I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 280 Enjoy the popularity and welcome the honor!

Chapter 280 Enjoy the popularity and welcome the honor!

After leaving the criminal police team.

Chen Xiao asked Lin Xi to go back to rest, and then went to the hospital alone.

Xie Wensheng did not postpone the operation.

After all, the doctor has made all preparations, and Xie Wensheng's psychological quality is obviously stronger than ordinary people.

Before entering the operating room, Chen Xiao said with a smile:

"All the darkness has passed, now you have to prepare yourself for the light."

Xie Wensheng nodded: "Don't worry, when you come to Shencheng again next time, I will definitely be able to sit at the same table with you and have a drink."

Chen Xiao said yes with a smile, and said with a serious look: "Okay, after you come out, if you don't want to be a policeman, I would like to invite you to Dongzhou. I have to do something, and you will definitely become a part of my affairs. A very important person."

"Really? Can you tell me what kind of things it is?"

"I want to use Dongzhou as a pilot and then build the safest city in the country!" Chen Xiao kept the story short, and Xie Wensheng just nodded frequently:

"Then you have to wait for me!"

"it is good."

There is not much communication between the two men.

Soon, Xie Wensheng was also sent to the operating room.

Chen Xiao did not leave, and had been waiting silently with Ye Suzhi and Xie Wensheng's two children.

Time passes very slowly.

It seemed like every minute was more painful than before.

Ye Suzhi had already walked countless steps in front of the door, but Chen Xiao did not go to comfort her.

Because at this time, walking can relieve all kinds of anxieties in the heart.

But after waiting for two hours, Chen Xiao received a call from Qin Fei.

"Hey, Consultant Chen, Bureau Jiao has decided to issue an announcement immediately. In addition, the branch will hold a commendation meeting tomorrow to thank you for your contribution to the Yanghu Phantom case!"

This was something Chen Xiao expected.

After successively solving Jiang Anguang's murder case, as well as Lian Yuhong's death and the Yanghu Phantom case, Chen Xiao definitely became quite famous in the Shenzhen police circles.

The most important thing is, is the Yanghu Phantom case really just one case?

No, to be precise, the Yanghu Phantom case also includes the Lumingling Reservoir murder case and the murder case of wealthy businessman Lin Xiaoqi!

Therefore, it can be said that Chen Xiao solved five cases during this trip.

A very exaggerated statistic.

But anyone who knows the inside story knows that this exaggerated data is reasonable!

After ending the call with Qin Fei, Guo Qing also called immediately:

"Hey, Chen Xiao, you are really amazing! The branch just issued an announcement, and after the announcement, I even received calls from some big shots! Because of your presence, our Dragon Cauldron has now received unprecedented attention! "

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "So, just do good things and don't ask about the future!"

Just as he was talking, Chen Xiao's cell phone prompted another call.

After taking a look and realizing it was Guo Zhengchang, Chen Xiao said something to Guo Qing and then transferred the call from Guo Zhengchang.

On the other end of the phone, Guo Zhengchang was not as excited as Guo Qing.

He just said with relief and a faint smile in his tone: "Everything is as I expected, nothing can be difficult for you."

"How confident is Mr. Guo about the Yanghu land now?"

Guo Zhengchang laughed: "Ninety percent!"

Smiling, Guo Zhengchang also continued: "Originally, Long Ding was not qualified to become a land king in Shen City, but because you solved several major cases in a row, countless people in Shen City knew about you, and also about us, Long Ding." "Ding." "The entire development process of Long Ding can be called a miracle! From originally having no chance, to the solving of the serial murder case, Long Ding was qualified to compete. Then, the Yanghu Phantom case happened again. With the help of Officer Xie Wensheng, Longding has jumped from the original 30% chance to be on par with other companies."

"Now that the Yanghu Phantom case has been solved, your reputation and Longding's reputation have reached an unprecedented height, so in my opinion, the 90% certainty is not overly optimistic at all, but it is difficult for us to have another opponent!"

When Guo Zhengchang spoke, Chen Xiao did not interrupt.

This made Guo Zhengchang helplessly smile and say: "You, you, I really don't understand why you are so uninterested in business. If you were, I think you are likely to create achievements that will shock everyone in the future!"

"Then Mr. Guo thinks I should go into business, or should I continue to solve crimes?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Guo Zhengchang's tone paused: "Well, I'm just talking. If a talent like you really goes into business, it will really be a huge loss to the field of criminal investigation!"

"So, I won't stay in Shencheng for the next fight for the Earth King. For the sake of safety, I think it's better for you, Mr. Guo, to be at the helm."

"Okay, I'll go to Shencheng again then. But the food city plan in Dongzhou has already started, and that crayfish you mentioned has to keep up."

Chen Xiao never forgets what he wants to do.

Crayfish, that was his plan to lead the people in his hometown to get rich!

"Just be careful, those things will definitely not hold you back."

"Well, then I won't bother you anymore. Next, you should feel and understand what pursuit is and what honor is."

Chen Xiao understood what Guo Zhengchang meant, but there was no need to respond to such words.

Soon, the latter hung up the phone, and Chen Xiao returned to the door of the operating room to wait.

I don't know how many hours passed, but the door of the operating room was finally opened.

As soon as she saw the doctor, Ye Suzhi, who had been tense for several hours, felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Chen Xiao hurriedly supported her, and the doctor also spoke at this time:

"The patient is lucky! His surgery was a success!"

This sentence made Chen Xiao feel calm.

Ye Suzhi thanked the doctor with tears in her eyes.

The doctor smiled and shook his head and explained: "It will take some time for the patient to wake up, and then the family can just wait with peace of mind."


Chen Xiao replied, and then the doctor continued his work.

Not long after, Xie Wensheng, who was still sleeping, was pushed out. After Chen Xiao got into the ward together, he said to Ye Suzhi:

"Mom, Captain Xie is out of danger, so I won't stay any longer."

Ye Suzhi held Chen Xiao's hand tightly: "Your appearance is our family's luck! Without you, Wen Sheng would never care about his condition. Chen Xiao, aunt is here to say thank you!" "

Saying that, Ye Suzhi bowed.

Chen Xiao quickly supported her: "Auntie, everything is fate, so it doesn't matter whether you are grateful or not. From now on, Captain Xie and I will still be good friends!"

"Yes... we are all friends, true friends!"

Chen Xiao smiled and continued to stay with him in the hospital for a while before leaving.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he left the ward, several reporters rushed towards him in the corridor.

They excitedly pointed their guns and cannons at Chen Xiao, blocking the way.

At this time, they didn't want to let the first-hand news slip away.

And Chen Xiao no longer resisted such exposure opportunities, and looked at the camera with neither humility nor arrogance!

(End of this chapter)

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