Chapter 272 It’s really him!

Listen to Chen Xiao's words.

Chen Xianzu thought for a moment, and then said:

"You know my situation, so I don't know whether Li Jindao has been smuggling, but I can give you a contact information, and you will know just by asking that person."

"Is he a famous smuggler in Shen City?"

"Yes, he was one of the top figures back then. But after he was arrested and released, he became a mascot in that circle. When something happened, he would be invited out to support the scene. When nothing happened, no one cared who he was."

"Okay, you said, let me write down his contact information."

Chen Xianzu gave a phone number on the phone.

Chen Xiao remembered that just when he was about to hang up the phone, Chen Xianzu suddenly said:

"Chen Xiao, wait..."

"You have something to tell me?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask you to help Chen Xu if you have the chance."

Chen Xiao paused, but Chen Xianzu hung up the phone without waiting for his answer.

After looking at his phone, Chen Xiao knew what Chen Xianzu meant.

However, he did not think more about Chen Xianzu's words, but asked the police to contact the person Chen Xianzu said.

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, Zhu Hai, the former big boss in the smuggling industry that Chen Xianzu mentioned, came to the criminal police team.

Zhu Hai was a little nervous at first, not knowing the purpose of the police summoning him.

Until Chen Xiao got straight to the point: "Don't be nervous, Mr. Zhu. I came to you just to ask about the Golden Leopard."

"Golden Leopard? Li Jindao?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "How much do you know about his business? Especially in the 90s, was he still doing smuggling business?"

Zhu Hai's eyes flickered a little.

When Chen Xiao saw this, his face became very serious: "Is there anything you don't want to say, Mr. Zhu? You know I need your cooperation now, because the case I am investigating is not a small case."

Hearing this, Zhu Hai no longer hesitated:

"Golden Leopard was born in Ma Tsai. He used to be known to many people for his fierce fighting skills, and he was said to be a good fighter. Later, he was valued by the older brother he followed, and he began to join their group one after another. The core of the gang.”

"But later Li Jindao got married and announced to the outside world that he had quit. At that time, I thought he really quit. But then several strange businesses happened in Shenzhen. After doing a lot of research, I found out about Li Jindao's business. So the claim that Jinpen is going to wash his hands is actually just to give an explanation to his parents-in-law."

"Secretly, he was still doing those businesses. Around 94, Li Jindao made a lot of money."

Chen Xiao was very surprised: "Why did he make a big fortune in 94?"

"Because Lin Xiaoqi was killed by his driver. Lin Xiaoqi was also a big brother-level figure at the time. As soon as he died, the business and channels he originally controlled were naturally snatched away by others, among which Li Jindao was the one to eat The one with the most is also the one who speaks first.”

When he heard the name Lin Xiaoqi, Chen Xiao already understood everything.

Lin Xiaoqi was the smuggling boss who was killed by the driver!

And the biggest beneficiary behind Lin Xiaoqi's death turned out to be Li Jindao! If you say so, then all of this can be explained.

"Do you know that Lianda, Zhumao, and Changguan are all here?"

Zhu Hai nodded: "Of course I know, but the three of them can only be regarded as small bosses in our industry. Oh, by the way, I remember hearing something about the three of them before."

"what's up?"

"Those three guys got started little by little, but later they seemed to have quite big ambitions. When ambitions are big, they naturally have to expand, and expansion means taking other people's cakes. I heard that the three of them offended someone in the industry for a while. Boss, life is very difficult and all the previous efforts have been wasted.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao felt as if another doubtful point had been explained clearly.

It's just that Zhu Hai, as a big boss in the industry, knew about this matter, but Zhu Mao never mentioned it to his wife!

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask Zhu Hai again: "Then do you know that Lian Da and the other two committed suicide later?"

"I heard, it seems that the three of them got into trouble, and then each of them committed suicide because of the thought! But I think they must have been under a lot of pressure during that time."

Zhu Hai said seriously.

Chen Xiao smiled, and Zhu Hai said again: "Comrade police, I will answer whatever you ask. But don't worry, I have never done any illegal or criminal activities now! And I am already old now. I just want to live a peaceful life!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Okay, I've asked you everything I want to ask for now. If I have any questions later, I will contact you in time."

Zhu Hai breathed a sigh of relief: "So it's over?"

"Well, you can go back."

Zhu Hai quickly thanked him and left the criminal police team happily.

As soon as he left, Lin Xi said: "It seems that the suspect can be identified!"

"Yes, these are four cases in a row, and he is involved in every case. There would be no such coincidence in the world!"

"Well, first there was the Luming Ridge case, then Lin Xiaoqi's murder case, followed by the Phantom of Yanghu Lake, and finally Lian Yuhong's death! But I'm very curious. Even Senior Xie didn't find out about the Luming Ridge case. So, how did Jin Bao determine that Lian Da and the others were the murderers?"

"Besides, Senior Xie also arranged for him to find the whereabouts of the stolen money!"

Lin Xi was confused, and Chen Xiao replied: "He is a member of the same circle, and there may be some rumors that he would know earlier than the police. As for why he did not choose to tell Senior Xie at that time, I think there should be a reason."

"It was precisely for that reason that when he needed to get rid of Lian Da and the others, he chose Cao Chan!"

"And why he wanted to Lian Da and the other three people may be what Zhu Hai said. The ambitions of the three Lian Da people were inflated and touched Li Jindao's interests. And from Sister Geng, we can definitely feel that the three Lian Da people are Very afraid of Li Jindao."

"In addition, Li Jindao and the others have been operating secretly, so when Lian Da and the others realized that the person they had offended was Li Jindao, and with the appearance of Cao Chan, their choice to commit suicide was no longer so unreasonable. "

As he spoke, Chen Xiao's eyes gradually became serious.

"Just how did he force Senior Xie to death? If Senior Xie handled the wrong case and arrested the wrong person, then who would be the person who killed Lin Xiaoqi? He can't let Li Jindao know the real culprit in every case, right? ?”

Chen Xiao talked about his confusion, Lin Xi thought for a while and asked:

"Do you think there is a possibility that Lin Xiaoqi's death has nothing to do with anyone else, but was done by Li Jindao? And when Li Jindao did that thing, he was already paving the way for what would happen next. !”

"He only needs to lay the groundwork and remind Senior Xie that he handled the wrong case. Then Senior Xie, who was already under great mental pressure, suddenly discovered that his daughter-in-law was the murderer of the Yanghu Phantom case, so he was asked to find him under various blows. Short-sighted!"

 These New Year holidays have really drained all my energy, especially as my old father is getting older. Almost all human relations and trivial matters have been handed over to me one after another. Fortunately, it's finally coming to an end. Let's just be so embarrassed for the past two days and try to update more after the eighth day of the lunar month, which is the 17th!



(End of this chapter)

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