Chapter 291 Picking and Digging!

In the case of personal identification by the victim at the scene.

It is rare that the wrong person is arrested in a case.

But in this case, there is no doubt that with a little analysis, it is obviously full of loopholes.

But it is such a case full of loopholes, but there is an identification that the suspect cannot get rid of.

Han Zai sighed: "The situation of the case is basically what I just said. The case is not complicated at all, but it is complicated because the suspect who was arrested refused to plead guilty. He has a very violent personality. After being caught, he spent several times There are self-harm behaviors every time.”

"He wants to die to prove his innocence!"

"As you said, from what we have learned, we can clearly confirm that among Jiao Guoxuan's relatives, only Jiao Yan is reasonable. After the criminal suspect was released from prison last time, Jiao Yan was the only one who found someone The suspect’s.”

"From other people's words, it seems that the suspect has put down his previous hatred and anger. If he really did it, Jiao Yan should not die, especially since he is still alive."

Lin Xi also took over the topic at this time and said:

"The criminal suspect knew the situation in the deceased's home very well, and also knew how many people there were in the deceased's family. When he killed the three deceased, he had enough time and patience to clean up the scene. There was no reason to look for Less than a five-year-old daughter hiding under the bed."

"That's the truth, but Teacher Han, your investigation should have been biased towards someone framing the crime after you mastered the case, right? But, didn't you find a breakthrough from the social relationship of the deceased?" Chen Xiao asked.

Han shook his head again, but didn't speak for a long time.

Chen Xiao looked at his expression and noticed that Han Zai seemed to be thinking about something.

Two or three minutes passed before Han Zai said: "Let's put it this way, after I exchanged the case with Xiaoxi, I felt a sense of regret. Especially when I put forward my own ideas, I had I had a very strong intuition that all my ideas might be misleading her."

"So, I don't want to say my opinion on the case now. I hope you two will find it out for yourself. Whether it's social relations or other things, you can investigate it yourself."

Han Zai is a very experienced criminal investigator.

But at the same time, he is an old man who is willing to accept old age.

When he slightly senses something is wrong and feels that he may affect the judgment of others.

He promptly stopped all his actions and left everything to the young people.

Chen Xiao didn't expect that he would make such a decision, but seeing Han Zai's firm expression, he smiled bitterly and said:

"Okay, Xiaoxi and I will go to the forensic department tomorrow morning. I want to see the body first."

Chen Xiao had just gained the power of bathing, so the first thing he wanted to do was to find out where his latest ability would be displayed.

Han nodded again: "I just came here to know your attitude. Since you don't resist and are very willing, I'm relieved."

After saying that, Han Zai stood up.

Without waiting for Chen Xiao to try to persuade him to stay, Han waved his hand and took a taxi to leave.

The two stood at the door of the hotel and watched the taxi leave.

Lin Xi held Chen Xiao's arm. When Chen Xiao glanced at her and was about to say something, Lin Xi said:

"I think what Teacher Han did is right. I don't want to talk about the case with you before you have real contact with me. Let's..."

"Let's talk about things between us as husband and wife!"

"I don't have any worries about talking about this. Let's go...go upstairs and talk!"

Chen Xiao let Lin Xi hold his arm and enter the room.

Just as Lin Xi said, neither of them talked about anything related to the case.

However, Chen Xiao verified the power of bathing in advance.

However, if he had to pick out a change after verification.

Those are his hands, which seem to be more skillful than before!

Enhanced by the power of "thief", Chen Xiao was very confident in the dexterity of his hands.

But now, Chen Xiao is more confident!

in the room.

Lin Xi has fallen into a deep sleep. Chen Xiao stretched out his palms and observed through the dim light in the bathroom.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Chen Xiao finally got up.

He took out paper and pen from his bag.

He couldn't sleep.

So looking for something to do.

So he took paper and pen and started drawing.

It's just that the paintings he painted are not suitable for people to see at night.

Because what he painted was the scene described by Han Zai.

The three deceased people were tied to chairs, but there was still a table in front of them.

That table is the dining table of Jiao Guoxuan's family.

In other words, the murderer used drugs to stun the three people and then performed the binding act.

After being tied up, their chests were cut open and their hearts removed!

When Han Zai described it, why did he use the word pick instead of dig?

In Chen Xiao's opinion, there should be a reason for this.

After all, when an old detective describes a case, he may be more wordy than a scholar.

Picking is like picking fruits.

Fruits are picked directly by hand or with the help of tools.

But there is a fundamental difference between picking and digging.

Take it out, you can literally tell it has a more rude and barbaric flavor.

And picking it seems to be with a little cautious feeling!

Chen Xiao painted silently alone.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but there are four more paintings in Chen Xiao’s hands.

Three of them were naturally the scenes he imagined when the three deceased people were found.

The last picture is what everyone looked like when they were found together.

Chen Xiao looked at the painting in his hand and already had tomorrow's work plan in his mind.

First: He needs to test the power of bathing first.

Second: He needs to meet the criminal suspect who was arrested and refused to plead guilty to understand his character and conduct.

After doing both of these things, Chen Xiao needed to compare his character with the character of the murderer he felt.

Just thinking about it, Chen Xiao felt like he had missed something.

After staring at the painting and thinking seriously, an idea flashed in Chen Xiao's mind.

He remembered what he had missed.

In addition to nature, a person's personality will also change due to acquired environment and experience.

The arrested suspect had a criminal record and had been in prison.

His life and environment have all changed since his birth, which can be regarded as a huge change.

Such changes are enough to change a person's original character.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he wanted to take something away, he would be rude and impatient and just take it out.

But after experiencing a huge change in life, he may become very gentle and even fantasize about being an artist.

Define all your actions as the creation and extension of a certain kind of art!

(End of this chapter)

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