I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 273 Think about it, think about it carefully!

Chapter 273 Think about it, think about it carefully!

What Lin Xi said makes sense.

If Li Jindao is the real culprit in Lin Xiaoqi's death, then he has enough ability to remind Xie Yan that the case was wrong.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Li Jindao accidentally learned of Lin Xiaoqi's death and there was something fishy about it.

But if some coincidence happened to him once, how could it happen to him again?

At this moment, Chen Xiao has actually thought of having a good chat with Li Jindao.

But such thoughts must be suppressed.

Because Li Jindao has resorted to exchanging small punishments for lives, can he be easily defeated psychologically?

Absolutely impossible!

Therefore, until there is no ironclad evidence, Li Jindao's resistance will definitely be the most stubborn one.

But, where should I find evidence of Li Jindao?

Chen Xiao fell into deep thought.

Lin Xi saw that her words were not refuted, which meant that Chen Xiao recognized her words.

Now that he agrees, Chen Xiao will definitely think about how to deal with Li Jindao next.

Lin Xi also fell into deep thought.

The couple just sat in the police station, thinking about their own things.

However, Chen Xiao still needs to know a lot more about the case.

And for this kind of case, Chen Xiao felt that if Xie Yan was experienced enough, he would be able to handle it.

He will die.

But he will leave something behind before he dies!

But, if he stayed, where would he stay?

Of all the places involved, where is the safest place?

Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at the box of relics.

However, Chen Xiao quickly denied it.

He had already inspected the relics in the box as soon as they arrived.

Furthermore, Chen Xiao still attached great importance to Li Jindao at this time.

That was definitely not a simple murderer.

He definitely learned a lot of skills in the process of becoming Xie Yan's informant.

Even in Chen Xiao's opinion, Xie Yan probably taught a lot of things in the process of making Li Jindao his informant.

The relationship between the two is very likely to be better than the blue.

Otherwise, if Xie Yan really died of shame, he would have discovered before his death that Li Jindao might be the real culprit in Lin Xiaoqi's case, and he would have arrested Li Jindao before he died.

Chen Xiao didn't mean to look down on Li Jindao from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, he suspected that Li Jindao might have gone to any place he could think of.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but pick up the file of Lin Xiaoqi's case again.

There is not much information in the entire case file, and the lack of information means that Xie Yan's previous investigation went smoothly.

Smooth means that nothing can be seen from the contents of Lin Xiaoqi's case file.

In fact, Chen Xiao still couldn't tell after watching it for the second time.

Chen Xiao silently put down the case file. At the moment when he put it down, his heart suddenly moved and he immediately looked at Lin Xi:

"Daughter-in-law, do you think your idea is wrong?"

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "It's not surprising that I'm wrong!" "No, no, no, to be precise, your idea may be right, but there is another way."

Lin Xi wondered: "What's possible?"

"A smart hunter, would he really put himself in danger when setting a trap?"

"Of course not, and a smart hunter will remember the traps he sets in his mind."

"So, if Li Jindao is smart enough, will he leave absolute ironclad evidence for himself?"

Lin Xi's tone paused, then shook his head: "I don't think so."

"That's right, so before I talk about another possibility, let me sort out the time for you!"

"In 1990, Lian Da and three others killed Cao Chan's parents and stole a large amount of cash stored in their home!"

"Li Jindao later found out the truth about this matter, but we can't be sure when he knew it."

"Later, Cao Chan and Xie Wensheng were united, and after the union, she started her own revenge plan."

"Her revenge plan started in early 1994 to be precise, because she needed to kill her husband and father-in-law, so she adopted a long-standing strategy to intimidate Lian Da and the others with weird appearances."

"Then later in early 1994, Lin Xiaoqi died, and Li Jindao seized most of its resources and market!"

After Chen Xiao analyzed this, Lin Xi couldn't help shouting: "You mean, Lian Da and the other three have already become the swords in Li Jin Dao's hands?"

After saying that, Lin Xi added: "But didn't Zhu Hai say that Lian Da and the other three had robbed a big boss's business, which made it very difficult in the end? Isn't that big boss Li Jindao?"

"Zhu Hai is not sure who Lian Da and the others offended, and judging from the final result, Lian Da and the others did not completely withdraw from the smuggling circle when they died! This is enough to show that it is not consistent with Li Jindao His style. You must know that Li Jindao dares to commit murder for the sake of resources and market!"

"He himself has mastered the fatal weaknesses of the three Lianda people. If he is smart enough, he will definitely use them up before killing them! For example, let them get rid of Lin Xiaoqi first. After all, the three Lianda people have killed people before. of!"

Lin Xi's expression suddenly became serious: "Doesn't that mean that we may not be able to find evidence that Li Jindao borrowed a knife to kill someone?"

"Don't worry yet..."

Chen Xiao interrupted Lin Xi's words, and high-frequency reasoning began in his mind.

Soon, he spoke again: "I think Senior Xie's death may have occurred because he finally discovered that the real culprit of the Luming Ridge case and Lin Xiaoqi's death were all caused by Lian Da and the others! But if this guess is true, , then the perspective of evidence has to change.”

"We should not think about whether Senior Xie left anything behind, but whether Lian Da and the other two left behind anything! In their hearts, they must be both fearful and despairing of Li Jindao, and disgusted to the point of hatred!"

"But if that's the case, then why didn't the three of them directly expose Li Jindao?"

"If they expose it or not, they will die. And if they expose it, they may even implicate their families!"

Lin Xi didn't speak anymore, and followed Chen Xiao's gaze to the whiteboard.

At this time, Chen Xiao was carefully looking at the photos taken after the death of the three Lianda people on the whiteboard!

Lin Xi couldn't figure out the reason from those photos, but Chen Xiao said:

"Now there is only one last question left, that is, there are many ways to commit suicide. Why did the three of them, Lian Da, end their lives in the same way!"

Chen Xiao's voice fell into her ears, and Lin Xi couldn't help but say:

"If we have to say that the methods are the same, then the three ropes look almost the same. Can it be regarded as an anomaly?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes:

"Yes, of course!"

"But you've seen the case file. Didn't Senior Xie ask where the three ropes came from?"

"After asking, the family members all confessed that they had seen those ropes. They were used by Lian Da and the others to tie up the goods."

"How can the rope that binds the goods be extended to provide guidance for possible evidence?"

"Think about it, think about it again! As long as your thinking is correct, there will be infinite possibilities!"

Chen Xiao's tone became extremely serious!

(End of this chapter)

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