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao asked again: "Did any of your senior brother's informants do very well later? Especially those who were facing major choices in life before your senior brother's accident?"

"I really don't know these things."

Zuo Shu's answer made Chen Xiao a little disappointed.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Although Xie Yan and Zuo Shu are brothers, they each have their own ways of investigating cases and information channels.

These things may not necessarily be shared by two people.

However, this phone call cannot be said to be without any gain. At least I learned about a person nicknamed Golden Leopard.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao stopped chatting with Zuo Shu and called Xiao Ji and the others.

Let them go to the road to find out about the person who was nicknamed Golden Leopard more than ten years ago.

After explaining, Chen Xiao walked up to Cao Chan again and asked, "You haven't seen that informant since, right?"

"Well, I haven't seen him. If he appears, I can remember his voice."

Chen Xiao nodded, and Liu Dayou began to think thoughtfully, and then said:

"Brother Chen, since you have spoken so clearly, why don't this lady just tell me your accurate birth date, and I will tell you your fortune!"

Chen Xiao looked at Cao Chan.

The latter now also knew that things were getting more and more wrong, so he once again told her true birth date.

Liu Dayou took out the turtle shell and began to divine with a solemn expression!

(End of this chapter)

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