Chapter 289 Ashtray

"Zong Yuanmao!"

"Xu Zai Zai!"

"Damn it, Chen Xiao, what on earth are you doing? How do you know these two big guys!"

Wang Juan looked really shocked.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "I only found out after investigating the case in the past, but with your reaction, and because you recently moved to a new hotel, could it be the one opened by Zong Yuanmao, right?"

"Stop guessing. Where can I get into the big hotel opened by Zong Yuanmao? It is said that Zong Yuanmao's big hotel is built to be the best in Xiangdu!"

When he said this, Wang Jun's eyes showed a trace of deep regret.

Chen Xiao noticed it and asked with a smile: "Although it is not good to change jobs frequently, if I make a phone call, Zong Yuanmao should immediately arrange a good position for you. After all, he still owes me a favor that he has not repaid. .”

Wang Juan shook his head almost without thinking:

"You said it was a favor he owed you. Although I don't know how you have changed since I haven't seen you in the past two years, you must have become a better person if you can talk to a big shot like Zong Yuanmao. He's a great person, so you can't exchange his favor so cheaply."

Wang Juan's worries were actually overblown.

Chen Xiao didn't care at all about the favor Zong Yuanmao owed.

The most important thing is that Zong Yuanmao wants to reach the largest scale in the hotel industry, which means the greater the risks he will bear in the future.

So Chen Xiao doesn't want to have much contact with it.

But since Wang Juan himself made this choice, Chen Xiao would naturally not follow suit.

Then the two chatted about other topics and wandered around the county together.

But Chen Xiao felt very keenly that Wang Juan's attitude towards him was no longer the same.

Let Chen Xiao analyze it.

When he first saw Chen Xiao riding a small electric donkey, Wang Juan might have sincerely wanted to take him to the county town for fun.

Now that he knew some details about Chen Xiao, he felt a little uncomfortable everywhere.

All the way to the county seat.

After Chen Xiao and Wang Jun walked around for a while, Wang Jun then said hesitantly:

"I... I originally wanted to ask you to wash your feet first, and then play KK songs. But now, I think you don't like those things."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "I've been to a lot of places now, why don't we find a late-night snack bar and let's have a drink."

"That's okay, but you drove the car, how are you going to get back later?"

"I will stay in the county town at night, and my wife will handle the case here."

"Hey, isn't your wife a police officer from the police station? Why are you still here in Yangguan!"

"I was transferred to the criminal police team of the branch before, but this time I joined the task force."

Wang Jun suddenly realized and said with emotion: "That's great, but you are lucky to have married a good wife. They say that a good wife can be prosperous for three generations. Sure enough, you have become prosperous now!"

"I like what you say, so I have to have a drink with you."

"Just drink, as if I'm afraid of you. Just in time, let you see how professionals drink."

"Oh, I was known as the Little Dionysus of Phoenix Street."

Chen Xiao also relaxed his mind.

It seemed that after his rebirth, he rarely felt this relaxed again.

It just so happens that Wang Juan is also a very good drinking buddy.

The most important thing is that Wang Juan has one of the best wines among the people Chen Xiao has ever met. After drinking too much, I don't look around and don't say much. Not to mention talking nonsense from all over the world, and not even mentioning any major international events.

Chen Xiao chatted with him while drinking.

But when Wang Juan finished smoking a cigarette, a subconscious movement made Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly freeze.

After Wang Juan finished smoking, he actually rubbed out the burning cigarette butt with his thumb and index finger!

Chen Xiao always felt like he had seen this scene before somewhere.

Later, he immediately remembered.

I saw that in a movie.

It was precisely because of that character's actions that his superiors became suspicious of him!

It’s just that that movie won’t be released for several years.

If Chen Xiao remembers correctly, that movie was adapted from a literary work.

The movie wouldn't be released for several years.

Wang Juan seemed to notice Chen Xiao's gaze, so he looked at his fingers.

After being stunned for a moment, Wang Jun smiled and said, "You've never seen someone put out smoke like this, right?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "It's indeed the first time I've seen you. Isn't it hot?"

"It's hot, but every time I get it, I clearly tell myself that you must stand out!"

As he said that, Wang Juan followed: "You know the situation in Xiangdu, and the hotel and entertainment industry is even more difficult. It's a mixed bag. Sometimes if you don't pay attention, you may offend some people who can't afford to offend."

"Before, I was just a fool. I saw someone bullying a little girl, so I attacked her. But I didn't expect that the other person was someone I couldn't afford to offend, so... that night I sat next to them and played tricks on them. ashtray."

"As long as they finish smoking, they can kill them wherever they want on my body. I can't take off my clothes to show you. I still have scars on my body."

"But that's not the most ridiculous thing. The most ridiculous thing is that the girl kept pursuing me. At that time, I was not ready to fall in love, but after she pursued me crazily, I fell into the whirlpool of love."

Having said this, Wang Jun let out a long sigh:

"Speaking of it, it was my first serious love. But I didn't expect that a girl who pursued me so passionately would end up wearing a big green hat on me."

Wang Juan said as he drank a large glass of wine, placed the glass heavily on the table, and said in a deep voice:

"I still can't figure it out. She was the one who chased me, so why was she the one who betrayed me?"

Chen Xiao really didn't expect such a bad thing to happen to Wang Juan.

After thinking about it, his eyes could only fall on the wine glass and asked: "Can I still drink?"

"Come's all in the wine!"

Chen Xiao nodded.

He felt that if Wang Jun didn't get drunk tonight, it would be difficult for the latter to fall asleep.

And now he has discovered that his body is really different from before.

Especially for beer, he can really drink it casually.

I don't know when the drink lasted, but Chen Xiao had two boxes of empty bottles under his feet. Although Wang Juan was lying on the table, he was still on par with him.

He probably thought that the beer in this late-night snack bar was the same as the beer in their hotel’s KTV department, right?

Chen Xiao booked a hotel nearby, took Wang Juan upstairs and left a note.

But when he was about to leave, he couldn't help but notice the index finger and thumb of Wang Jun's right hand.

He grabbed the latter's wrist and took a look, and then he discovered that the fingerprints on all five fingers of Wang Juan's right hand had traces of burns.

Such a discovery made Chen Xiao frown.

He even couldn't help but wonder in his heart, did Wang Juan just have those humiliating things that he would never forget?

(End of this chapter)

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