Chapter 295 Do you still want to import?

A person's left arm and right arm are naturally different.

But when Chen Xiao used the power of bathing, he could clearly feel that his consciousness was erasing those things on the deceased that could hinder him.

His consciousness immediately reached the elbow of Jiao Yan's right arm.

Her entire right arm sent a message back to Chen Xiao's mind at this moment.

That means her right elbow was most likely broken at some point!

And after she broke her arm, there was no thorough treatment, so Chen Xiao felt that her arm might not be able to move freely.

Chen Xiao's consciousness quickly exited from the scene under the power of construction.

If Chen Xiao and others were to analyze this scene, they would definitely find it extremely mysterious.

But in fact, this is Chen Xiao using a lot of power to give his memory a function similar to "cleaning up".

Use memories that can be useful to him to remind him at a certain moment!

Of course, such a reminder now makes Chen Xiao a little confused.

As an experienced forensic doctor, Zhong Tian would definitely be able to tell at a glance that the deceased's right arm had been broken.

And he could also see that the deceased's right arm should not have been thoroughly treated, and there were still some defects.

But if it is an old injury, let alone Zhong Tian, ​​even if Chen Xiao thinks about it now, what does it mean?

Although I don't understand in my heart.

But when the scene in his mind was frozen there, it meant that Chen Xiao's subconscious was touched when he saw Jiao Yan's right arm.

So no matter what, Chen Xiao had to go to the forensic department again.

After returning to the criminal police team with Jiao Yue in his arms, Chen Xiao handed her over to the policewoman who had taken care of her before and went to the forensic department again.

Zhong Tian was still continuing the autopsy. When Chen Xiao arrived, he was only immersed in his work and didn't even say a word.

Chen Xiao didn't mind either, walked to Jiao Yan's body and asked:

"Director Zhong, the deceased Jiao Yan's right arm must have been injured due to old injuries, right?"

Zhong Tian was a little surprised and asked, "Who told you?"

"I just came here to take a look, and I remembered it when I looked back."

Zhong Tian's eyes were not surprised, but a little shocked.

"How did you see that? Just lying flat like this, you can see that there are old injuries on her body?"

"Looking at the curvature of the arm when it is laid flat, it is no accident that her elbow is fractured, right?"

Zhong Tian's eyes changed again.

This time he was no longer shocked or surprised.

Instead, he frowned and had doubts in his eyes:

"As for her current situation, if no one talks to you, how can you tell with your naked eyes?"

"It doesn't matter whether I can see it or not. What matters is her injury..."

Chen Xiao doesn't like others looking at him questioningly.

But he also understood Zhong Tian's mood at the moment.

So he didn't bother to ask any more questions. He reached out and grabbed the elbow of Jiao Yan's right arm, and also made a massage-like movement.

By doing this, Chen Xiao felt confident.

"She has an old injury of about five years. If her arms are bent, Jiao Yan's left palm can be easily placed on her shoulder. However, due to incomplete treatment on her right hand, it is difficult for her right palm to be placed on her shoulder."

"The picture I saw was the only one that reminded me later. Even in the scene of the power of construction, it seemed to have washed away all the obstacles that hindered my vision."

"It seems that the power of bathing is more profound than I imagined!"

Chen Xiao knew that his ability was not capped immediately after mastering it.

Every ability will be quietly improved as the cases are solved in his subsequent crime-solving career.

What he has mastered so far may only be the initial power of bathing!

Chen Xiao took out a long breath.

He did not share the results of the five-year-old injury evaluation with Zhong Tian.

Because his identification method has gone beyond conventional forensic methods.

So after reading it, he stood silently behind Zhong Tian.

He decided to go through all the dissections first. Maybe after thinking about it later, he could find useful information from his memory again.

Zhong Tian didn't quite understand what Chen Xiao was doing.

But he also knew very well that Chen Xiao's current status in the Dongzhou police community meant that there was no need to tell him first about anything he did.

On the contrary, if he discovers anything, he still needs to discuss it with Chen Xiao.

Zhong Tian did the dissection silently without saying a word, and Chen Xiao also said nothing and watched quietly.

Time passed quietly.

After a few hours, Zhong Tian himself felt a little powerless.

So it stopped temporarily.

When Chen Xiao saw him stop, he asked, "Director Zhong, how long do you want to rest?"

The latter's face darkened: "Consultant Chen, at my age you can see that I can't stand it."

"Director Zhong, you misunderstood me. I meant that if you just take a breath, I will wait for you here. If you want to rest for a while, then I will go check things out first."

Zhong Tian was stunned.

In fact, he still wanted to ask: "Consultant Chen, did you really understand during the autopsy? Otherwise, you should just go and check it with peace of mind!"

Zhong Tian swallowed these words and replied to Chen Xiao:

"After a while, I am really too old, and now there is an urgent shortage of forensic doctors, otherwise I really want to quit."

"Okay, Director Zhong, here is my contact information. If you have rested later, give me a call. I'll leave first."

Chen Xiao left his number and quickly left the forensic department.

He needed to find out how Jiao Yan got injured five years ago.

Also, Jiao Yan's family situation was already good five years ago, so why wasn't she treated thoroughly?

For the time being, Chen Xiao didn’t know who to go to for verification.

But it was time for him to meet the suspect who refused to plead guilty after being caught.

Chen Xiao returned to the criminal police team and pushed open the interrogation room where the suspect was.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Xiao saw a man with a thick bandage on his head.

I heard that this guy took advantage of the police not paying attention and hit his head against the wall, causing him to end up like this.

After Chen Xiao sat down, the criminal suspect Qiao Zhiyuan became excited again when he saw him.

"What do you want?"

"I told you I didn't kill the person!"

"I didn't, why are you asking me again?"

"If you really can't do it, then let me out and I'll check if it's okay!"

Obviously, Qiao Zhiyuan's emotions have lost his mind.

Chen Xiao remained silent and allowed him to vent for a while before asking:

"Are you thirsty? Drink some water, or would you like a bottle of drink?"

This question directly stopped Qiao Zhiyuan.

But he seemed to really want to make things difficult, so he said: "Drink water, I want to drink imported water!"

Chen Xiao was happy and ran to get two empty cups. One of them filled one cup, then he rinsed his mouth and spit into the other cup and handed it to Qiao Zhiyuan.

"It's imported, but don't drink it in front of me, otherwise I'll blame you for your nausea."

"Fuck, you don't have any..."

Before Qiao Zhiyuan finished speaking, Chen Xiao pinched his cheek and frowned:

"I ask you to make reasonable demands. If you still swear when you follow your demands, then no one will be polite to you."

Qiao Zhiyuan was still whimpering and roaring, but Chen Xiao's voice became colder:

"Do you have parents? Do you have someone you care about? If not, you continue like this."

"But if you have, who do you think you can still rely on now? It's the police, the task force, and me standing in front of you!"


(End of this chapter)

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