Chapter 288 Refusing to plead guilty!

"It's actually Teacher Han Zai?!"

Hearing this result, Chen Xiao was extremely shocked.

In the entire Dongzhou police community, Han Zai is definitely a very unique existence.

He was respected by many police officers.

But the reason why people respect him is not because of the high position he once held after he retired.

It's because many people have received guidance from Han Zai.

I think back then, a Han Dynasty scared Chen Xianzu so much that he had to fake his death and escape.

This alone shows how fierce Han Zai was back then!

But now Han Zai actually came to Yangguan County and came into contact with the case that Lin Xi was going to handle now.

For Chen Xiao, it is not difficult to guess that the reason why Lin Xi became the leader of the task force may also be related to Han Zai.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Xi also said with emotion:

"Yeah, I was surprised when I met him. But after meeting him, I'm not surprised at all that I am the team leader."

"The team leader's matter is decided by the superiors. It's nothing to think about. But the case should not be difficult for Teacher Han, right?"

"Indeed, Teacher Han and I chatted for a long time today, and we are still in a fog."

Chen Xiao paused and asked, "What's the problem?"

"The murderer has been caught but refuses to plead guilty."


Chen Xiao didn't quite understand what this meant.

It stands to reason that Lin Xi, who experienced the Yanghu Phantom case with Chen Xiao, would not say that the murderer was arrested and refused to plead guilty.

Because since the murderer has been arrested and refuses to plead guilty, there are only two situations.

First, the evidence is not absolutely sufficient, and secondly, it is possible that the wrong person has been arrested.

Lin Xi's words conveyed to Chen Xiao that there was irrefutable evidence, but the murderer refused to plead guilty!

Chen Xiao was not in a hurry to ask, Lin Xi also said at this time:

"It is said that the case is somewhat similar to the Lumingling Reservoir case. It is considered a murder case, but there is one survivor."

"The survivors are also invisible, right?"

"No, the survivor clearly identified who the murderer was! However, the identified murderer kept saying that he was unjust and even committed several acts of self-harm."

Chen Xiao frowned: "Besides the identification, is there any other evidence at the scene?"

"The scene has been cleared, but the person arrested has a motive for murder. The only reason why the case cannot be determined is that, in addition to the suspect's refusal to plead guilty, the survivor is still young, just five years old. girl."

"I see. Could it be her...?"

Chen Xiao originally wondered if he had admitted the wrong person.

But when the words came to their lips, they felt that it was such a simple possibility that it was impossible for Lin Xi and Han not to confirm it first.

"Does the suspect have any twin siblings?"

"No, he is an only son. In addition, he has a criminal record."

"What criminal record?"

"Attempted murder, and the targets were the same people."

From just these few sentences, Chen Xiao could already hear a lot of information.

If analyzed according to what is said.

There are two situations in the case.

The simplest thing is that the criminal suspect who has been arrested now is the murderer, but because the witnesses are young and there is no other evidence, he refuses to admit it.

The other one is relatively more complicated.

But there is a basis, that is, the murderer must be quite familiar with the suspect and the victims.

In addition, he already has a superb sense of committing crimes. Otherwise, he wouldn't make use of all these things.

Chen Xiao obviously couldn't give him good advice on the phone, and Lin Xi only called to share the news with him.

Without further discussing the case, Chen Xiao asked, "I've made an appointment with Wang Juan to go to the county later in the evening. I just want to book a room. When you finish working, come over and rest."

"Wang Juan? This name seems familiar. Have I seen it before?"

"I mentioned to you that he is Teacher Wang Dahe's son. I went to visit Teacher Wang today and bumped into him."

"So that's the case, but I don't necessarily have time to rest. I'll see what the situation is. If anything is discovered, I'll have to continue the investigation."

"Well, please take care of yourself."

"I know, bye hubby~~."

After hanging up the phone, the mother-in-law came over and asked, "Can Xiaoxi come back for dinner in the evening?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "She can't come back. There was a big case in the county. She came back with the task force."

"Hey, I used to hope that she would be successful, but now I wonder why she has to work so hard. It's not like she's incapable!"

Mother-in-law Han Meixiang is definitely the most realistic elder woman Chen Xiao has ever seen.

Just like what she said, she used to hope that Lin Xi would be successful and that she would live a good life.

Now that Chen Xiao is capable, she naturally wants her daughter to no longer be so busy.

At least I can spend my free time with my parents and stuff.

Chen Xiao didn't say much, and followed Han Meixiang to the dining table and started eating dinner.

My father-in-law, Lin Shanhu, was so happy that he was particularly greedy for drinks today. He and Lao Chen were going back and forth. In the end, the two old men drank until their faces were red, and they fell asleep after getting off the table.

Chen Xiao had an appointment with Wang Juan in the evening, so he drove alone to pick up Wang Juan first.

When the latter saw Chen Xiao's car, he couldn't help but look at it:

"I'll go, good guy, your car costs almost 200,000!"

Chen Xiao's car is not expensive, and she bought it for Lin Xi to commute to work.

Now for him, two hundred thousand seems to have become a small amount.

But for most ordinary people, 06 yuan was still a huge amount of money in .

Wang Juan seemed to like the car very much, and asked with a smile on his face: "Well, can you let me get on the driver's seat and try it? Don't worry, I won't drive, just feel it!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Wang Juan got into the car, clearly showing envy on his face.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Which big hotel in Xiangdu do you work at?"

"I used to work in a relatively ordinary hotel, but recently I moved to a big hotel as a small department manager. The salary may be high compared to many part-time workers. But if I want to buy your car, I guess I have to fight for a while."

"Take your time, I actually got this car by luck."

"Don't be humble to me. My dad told me that you got a reward of two million for solving a case before!"

Wang Jun said with a smile, and Chen Xiao didn't say much.

Then, Wang Juan went to the back seat and said, "There are some things for girls in your car, so I sat in the back seat. However, you must not think that you are the driver!" "

"How come there are so many broken rules among young people, but as Wang Juan said, tell me about your work history. If possible, I can help you at work."

Wang Jun is Wang Dahe's son.

Wang Dahe can be regarded as Chen Xiao’s mentor.

If it can be helpful to Wang Jun at work, Chen Xiao wouldn't think too much about it.

But Wang Juan didn't believe it and said with a smile: "We from Dongzhou and Xiang are thousands of miles apart, how can you help me! Unless you know our boss!"

"Then tell me who your boss is, and I'll find out. In Xiangdu, I know a man named Zong Yuanmao, and he seems to have recently opened a hotel. As for the others, Xu Zaisheng, Li Jindao, etc. They were all caught by me..."

Chen Xiao said while driving the car.

But Wang Juan in the back row suddenly stopped talking!

(End of this chapter)

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