I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 286: Once a scholar, now middle-aged

Chapter 286: Once a scholar, now middle-aged

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

First, he followed his wife, Qin Qing, into the house.

As they walked, the teacher’s wife also said:

"He just fell asleep during his lunch break. He would be very happy to know that you are here."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded.

After the teacher's wife entered the room, she was not polite and stretched out her hand to wake up the teacher Wang Dahe.

"Wake up quickly and see who's coming."

Wang Dahe opened his eyes drowsily.

Chen Xiao also clearly saw that his right leg was covered with a plaster and a thick bandage.

"Chen Xiao, why are you here!" Wang Dahe looked surprised.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "I happened to be at my wife's house. I remembered that I haven't visited you for a long time, so I came to visit you and my wife."

Qin Qing smiled and nodded and left the room.

Wang Dahe looked serious, pointed to the bookshelf in the room and said, "I have a newspaper tucked into the third book in the second row on the bookshelf. Please help me take it out."

Chen Xiao stood up and took out the newspaper from the book.

But when he took a look, he saw that it was the one that appeared on the front page.

"Are the people in the newspaper stupid? I think the figures look very similar! And the names are the same, but to be honest, I still can't believe it!"

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly.

It seems that people who are familiar with him, whether they are relatives or teachers and friends, seem to be so surprised.

I was so surprised that I even hesitated to call and ask.

Chen Xiao nodded: "It's me."

Wang Dahe was in disbelief: "So you haven't come to see me in the past two years, so you went to learn how to solve crimes?"

Chen Xiao was stunned: "What you said seems reasonable."

Wang Dahe suddenly burst out laughing: "Not bad, that's what I'm saying... A boy who can always keep his teacher in his heart, there's no way he can become an idle gangster, right? Besides, I'm here to inquire about your wife. Yes, it’s really excellent!”

Chen Xiao did not intend to explain too much, but changed the topic:

"Teacher, my wife said that your accident was caused by drinking? I remember that you don't seem to like drinking bars?"

Wang Dahe looked ashamed: "I can't help it. The teacher has taught me for so many years without making any progress. Now that I am getting old, I still want to see if there is an opportunity to make further progress. But who would have thought that accompanying me The leaders immediately escorted this leg in."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao could tell that Wang Dahe was really embarrassed.

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "Fortunately, it just needs to be taken care of, nothing big happened."

"Hey, don't worry about me anymore. You... tell me your story quickly. Don't be humble, don't hide it! You don't know how much I wanted to tell others that the person in the newspaper was my student, but I’m afraid that if I tell others, I’ll be bragging!”

Chen Xiao nodded and told Wang Dahe everything that happened during this period.

The latter did not interrupt while listening, but his expression kept changing.

At the end, he gave a thumbs up with a pleased expression: "Amazing, really amazing! I really didn't expect that one day you would actually grow up to be so outstanding!"

"Teacher, there's no need to praise me so much." Chen Xiao felt a little embarrassed by the comment, so he asked about other things:

"By the way, teacher, have you published any articles in the past two years?"

Wang Dahe waved his hand quickly: "Stop talking, maybe it's because I'm getting older and my brain isn't strong enough. Now I write something and it's easily rejected by the publishing house."

Among the people Chen Xiao knows.

Especially the elders!

As for a person with a scholarly temperament, it must be Wang Dahe.

Especially when Wang Dahe was young, because he loved literature and was handsome, he was the most charming teacher among the students in the school every year!

It's just that time makes people grow old.

Although Wang Dahe still looks thin, the light in his eyes has long since disappeared. His whole person no longer had the same melancholy temperament as before.

Now he looks more like he is depressed.

Perhaps, this is also caused by his lack of talent.

Gradually, Chen Xiao felt that he didn't know what to say.

It seems that no matter what, the final result will always bring some sadness to Wang Dahe.

Like when it comes to writing.

The light that originally shone in Wang Dahe's eyes when he saw him disappeared in an instant.

However, Chen Xiao couldn't comment on this, let alone provide help.

Moreover, regardless of whether Chen Xiao feels that he is successful now, he does not think that helping others casually is a good thing.

Even if that person is a respectable elder to you, you still need to pay attention to the scale of help.

Once you fail to master it, it will be self-defeating.

Slowly, Chen Xiao brought the topic to himself again.

He could sense that Wang Dahe would show excited expectations only when he talked about his relatively successful things.

I don’t know how long I talked for.

Qin Qing didn't even say hello to him, but came in with a bowl of sweet wine and boiled eggs.

Chen Xiao looked at the full eggs and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Master's wife, why do you do this every time? You know I can't eat so many!"

"How do I know whether you came here with or without food? But I remember that a certain little boy was so embarrassed that he went hungry and lied about not being hungry!"

Chen Xiao chuckled.

I took the sweet wine eggs from my mistress and started eating them with big mouthfuls, regardless of whether I could hold them any longer.

After finishing eating, Qin Qing gave him a wink quietly.

Chen Xiao could understand that look.

It means that Chen Xiao can chat with Wang Dahe more.

Chen Xiao nodded in response and continued to sit on the bedside and chatted with her for a while. Wang Dahe couldn't lie still.

"Do you have anything to do this afternoon? If nothing happens, push me for a walk!"

"Okay, anyway, my father-in-law is with my parents."

Wang Dahe was very happy. After he moved little by little from the bed to the wheelchair, Chen Xiao pushed him along the road while talking about his previous studies.

Just after talking so much, Chen Xiao felt more and more that the teacher he respected the most in his study life was really worried now.

But when he was chatting, he carefully concealed all topics that could open up his heart. He always only talked about good things with Chen Xiao, and he talked about all the bad things.

But when Chen Xiao pushed him back home, Wang Dahe suddenly patted Chen Xiao's hand pushing the wheelchair.

"Chen Xiao, do you feel that the teacher is different from what you thought he was?"

When he heard this question, Chen Xiao frowned.

The reason for the frown is not that the question was asked poorly.

But he didn't know how to answer.

Wang Dahe wouldn't believe it if he said the same thing, and would instinctively think that Chen Xiao was comforting him.

If Wang Dahe felt that Chen Xiao would only comfort him, then Wang Dahe would completely seal off his heart in front of him.

But if he says otherwise, then Wang Dahe will feel depressed and even more self-denial deep in his heart.

Chen Xiao looked at the teacher in front of him and asked himself: Is he really depressed?

(End of this chapter)

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