Chapter 274 Videotape!

"Think again, think carefully!"

Chen Xiao said.

Thoughts are also constantly diverging in my mind.

What guidance can be extended from the three ropes?

The most obvious thing is where the rope was bought from!

However, Xie Yan was recorded in the case file, but the record rope for the investigation was purchased by subordinates hired by the three of them.

Investigations of buyers and sellers yielded no results.

However, the direction of Xie Yan's investigation is different from Chen Xiao.

Xie Yan was investigating whether the three ropes were related to the deaths of the three people.

What Chen Xiao wants to check is whether the three ropes have guidance.

The two seem to be similar, but the depth of direction is completely inconsistent.

Chen Xiao looked through the files from that year and the contact information of buyers and sellers.

He tried to call, but unfortunately their contact information was invalid.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao asked the police to obtain the current contact information of the two people based on their household registration information.

After the police went to investigate, Chen Xiao began to think about the second possibility.

That is, are these ropes used or unused?

The three Liandas mainly deal in watches, televisions, video recorders, and VCD players.

Especially VCD, Lian Da and the others made a lot of money.

However, VCD smuggling did not last long.

Chen Xiao looked at the items that Lian Da and the others mainly smuggled, and couldn't help but said:

"Daughter-in-law, you see, Lian Da and the other three are quite passionate about smuggling audio and video equipment."

"That's not true. In those days, most people smuggled these things. As for things like cars, people without strength couldn't smuggle them."

"That makes sense, but I'm wondering if this can give us some hints? That is, do the three of them know how to record tapes?"

When Chen Xiao said this, his memory couldn't help but go back to many years ago.

He remembered that people at that time didn’t mean watching movies, but watching videos!

In his memory, it seems that the way to watch movies was first with the boxy video tapes, then VCDs, CDs after the popularization of DVDs, and finally on computers and mobile phones.

Of course, he has also seen white-screen movies.

It's just that at this moment, he is particularly sensitive to video tapes.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao called Geng Youfeng again.

Even though it was very late at this time.

Although it took a while, Geng Youfeng still answered.

"Consultant Chen, if you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Do Lian Da, Zhu Mao, and Chang Guan have any hobby of collecting video tapes? Or in your memory, have they ever made their own video tapes?"

"Yes! Zhu Mao likes to do this the most, and he still has quite a few of them at home!"

Chen Xiao was shocked when he heard this: "Have you seen all those video tapes?"

"I used to watch it all the time, but now that we have VCDs, who still watches the videotape?"

"So you haven't watched all the video tapes in Zhu Mao's collection. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes. But I guess I can't put those things away now."

"Not necessarily. I'm going to ask the police to go to your house to get those video tapes. You can help sort them out. In addition, you can recall whether there are any that Zhu Mao particularly likes. Finally, help me contact Chang Guan's wife to see if Chang Guan has left any. .”

"Okay, okay, I'll get up and sort it out right now. But when it comes to the ones I particularly like, I can't remember them. Anyway, he collected those video tapes very well, and I tried my best to preserve them later."

As Geng Youfeng said, Chen Xiao didn't want to waste time. After finally telling the police to find relevant technical personnel, he went to Geng Youfeng's house in person. After arriving at the place, Geng Youfeng was still carrying it carefully.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel a little dizzy: "So many?"

"Yes, it was his favorite collection in the past."

Chen Xiao was also helpless. Geng Youfeng continued: "He has always had a dream before, which is to go to Hong Kong to become a director."

"Okay, I'll take these things back to the police team first. I'll let go of the ones that can be put away, and let the professionals see if they can be restored if they can't be put away."

"Okay, I've sorted it all into categories. Some are movies, and some are things he took for fun."

Chen Xiao looked along the categories pointed by Geng Youfeng, especially when he pointed to the video tapes that Zhu Mao had filmed and played with, he paid special attention to them.

"Then have you seen all the photos he took himself?"

Geng Youfeng shook his head: "No, I have only seen some of the pictures he took of me and his life, and I have not touched the others."

Chen Xiao nodded and took all the video tapes to the car. When leaving, Geng Youfeng reminded seriously:

"Consultant Chen, don't damage those video tapes, they are what he left for me."

"Don't worry, I will be very careful."

Geng Youfeng said no more, and Chen Xiao also drove back to the criminal police team.

When he saw that there were so many video tapes, Qin Fei patted his forehead: "It seems that the whole team will have something to do next."

"Just take it easy." Chen Xiao said sheepishly.

Qin Fei shook his head and went to greet people.

Chen Xiao also asked Xiao Ji and Dao Nan to come back at this time. There is strength in numbers.

As for Liu Dayou, he is still trying to figure out the hexagram, and he probably still hasn’t seen much of it.

Chen Xiao has high hopes for him, but he won't bet all his money on him.

After putting a videotape that the technicians had determined could be played into a special playback device, Chen Xiao still said to Lin Xi with some embarrassment:

"You came to stay with me. Logically speaking, I should spend a relaxing vacation with you, but now we can only stay up late and watch movies."

"It's not like I haven't watched it with you, I've watched it till dawn!"

Chen Xiao chuckled and then started to look.

However, it was impossible to watch each of the nearly one hundred video tapes without missing a second. That would take God knows how long to watch, so Chen Xiao kept fast forwarding.

Fortunately, he has the ability to capture it. Even though the picture is blurred by fast forwarding, he can still identify whether there is a problem.

But even so, with everyone's concerted efforts, there was still no discovery until the morning of the next day.

And some police officers sighed with a wry smile: "I used to think that watching movies was enjoyment, but tonight I finally realized that watching movies can also be torture!"

Everyone smiled.

But no police officer declined or slacked off in the work they were supposed to do.

Chen Xiao watched a videotape again and played a new one when he suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice!

"Is everything done?"

It was only five words, and the voice was much younger than the voice in Chen Xiao's mind, but Chen Xiao immediately looked towards the place where the voice came from.

That was a videotape that a female police officer was watching!

And because she had seen too much, her thinking and reaction were both slow at the moment, and she did not come back to her senses.

It wasn't until Chen Xiao came to her side that she suddenly became shocked and exclaimed:

"It's actually hidden in the videotape!"

(End of this chapter)

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