Chapter 290 Topping!

When Chen Xiao walked out of the hotel room.

Although I was thoughtful, I didn’t think about it all the time.

Wang Jun has Wang Jun’s experience.

From what he told, those experiences were unbearable and full of humiliation.

After people have endured great humiliation, some do not think it is right, some remember it deeply, and some even sink.

Wang Jun should be in the middle.

As if he was being used as an ashtray, he extinguished the cigarette between his fingers.

Chen Xiao feels that he should remain absolutely rational when encountering anything.

You can't doubt him just because he has seen something and then when others do the same thing.

He is not a policeman.

Not even the police in Xiangdu.

If anything happens, it is the responsibility of the police.

What Chen Xiao has to do is face it calmly.

Of course, if he needs to provide something, he will choose to cooperate.

After walking out of the hotel where Wang Juan lived, Chen Xiao called Lin Xi.

"Hey, hubby, are you and Wang Juan ready to drink?"

"I drank him down and opened a room for him. He is fast asleep now."

"how about you?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay, then give me your address and I'll find you. I just finished the meeting and there's nothing else to do today."

Chen Xiao hummed, then sent the address, and then went to book a room.

Not long after, Lin Xi rushed over.

And coming together was Han Zai.

When Chen Xiao saw Han Zai, he immediately reached out and shook hands:

"Teacher Han, long time no see."

"More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye since I first met you in Songshanping."

Chen Xiao knew the reason why Han appeared again, so he enthusiastically invited him into the hotel.

However, Han was no longer a sensible person and just chose to sit in the hotel lobby.

"Chen Xiao, do you know why I came to find you?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "I guessed a bit, but I don't think I'm suitable to be involved in the case you encountered, Mr. Han."

"I understand your thoughts, but you should also know what kind of person I am. I am very indifferent to my job. So, what I want to tell you is that human life is at stake... If I can seize the truth as soon as possible, It's always a good thing to be murderous or to be sure of the real murderer, isn't it?"


Chen Xiao was actually touched by Han Zai's ordinary words. He thought of what he often said to Guo Qing when he was in Shencheng:

Doing good deeds without asking for reward!

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then glanced at Lin Xi.

When he saw Wan'er smiling, Chen Xiao said seriously: "Teacher is indeed a person who understands many things. Chen Xiao has learned a lesson!"

Hearing what Chen Xiao said, Han Zai was stunned.

"What do you mean by this, do you accept my intention?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, because Xiaoxi also thinks you are right. People can pursue profit, but they cannot be too obsessed with it. Moreover, human life is at stake. If I can contribute, at least for me and It should be considered a merit for being around me, right?"

Han Zai laughed: "It seems that I really thought too much. I called Zhang Xian before, and we had opposite opinions. I think you can't answer questions easily, but he thinks you will definitely agree."

"But his starting point is completely different from what you are saying now, so neither of us knows you well enough."

Lin Xi also spoke up at this time: "So Teacher Han, when I saw your hesitation, I thought I should take the initiative to bring you to see Chen Xiao."

"So you husband and wife are of the same mind!"

After saying that, Han no longer said these words, and said seriously:

"Lin Xi may have told you a general outline of the case, but in order to deepen your impression, I decided to talk to you in detail."

Chen Xiao nodded without interrupting, and Han Zai continued:

"The case originally had nothing to do with me. It's just that I happened to be in Yangguan, and then the criminal police captain of the county bureau came to me for advice. Originally, I thought the case was not difficult. But after contacting it, I found that there are a lot of tricks here."

"First of all, in this murder case, there were three people dead. When they were found, they were all in the same posture and died in the same way."

"The head of the household was named Jiao Guoxuan, and the second deceased was Jiao Guoxuan's wife Wei Rong, and his daughter Jiao Yan. The three were found in a sitting position, with their bodies trapped on chairs, but their bodies were removed came out, and finally the murderer nailed their palms to the table in front of them in a heart-supporting posture!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes.

"Does that mean the heart was taken out?"

"Yes! The whole process was relatively troublesome, but he handled the scene very cleanly. This means that he had sufficient time to commit the crime. Through autopsy, drug residues were detected in the bodies of the three deceased people."

"That is to say, the murderer drugged the three deceased persons to lose their ability to resist, then tied them to chairs, and finally topping them."

"The criminal suspect currently being arrested had committed an attempted murder against them many years ago. Before that act was carried out, he had a fierce quarrel with Jiao Guoxuan, and he also threatened to take out Jiao Guoxuan's heart to see if it was Not black!”

"What is the relationship between the two?" Chen Xiao asked.

Han Zaizai replied: "They are considered relatives. The suspect's family was in good condition before, but later he was manipulated by Jiao Guoxuan, so their family fell into decline. Jiao Guoxuan took advantage of the situation and rose up. And the reason why Jiao Guoxuan was able to enter their family's business is It’s because of the family relationship between the two families.”

"The criminal suspect encountered something a few years ago and needed some money, so he approached Jiao Guoxuan. But instead of helping, Jiao Guoxuan even humiliated the criminal suspect. That's how the conflict arose."

Chen Xiao did not rush to express his opinion after hearing this, but only asked: "Why did he fail back then?"

"Because after Jiao Yan learned of her father's behavior, she secretly transferred the money to the account of the criminal suspect's father. The moment the criminal suspect was about to take action, his father stopped him in time."

"Then what was the motive behind his murder?" Chen Xiao asked.

Han Zai curled his lips and said: "To be honest, Jiao Guoxuan is really nothing. The criminal suspect just came out two months ago. During this period, whenever he meets Jiao Guoxuan, he will still be humiliated."

"In the final analysis, it's just that the financial resources have increased and the brains and quality have not kept up. I escaped the disaster before, but now I have to rush towards the gate of hell."

Chen Xiao said indifferently: "That is indeed seeking death, but from your description, if it is the criminal suspect currently arrested, he will not do the same thing to Jiao Yanxia, ​​right? Especially when he is still On the premise of letting Jiao Guoxuan’s youngest daughter go.”

(End of this chapter)

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