Chapter 269 shouldn’t be so weird!

The copper coins jingled in the turtle shell.

When the copper coins were scattered, Liu Dayou's expression became more solemn.

And while he was looking at the copper coins, he was also looking at Cao Chan.

The latter looked puzzled for a moment.

After waiting for a while, Chen Xiao said, "How is it?"

"Brother Chen, let's talk."

Liu Dayou pulled Chen Xiao aside and then said:

"Judging from the hexagrams, it is easy for her to make mistakes! However, judging from her fate, it seems that when she reaches middle age, she will have noble people to help her!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao said: "The villain means that she will be harmed by the villain, right?"

"That's what you mean. If you combine it with what you just said to her, Brother Chen, I think it's just a villain who is messing up the situation!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but ponder.

Chen Xiao had seen Liu Dayou's divination ability many times in his two lifetimes.

Therefore, Chen Xiao still believes in Liu Dayou's abilities.

He said that Cao Chan committed a crime against a villain, and there was a villain in his destiny to disrupt the situation.

Doesn't this just happen to be the suspicious informant?

Chen Xiao looked at Liu Dayou seriously: "You didn't say that on purpose because you heard what I said, right?"

Liu Dayou suddenly became anxious.

"Brother Chen, you are questioning my profession! Any divination master can see the divination just now!"

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to Cao Chan again."

"Well, I continued to deduce and deduce, and I always felt that there was something else in the hexagram."

Chen Xiao didn't say much, and then returned to Cao Chan and Lin Xi.

"Sister-in-law, since you have no impression of that informant, let me ask you something else. For example, what did you think when the Yanghu Phantom case reappeared?"

Upon hearing this question, Cao Chan smiled bitterly:

"I can't describe how I felt at that time, especially when I received the call saying that Wen Sheng had passed out. I was completely confused at the time."

"When I finally heard that the deceased was Lian Da's daughter, I was even more shocked."

"Then have you ever thought about who would imitate you?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Cao Chan nodded: "Of course I have thought about it, but I can't think of who it is."

"Well, another problem is that in your conception, you just wanted to force them all to death, but you never thought that it would be necessary to hang yourself, right?"

Cao Chan hummed: "My goal is to force them to death. As for the method, that is beyond my control."

As he said that, Cao Chan couldn't help but look at Chen Xiao: "Yes, why did the three of them choose to hang themselves in a tacit understanding?"

Chen Xiao didn't answer her, just watched quietly.

It was as if there was a storm brewing in the silence between the two of them.

Finally, the storm broke out in a short moment.

Cao Chan's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Could it be... Is the revenge I thought I was just making wedding clothes for others? But my father gave his life for me?!"

At this point, things have become increasingly clear.

It was only at this moment that Chen Xiao suddenly remembered the most contradictory part of the entire case.

That's how many ways there are to commit suicide.

jump into the river.

Jump off the building. Drinking medicine, etc. are all fine!

Why did the three finally choose the same way?

Is it because Lian Da chose to hang himself first, followed by Zhu Mao and Chang Guan?

Or is hanging itself a deeply hidden hint?

Or maybe the real meaning of hanging is a specific reference to the person behind the scenes?

Who can be attracted by just hanging?

Chen Xiao was stuck in his thoughts for a while, and Cao Chan's emotions became increasingly difficult to accept.

Lin Xi noticed that something was wrong with Cao Chan's state, and quickly said: "Sister-in-law, it is meaningless for you to think about this now. Besides, there is a more important thing right now, and that is Captain Xie's surgery tomorrow."

Cao Chan was panicked.

She was helpless and kept muttering: "I killed my father. It must be my self-righteousness that killed him!"

Cao Chan must have thought about this sentence back then.

But her state of mind at that time was completely different from now.

At that time, she only had hatred in her heart, and she would do anything for revenge.

But now, her revenge has not only become a joke, but has also cost her the life of Xie Yan, who was so kind to her!

Chen Xiao was also interrupted by Cao Chan's words. Looking at Cao Chan's appearance, Chen Xiao said in a deep voice:

"I won't stop you from going crazy, but now you still have two children to raise, and Captain Xie can't do without you for tomorrow's surgery."

Cao Chan looked at Chen Xiao with red eyes: "I couldn't face Wen Sheng in the first place, and I have been feeling guilty because of my father's death all these years. But now, I...I..."

Cao Chan couldn't finish her words, and her words were stuck in her throat.

Lin Xi sighed and looked at Cao Chan: "No matter what the situation is, the most important thing you should do now is to fully cooperate with Chen Xiao. Only in this way can you find out the whole truth!"

Cao Chan nodded repeatedly, but soon said in frustration: "But I suddenly feel like I don't know anything."

"He can't let people know his existence so easily. The most important thing now is that you have to recall. It's best to recall who was around you when you were planning."

"I know it's hard to recall, because your thoughts at the time were definitely not on others, but now this is all you can do. Also, try not to tell Team Xie that I'm here to see you again, follow his mind It’s not hard to guess that if I keep looking for you again and again, there must be something wrong.”

"I know." Cao Chan replied.

"Okay, then you have to answer me seriously. When you implemented your plan, did you do anything out of line? For example, something that could definitely charge you with a crime!"

This is also a very important question.

Because in Chen Xiao's reasoning, Cao Chan planned and executed everything for revenge, and Xie Yan's death was to keep Cao Chan's secret.

But if what Cao Chan did was just on the surface, Xie Yan wouldn't be able to die.

So in Chen Xiao's guess, Cao Chan must have done something else.

What she did later became the talisman for the man behind the scenes to force Xie Yan to death!

But Cao Chan shook her head firmly: "No, I have definitely never done anything else. Every injustice has its own debtor, and I have only done those things to the three of them."

Chen Xiao looked at Cao Chan seriously.

Chen Xiao did not see the word "lie" in Cao Chan's eyes.

With no other choice, Chen Xiao could only say: "Okay, then you go back to the ward first."

Cao Chan nodded, then turned and walked towards the hospital building.

Chen Xiao looked at her back and whispered: "It shouldn't be so weird."

Lin Xi didn't think too much: "Let your mind be clear for a while, maybe everything will be simple and clear after finding the golden leopard."

"There is a huge sea of ​​people, not to mention whether we can find him. Even if we can find him, there are too many excuses. We have to find a way to solidify some things before we find him."

Lin Xi looked confused, but Chen Xiao didn't explain anything and just said: "I'll go to the criminal police team again. I want to seriously analyze whether there are any hints in the hanging of Lian Da and the others!"

(End of this chapter)

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