Chapter 296 The fearful treatment!


The sound at the end shocked Qiao Zhiyuan.

He looked at Chen Xiao in a daze, his mouth wide open and his throat pumping, but he didn't know what to say.

Chen Xiao looked at him quietly, until Qiao Zhiyuan lowered his head in despair, then continued:

"To be honest, there is something wrong with your brain."

Qiao Zhiyuan raised his head suddenly, and Chen Xiao sneered:

"What, what I said is wrong? If you had any brains, would you have been so resistant during the past few days when you were arrested? I think any normal person should know that any resistance at this time is in vain."

"If the case is really not your fault, then there is only one thing to do right now, find someone to help you! If no one can help you, then you must save yourself!"

"So now, whether it's the former county bureau detective, the task force detective you've met, or the current me, at least we all still want to help you!"

At this point, Chen Xiao said no more.

Because of one meeting, Chen Xiao almost knew what kind of temperament Qiao Zhiyuan was.

It's not enough to treat such a person softly, you must give him some means.

It's a pity that as long as the police resort to tactics, there will always be some risks, but Chen Xiao has no scruples.

Qiao Zhiyuan couldn't help pinching his sore cheek, and when he looked at Chen Xiao with a cold expression, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Actually, I understand what you're saying, but as time goes by, I keep asking the same questions, and I'm really going to collapse."

Chen Xiao's tone softened:

"It's understandable. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will first be afraid, then angry, and then desperate. But compared to just one person asking you, having a few more people asking you is equivalent to a little more hope."

Qiao Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with some shame:

"You're right, I didn't think about it myself."

"To put it bluntly, you just need to clean up. But now that you have calmed down, let's have a good chat."

As Chen Xiao spoke, Qiao Zhiyuan said bitterly: "Do you want me to repeat those words again? I have really repeated them too many times. Only when a policewoman came to ask me did she ask some different questions."

The policewoman Qiao Zhiyuan mentioned was definitely Lin Xi without even thinking about it.

But now, for Chen Xiao, he didn't care what Lin Xi asked. Every detective had their own way.

"Let's not talk about that, let's just talk about sisters Jiao Yan and Jiao Yue."


Qiao Zhiyuan did not expect such a question, but Chen Xiao had already continued:

"In your eyes, what kind of girl is Jiao Yan?"

Although Qiao Zhiyuan didn't understand, he still said:

"The only person who feels guilty about our Qiao family, she is a beast! My father cultivated him, but in the end he teamed up with others to kill my father. Such a person..."

"Stop it, I said we only talk about Jiao Yan and Jiao Yue, let's not talk about the others for now."

Qiao Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, then thought about it thoughtfully and said:

"If you put aside the grudges between me and her family, she is a very sunny and cheerful person. At least in my opinion, she is a very good girl."

"Then do you know that she broke her hand?"

Qiao Zhiyuan was stunned: "The question you asked is really strange, but I do know about this matter. When she broke her hand, my family and I were not completely at odds. At least she and I were still relatives, and I The two often play together."

"So she broke her hand while you were playing together?"

Qiao Zhiyuan nodded: "Yes, my family was very rich at that time, and I liked to find excitement. I often drove fast and took girls racing. One time I accidentally crashed the car, and she was in the passenger seat at the time. Fortunately, God didn't kill me. I was not injured at all, Jiao Yan only had a broken elbow and some minor collision injuries."

"Since your financial conditions were not bad at that time, why wasn't Jiao Yan cured?" When Chen Xiao asked, Qiao Zhiyuan replied in shock:

"It's not cured? How is that possible!"

"It is true that her hand has not been completely cured, but if you look at it on weekdays, it is still the same as normal. Of course, many places will be different after the injury, but if Jiao Yan's injury is completely treated, it will not be the same. this."

Qiao Zhiyuan's face was still full of surprise: "I didn't know about this. At that time, because I was driving the car, I was afraid of seeing her family. Finally, after she was discharged from the hospital, I went to apologize to her. At that time I really don’t know if her injuries are healed.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao fell silent.

He could feel that some information had appeared in Qiao Zhiyuan's words.

The most important question is the same as before, that is, why was Jiao Yan's hand not completely cured?

Was it because he was afraid of pain and felt that his arm could move freely at that time, so he stopped the treatment?

Or was there something that happened in the meantime that made her afraid of treatment?

As soon as his mind moved, Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed and he said secretly: "Afraid? This word is a bit interesting!"

"Do you know who the doctor who treated her at that time was?"

"I know this. He is a famous orthopedic doctor in Kangxin Hospital. Even now, his reputation is well-known!"

Chen Xiao glanced at Qiao Zhiyuan, then observed his posture, and asked, "You seem to know him very well? Have you been treated by him?"

Qiao Zhiyuan nodded with a wry smile: "I had an accident much earlier, and he cured my broken leg."

"I see, tell me his name and I'll go talk to him."

"Bai Xinghu!"

When Chen Xiao heard his name, he stood up immediately. Seeing this, Qiao Zhiyuan hurriedly said: "Are you ready to say hello now?"

"Well, do you have anything else to do?"

"No, you gave me the feeling at first that you could really help me, but now you're just asking those stupid questions, how can you help me!"

Qiao Zhiyuan was really anxious.

But Chen Xiao shook his head speechlessly, and walked away without bothering to explain.

After leaving the interrogation room, Chen Xiao drove to Kangxin Hospital.

Chen Xiao knew about this hospital. It was a well-known private hospital in Yangguan County, Lin Xi's hometown.

At that time, its reputation even overshadowed the public hospital in Yangguan.

However, private hospitals often charge prohibitive fees.

Of course, high fees also mean that the service characteristics of the hospital are completely opposite to those of ordinary hospitals.

As soon as Chen Xiao arrived at the place, two young nurses at the guidance desk came over and asked in an extremely gentle tone:

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

Chen Xiao didn't want to waste time. After showing his ID, he said, "I'm looking for Dr. Bai Xinghu from the Department of Orthopedics."

The young nurses were still a little surprised, but after receiving professional training, they immediately led the way for Chen Xiao.

Soon, a young nurse knocked on the door of a clinic room, and a rich male voice came from inside:

"Please come in!"

 It’s still early, I’ll try to add another chapter later!



(End of this chapter)

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