Chapter 293 Poster, uncle’s back!

For Chen Xiao, the question of ranking is just curiosity at this moment.

The reason is naturally that since he was a child, he has met many families with very particular table manners.

Generally speaking, people sit according to seniority.

Of course, more people don’t have too many rules and regulations.

The murderer may have arranged their bodies randomly.

But the position may not matter, but the direction of the favor definitely deserves research.

To put it simply, Jiao Guoxuan gave his heart to his wife and daughter.

Jiao Yan showed her heart to her father.

Both of these are normal, but Wei Rong, the stepmother, actually puts her heart in front of her stepdaughter.

As if to say, I can give you my heart!

This is not the first time Chen Xiao has encountered cases involving stepmothers and stepchildren.

The case he investigated for the first time in a real sense had this connection!

Whenever this kind of relationship occurs in a family, there is no doubt that the probability of problems is definitely much higher than in a normal family!

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao stopped looking at the photos and went to the criminal police team's lounge.

If he remembered correctly, Wei Rong's little daughter born to Jiao Guoxuan was being taken care of by a policewoman in the lounge.

Chen Xiao opened the door to the lounge. The policewoman was playing cartoons on a computer to a five-year-old girl.

Seeing Chen Xiao coming, the policewoman was a little confused. It wasn't until Chen Xiao explained her identity that the policewoman hurried over to greet him.

"It turns out that Consultant Chen is here!"

"Her name is Jiao Yue, she is Jiao Guoxuan's youngest daughter."

The policewoman introduced, Chen Xiao smiled and squatted in front of Jiao Yue.

"Kid, is it boring here?"

Although Chen Xiao asked this.

But when he came in here just now, he noticed that the little girl's eyes were not focused on the cartoon on the computer.

There was still a trace of deep fear in her eyes.

But when Chen Xiao asked her, Jiao Yue still nodded.

Chen Xiao looked at this girl who was similar to Zhao Xiaoyu and asked again in a very gentle tone:

"How about uncle take you out for a walk? Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Jiao Yue nodded and shook her head.

Chen Xiao understood what she meant: "You want to go out, but you don't know where to go, right?"

Jiao Yue nodded again.

Chen Xiao directly took her hand: "Then, can you just follow uncle for a walk? Do you want to take a car or walk?"

"I don't want to ride in the car, I feel dizzy." Jiao Yue replied weakly.

Chen Xiao nodded, gave the policewoman a reassuring look, and took Jiao Yue outside the criminal police team.

However, after leaving the criminal police team, Chen Xiao also had some difficulties.

Faced with such a young girl who had also encountered a major accident, he really didn't know how to open the topic.

Especially since there were so many questions he wanted to ask.

Finally, when Chen Xiao saw a billboard, an idea flashed in his mind.

There are two female celebrities on the billboard.

The two look somewhat similar, but they are definitely not twins.

Therefore, Chen Xiao asked:

"Yueyue, do you see the two aunties up there? Are they the same person?"

Jiao Yue nodded with almost no hesitation.

Chen Xiao saw it and immediately had a realization in his heart: "There are indeed two people in the world who look similar but are not related by blood! Maybe the murderer just looks similar to the arrested suspect, so The latter will be wrongly arrested!”

Thinking in his mind, Chen Xiao came up with a way to constantly distinguish.

He took Jiao Yue to a store where he could buy many celebrity posters.

In the store, he first asked Jiao Yue if she wanted any gifts. But Jiao Yue's interest was not high, and she would even fall into deep thought from time to time.

Once she was in a meditative state, her eyes were full of fear.

Chen Xiao knew that she had been deeply shocked, but there was no way she could help now that as the only survivor of the case and a witness, her help was needed in the investigation of the case.

Even though she is only a five-year-old child.

Chen Xiao quickly selected some posters of celebrities.

There is a front and a side.

He first showed Jiao Yue two celebrities who looked completely different from each other head-on.

Jiao Yue glanced at it and shook his head.

This showed that Jiao Yue did not have the symptoms of face blindness as he feared.

Then, Chen Xiao took out two celebrity posters that looked somewhat similar.

One front and one side.

Jiao Yue looked again, obviously hesitant.

Some people look very similar to each other from the front, but if you compare them side by side, they look nothing like each other.

The reason why Chen Xiao did this was to determine from what angle Jiao Yue saw the suspect that night.

However, although Jiao Yue hesitated, he quickly nodded and said "the same".

Such an answer means that Jiao Yue has a relatively clear identification ability.

Then, Chen Xiao put two completely different-looking celebrity posters together.

But they look very similar from the side!

When the two posters were placed together, Jiao Yue nodded again without hesitation.

Seeing her reaction, Chen Xiao's expression showed a hint of solemnity.

He had to ask: "Yueyue, did you also see this half of his face the night of the accident?"

When this question was asked, Chen Xiao knew that Han Zai and the others might have simply ignored the angle issue when Jiao Yue identified it with great certainty.

Even when he put himself in his shoes, if there were witnesses who saw a certain person as the suspect, then he would not care about the angle from which the witnesses observed it!

Sure enough, Jiao Yue's answer made his heart sink to the bottom.


These two simple words made Jiao Yue, the most critical figure in the case, seem to have completely lost his role.

If she only saw a profile, it meant that she didn't know the suspect's true appearance.

However, Chen Xiao did not put any more psychological pressure on Jiao Yue.

After leaving the store with Jiao Yue, he also bought the posters.

After continuing to wander on the road for a while, Jiao Yue suddenly tugged on the corner of his clothes and said, "Uncle, I'm tired."

When Chen Xiao saw that her little face looked as haggard as an adult, he couldn't help but hug her up:

"Then uncle, can you take you back to sleep?"

"Okay, but I'm afraid, I don't want to go home... Wuwuwu."

While talking, Jiao Yue started to cry.

Her crying did not make Chen Xiao at a loss. On the contrary, he was very happy.

When a child is injured or encounters something, don't be afraid of her crying, let alone making trouble.

If you don't cry or make trouble when something happens, and are in a daze all the time, that is the most dangerous thing!

So when Jiao Yue cried, Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

But Jiao Yue was not used to others hugging her, so she said, "Uncle, can you squat down?"

Chen Xiao nodded, understanding what Jiao Yue wanted.

So he squatted down with his back to Jiao Yue, and the little man climbed onto Chen Xiao's back while crying.

Chen Xiao held her body and said softly: "If you want to sleep, just sleep on uncle's back. Don't be afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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