Chapter 292: Is ranking important?

Chen Xiao has been painting for a long time.

But not overnight.

When Lin Xi woke up in the morning, Chen Xiao also got up immediately.

But after Lin Xi finished washing, she looked at the paintings at the table.

Chen Xiao came over and asked: "Is it different from the scene taken on the scene?"

"Yes, I always think your paintings are more delicate."


Chen Xiao was surprised, Lin Xi looked at the painting and said:

"Perhaps you are painting the murderer's heart, and what the photo captures is just the cold scene."

With that said, Lin Xi took the initiative to help Chen Xiao put away the paintings, then walked up to Chen Xiao and said:

"Chen Xiao, I want to compete with you this time. I'll check yours, and I'll check mine. How about that?"

After saying that, Lin Xi added: "But if any of us has clues, we need to share them with each other."

Chen Xiao put his arm around Lin Xi's shoulders and said, "Husband on weekdays, in competitions, I call you Chen Xiao, right?"

"I don't care, I also want to see how big the gap between me and you is now."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded.

He saw that there was a strong desire to solve the case in Lin Xi's eyes.

The two of them didn't say anything more. After leaving the hotel together, they went to the county bureau's criminal police team.

The captain of the Criminal Police Team of Yangguan County Bureau is named Zou Hao.

After Chen Xiao met him, Zou Hao followed Lin Xi to visit and investigate.

Chen Xiao came to the forensic department alone.

After entering, Chen Xiao saw three corpses on the autopsy table at a glance.

The head of the household is Jiao Guoxuan.

Wei Rong, the wife of the head of household.

Daughter Jiao Yan.

However, Chen Xiao, who checked the case file, already knew that the three people on the autopsy table were parents and daughters who had an unusual relationship.

Jiao Yan was born to Jiao Guoxuan's ex-wife.

After Jiao Guoxuan became successful, he met his current wife Wei Rong.

Wei Rong's age is actually only four or five years older than Jiao Yan.

The county bureau's forensic doctor is called Zhong Tian. He is an old forensic doctor who has been engaged in forensic work for many years. He is now in his early fifties.

Looking at the tired look of Dr. Zhong, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said:

"Director Zhong, why don't you take a break?"

The latter shook his head: "Before the report is made, I have to race against time. After all, the longer time passes, the more likely some evidence will be lost."

This is true.

Chen Xiao didn't say much, but walked to the stage aside.

The clothes worn by the deceased were already securely packed on it.

After putting on his gloves, Chen Xiao took out every piece of clothing and inspected it.

However, after checking for a while, Chen Xiao found nothing on the clothes.

Later, when he saw that Zhong Tian had begun the dissection work, Chen Xiao couldn't help but walk closer.

Zhong Tian was still a little worried that he wouldn't be able to bear it, so he reminded him seriously: "Mr. Chen, have you ever seen an anatomy with your own eyes?"

"It's okay, Director Zhong. I've experienced scenes that are more difficult to accept than this." "That's good."

Zhong Tian said and fell silent again.

He is not a person who likes to talk, so Chen Xiao could only take the initiative to talk:

"Director Zhong, what do you think the hearts of the three deceased people that were taken out mean?"

Zhong Tian's movements did not pause, but his mind was spinning:

"To be honest, I have been a forensic doctor for so many years and I have encountered all kinds of cases. But based on my experience, the more slowly the murderer takes the murder, the more difficult it is to solve the case!"

"On the contrary, if the murderer's methods are very crude, it will probably take less than a few days to arrest him. Now that you asked me this question as soon as you came here, I think the report on you in Dongzhou is really well-deserved. "

Chen Xiao grinned slightly but did not interrupt.

Zhong Tian also continued: "If you want to ask me what I think, I think this may not be a vendetta."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"As I just said, based on my experience, I like to divide murder cases into two types. One is coarse and the other is fine. Vendetta cases generally have strong revenge characteristics. In terms of killing methods, It’s rare to see such careful removal of human organs.”

"But murder cases, excluding crimes of passion, are nothing but hatred, love, money, etc. Besides, murders for love are rarely so patient. As for money, it is even simpler."

Chen Xiao understood the meaning: "So what Director Zhong means is that the motives of the murderer in this case are probably not the usual ones?"

"That's what I think, but after all, you need a reason to kill. So I want to make the autopsy report quickly, so that Team Leader Lin and the others can grasp the clues more easily."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then you are busy, I will sit in your office and look at the photos taken at the scene."

"it is good."

Chen Xiao turned around and left the anatomy room.

Then he opened the case file bag again in Zhong Tian's office and took out the photos.

The photo is obviously more bloody than Chen Xiao's painting.

But as Lin Xi said, everything shown in the photo is cold.

As for Chen Xiao's paintings, in fact, no one else but him can be used as a reference.

Chen Xiaobi looked at the photo, hoping to get closer to the murderer's heart.

As he watched, Chen Xiao felt more and more that the murderer was extremely serious when removing the heart of the deceased.

And the hearts were all in the hands of the three deceased people.

"What was the murderer's purpose in doing this? When he took out his heart, was he deliberately pursuing that excitement, or was he just letting someone see it?"

Chen Xiao thought in his mind.

Then began to pay attention to the location of the three deceased persons at the scene.

Jiao Guoxuan sat at the main seat at the dinner table, while Jiao Yan sat on Jiao Guoxuan's right hand and Wei Rong sat on his left.

For Chinese people, there is a lot of emphasis on the order of the dining table.

If analyzed according to normal circumstances, as the head of the family, Jiao Guoxuan certainly takes the lead.

Next on his lower right should be Wei Rong.

But the positions of Jiao Yan and Wei Rong are exactly opposite. What's more, if we really want to be particular, Jiao Yan, the eldest daughter, should sit under Wei Rong, but she sits across from Wei Rong.

"Did this position be taken randomly? Or does the Jiao Guoxuan family really take the position according to their status in the family? Or, did the murderer deliberately place it this way?"

"If it's the latter two, it means that Jiao Yan's status is higher than Wei Rong."

"Jiao Guoxuan's hands are stretched between Jiao Yan and Wei Rong, which means that his heart is facing his wife and daughter. However, Jiao Yan's hands are facing the direction of Jiao Guoxuan, while Wei Rong's are facing the direction of Jiao Guoxuan. Toward Jiao Yan!"

"If we look at the posture of holding the heart after being pinned with the hands stretched out, it means that Jiao Guoxuan showed his heart to his wife and daughter. And Wei Rong, the stepmother, held his heart to Jiao Yan. Jiao Yan’s praise goes to Jiao Guoxuan again!”

Some analysis.

Especially combined with the special relationship between the three people and the fact that the murderer may know the characteristics of Jiao Guoxuan's family very well.

Chen Xiao suddenly felt that there should be a lot of things here!

(End of this chapter)

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