I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 279 Dream? Are you still dreaming now?

Chapter 279 Dream? Are you still dreaming now?

"Chen Yan told you that when you accidentally discover something, don't rush to use it and cash it in."

"It must be used to its greatest advantage at the most appropriate time, right?"

Although Chen Xiao was asking, he actually didn't need Li Jindao to answer.

"This is indeed his style, although I am not sure now whether the one I saw is him."

"But from that notebook, I can clearly feel that what he is best at is familiarizing himself with human nature and taking advantage of it!"

"He must have known what your heart longed for most at that time, but at that time he couldn't predict the future. He only knew that you should keep everything he found safe. The more important it is, the more patient it is. temper!"

"But what I am sure of is that after Lian Yuhong died, he should have contacted you."

Li Jindao's eyes were full of vigilance.

There was even a hint of shock that I couldn't hide.

"It turns out you know him so well!"

Chen Xiao didn't change his expression at all, and just said quietly:

"If you say that, that means the one we caught is not the real Chen Yan!"

Chen Xiao looked at Li Jindao, who took a deep breath and said:

"I don't know who you caught, but as you guessed, I did receive a call from Chen Yan after Lian Yuhong died."

"On the phone, he told me that there is a detective from Dongzhou who will definitely investigate the Yanghu Phantom case twelve years ago, and that person is you. He also told me that I have no ability to fight in front of you. .”

"There is only one way to have the slightest hope that I can put myself to death and survive. That way is to send myself to prison. Only in this way can a big problem be reduced to a trivial one."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

Looking at Li Jindao, he asked, "Did you tell him that Gu Rong forced Lian Yuhong to death?"

"Yes, Gu Rong had already told me everything at that time. I think he also saw the news from the Internet, and then called me. When I received his call, I was also surprised. I didn't expect it to happen. A friend for so many years, he will contact me again.”

"What does he look like?" Chen Xiao asked.

Li Jindao grinned; "Whether I say it or not, it is of little use to me. Besides, if he helps me, he is showing kindness to me. He knows me very well, but you don't know me. He You know that I am a person who always repays kindness, so it is useless for you to ask me."

Chen Xiao smiled: "If that's the case, then why did you reveal the news about Chen Yan to me?"

"I'm just not convinced that Chen Xiao, who he said is so powerful that almost no one can beat him, is really that smart! Now I'm convinced, you are indeed amazing!"

Chen Xiao was not very complacent because of Li Jindao's words.

Instead, he could now feel an invisible pressure surrounding him.

The captured Chen Yan may be Chen Yan, but he is definitely not the owner of the notebook.

Or maybe Chen Yan doesn't refer to one person, but to a group of people!

The owner of that notebook, Chen Xiao, doesn't know what his purpose is, but what is certain is that he is very keen to push a person with a dark side in his heart into the abyss of murder!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh:

"What has he experienced that would make him such a person? And what he has experienced may also be what many people have experienced."

"Just like the Chen Yan caught in Qingxi wanted to save Lou Yang, maybe it was not to create any benefits, but to obtain some kind of spiritual comfort?" Chen Xiao said, but in fact he was not very good at it. Understand Chen Yan's psychology.

He was just using his own feelings to get close to the person named Chen Yan!

Seeing that Chen Xiao had lost interest in him, Li Jindao sighed:

"I was completely defeated. Of course, I have been comfortable for more than ten years. But you, Chen Xiao, if you didn't find Chen Yan, you must not feel at ease, right? Everyone has his own dark side, just like back then. I want to ask Xie Yan for help all the time."

"As long as you meet him, he will definitely seduce all the darkness in people's hearts. Chen Xiao, in my opinion, it won't be long before you and him really meet!"

Chen Xiao said nothing, silently glanced at Li Jindao, then turned and left.

After leaving the interrogation room, Lin Xi was a little worried: "Chen Xiao, that person has already set his sights on you, so why don't we bring our parents from the countryside?"

Chen Xiao feels that such worries are not unreasonable.

But his intuition told him that Chen Yan would not do something so untechnical.

What Chen Yan is most passionate about is watching a person turn dark.

So if Chen Yan really targets him, then Chen Yan will go to everyone who has negative emotions towards him or the Chen family.

Lao Chen and his mother have been honest friends all their lives, and in Chen Xiao's opinion, no one would attack them.

Only Chen Xiao, after going through so many cases, actually some people would hate him.

The most obvious one is Chen Xu, who Chen Xianzu has cultivated and grown up!

This person must arrange for someone to keep an eye on him.

Chen Xiao will not be blindly confident in his guess, because if he makes a mistake, his family will be in danger!

Chen Xiao would not let those kinds of hidden dangers break out!

"I'll go pick my parents up after a while, and your parents too. It just so happens that our whole family will be reunited."

Lin Xi smiled and nodded, took Chen Xiao's arm and said, "What do you decide to do about Chen Yan in Dongzhou?"

"It's already obvious that he is not the one we are looking for. But he himself committed a crime, so I don't think it is necessary to see him. Because, like Li Jindao, he will definitely be unwilling to reveal anything. of."

"That's right." Lin Xi nodded, then hugged Chen Xiao tightly and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry too much. There is no direct conflict between you and that Chen Yan. You should only be interested in each other now." It’s just a degree.”

Chen Xiao agreed: "Don't worry about the rest for now. The only troublesome thing is that I guess he will probably intervene in future cases. In that case, he may make a simple case very troublesome."

"Ignore him, you will definitely be busy next."

"Yes, as long as the police announce to the outside world that the Yanghu Phantom case has been solved, then Long Ding will have to take advantage of the situation and seize the land king in Yanghu! As long as I win it, then my trip to the deep city will be successfully completed. "

Listening to Chen Xiao's words, Lin Xi's face was full of pride:

"Who would have thought that my husband, who was just wandering around the streets not long ago, would now be able to run a large enterprise like Longding."

"Husband, this is so dreamy!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao pinched Lin Xi and asked with a smile: "Dream? Are you still dreaming now?"

(End of this chapter)

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