Chapter 285 Specimens!

Lin Xi can actually go to Yangguan County together!

This was an unexpected surprise not only for Chen Xiao, but also for Lao Chen and his mother.

Especially my mother, she was so happy that she couldn’t open her mouth from ear to ear!

"Xiaoxi, aren't you trying to make mom happy? You really can go to Yangguan with us!"

Lin Xi nodded: "Yes, I just received a call from Bureau Zhang. He said that there is a difficult case in Yangguan and asked me to be the leader of the task force to support it."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he immediately caught the key point of this sentence.

"Task force, leader?"

Lin Xi: "Yes, I am also very surprised by this arrangement. Logically speaking, it is impossible and completely unqualified for me to hold the position of team leader."

"Why can't you be disqualified?" My mother immediately retorted.

Lin Xi smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, I'm not belittling myself, it's because I'm still a little policeman now."

"But you said before that you solved several cases in a row!"

Lin Xi didn't explain much. Chen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "I think Director Zhang may be pushing for something. Does the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch still need a deputy team to take charge of the work?"

"That's what happened. The deputy team has been empty since Sister Liang came up."

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "It's clear then, I guess you will be promoted again soon."

Lin Xi looked shocked: "That's impossible, right? I know Director Zhang and Sister Liang both think highly of me, but if I are given the position of deputy now, the seniors in the team will definitely have objections."

"That's why you need to show your ability to convince everyone. If I guessed correctly, the main force of this task force should be police officers from the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch, right?"


"Then it's clearer. Zhang Xian probably wants to promote your promotion and convince everyone. But in this case, it means that the case may have stumped someone who convinced the entire Dongzhou police community."

"In this way, if you lead the team to solve the case, some people who may be dissatisfied will no longer have any objections."

Chen Xiao analyzed it. Although Lao Chen didn't understand it very well, he still understood the most important point.

"If you say that, then you must do your best to help Xiaoxi this time. This is related to her career!" Lao Chen said seriously.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I believe in Xiaoxi's ability, and I shouldn't be too public about the case. Please ask me..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xi helped explain: "The main reason is that someone is too famous in Dongzhou now. If he shows up, people who don't believe me will still not believe me."

Lao Chen frowned: "Really, how many good things have you two brought to our Dongzhou! The crayfish base our family is going to build can help many people get rid of poverty and become rich! There is also a food city. Without you and Mr. Guo The gentleman will definitely not invest!”

"There are also home appliances being sent to the countryside. How many people have benefited! With the contributions you two have made, who wouldn't be convinced if you were promoted to deputy captain?"

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "Some things cannot be viewed in this way. Again...Xiaoxi, I really have to rely on you this time."

Lin Xi took a deep breath: "I understand, but there are some things that are obvious and difficult to avoid, such as the fact that we are husband and wife."

"Just take it one step at a time and have a clear conscience."

Lin Xi was full of confidence, and her eyes were deliberately provocative as she said, "Just keep an eye on it."

Chen Xiao understood what she meant and nodded knowingly.

My mother stood aside, frowning, and asked, "Xiaoxi, where did you stay when you were working on the case?"

"Um...the team will arrange accommodation."

"Then can our family make arrangements for you? You said that you two are always separated by two places. Now it would be bad if you were separated when you go to Yangguan, right?"

Hear this.

Chen Xiao was really helpless.

Who among him and Lin Xi couldn't understand what my mother meant?

But now that Lin Xi's promotion to the deputy team is on the agenda, certain things must be postponed!

So before Lin Xi could answer, Chen Xiao said directly: "Mom, I will make arrangements when the time comes!"

My mother immediately beamed: "That's good, that's good!"

After the work was settled, the family didn't talk any more.

The next day, Lin Xi and the people from the task force went to Yangguan in advance. Chen Xiao drove his parents to meet his parents-in-law.

When they arrived at the place, Chen Xiao could see his parents-in-law standing at the door of his home before the car stopped.

My mother was very emotional. When she looked at the parents-in-law who came in front, she said seriously:

"Chen Xiao, this is the first time that my mother is so happy to come to Xiaoxi's house. You must remember that you must be filial to Xiaoxi's parents just like you are filial to us!"

Chen Xiao didn't say that much, just nodded silently.

After parking the car, Lao Chen took the lead and walked towards Lin Shanhu.

When the two parents met, they shook hands and exchanged greetings. Not to mention how happy they were.

My mother also held hands with Han Meixiang, just like two good sisters in the evening.

Only after Chen Xiao said hello, he didn't know what to do.

However, he still noticed that many people in the village were looking at the door of Lin's house, and some even pretended to pass by the door of Lin's house from time to time.

When they saw that it was indeed Chen Xiao who was here, they gathered in small groups and started spitting like they didn't know what they were talking about.

Chen Xiao didn't pay attention to that. After lunch, he took the gift and rode Lin Shanhu's electric donkey to the home of teacher Wang Dahe.

If one counts past lives, Chen Xiao has indeed not seen him again for many, many years.

But Chen Xiao remembered that in his previous life...also this year, he received a call from Wang Dahe.

Wang Dahe must have heard some rumors on the phone, so he called in person to inquire about the situation.

During that phone call, Wang Dahe said something very disappointed to him:

“I never thought that the child who was the first to give me flowers on Teacher’s Day would live such a miserable life!”

Faced with these words at that time, Chen Xiao's usual arrogance disappeared, and he was speechless.

So much so that when he thought about it now, he felt a little insecure about the little electric donkey under his feet.

However, Chen Xiao still found Teacher Wang's doorstep.

As soon as the eDonkey parked, a middle-aged woman came out of the house.

When Chen Xiao saw someone, he immediately shouted with a smile: "Master's wife!"

The woman glanced at it and shouted in surprise: "You are, Chen Xiao!"

Chen Xiao nodded repeatedly: "Master, long time no see!"

"You know it's been a long time. You haven't been here for at least two years! Your teacher asked me to take out the specimens a while ago, and then said that you had forgotten about him!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be confused: "What specimen is it?"

"Just the flowers you gave me! Don't you know he has kept them very well? That was the first bouquet he received since he became a teacher!"

Chen Xiao was stunned.

After taking a deep breath, he asked: "Mrs., is the teacher at home?"

The smile on Master Qin Qing's face was slightly stiff, she nodded and said, "Yes, I'll push him out right now!"

"Push? What happened to him?"

Chen Xiao blurted out that in his memory, it seemed that nothing had ever happened to Mr. Wang Dahe.

Even in the previous life, everything was fine!

Qin Qing's eyes were red, but his words were very sharp: "It wasn't because of drinking that I broke my leg when I went home two nights ago!"

Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He thought something had happened.

If you just broke your leg and it's not life-threatening, just cooperate with the treatment.

It's been a hundred days since my bones and muscles were injured, so why didn't I go to the hospital?

(End of this chapter)

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