I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 297 An unexpected encounter, madman!

Chapter 297 An unexpected encounter, madman!

"Please come in."

When Bai Xinghu's voice fell, Chen Xiao pushed the door open and entered.

But when he saw Chen Xiao, Bai Xinghu's face showed confusion.

"Are you a patient? I don't think I have an appointment today."

The little nurse hurriedly said: "Dr. Bai, this is Consultant Chen from the Criminal Police Team."

Bai Xinghu looked astonished: "It turns out to be comrade consultant, please come in...please come in!"

Bai Xinghu suddenly became enthusiastic, and Chen Xiao smiled and nodded and took the tea handed to him.

After sitting down, Bai Xinghu said doubtfully: "Consultant Chen is the criminal investigation consultant of the Criminal Police Team. Bai really can't think of anything that you would come to see me for."

"Does Doctor Bai remember Jiao Yan?"

"Jiao Yan?" Bai Xinghu muttered, and Chen Xiao took out a photo from his bag and placed it in front of him before he could think about it.

The latter took a look and replied: "It looks familiar, but it shouldn't be a patient I've seen recently, otherwise I would be able to remember it at a glance."

"The patient who was sent to you because of a car accident five years ago suffered a fracture of his right elbow. Does he have any memory?"

Chen Xiao reminded again.

Bai Xinghu thought hard for a moment, and then said: "I remember, I was with the son of Mr. Qiao of Shenghuang Textile, right?"


"Then I completely remembered it, but it's been many years, right? If Mr. Qiao and I weren't familiar with each other, it would be really hard to remember."

"It has indeed been a long time. I came to Dr. Bai to ask why Jiao Yan was discharged from the hospital without being cured."

Bai Xinghu thought again, but this time he didn't think for long.

"If I remember correctly, it's because she was afraid."

Bai Xinghu's words made Chen Xiao frown, but the next second Bai Xinghu explained:

"Although I also learned it, my ancestors have actually been orthopedic doctors for several generations. I often use old methods to treat patients."

"First, fix the position of her broken bone. However, after removing the plaster, her arm cannot move for the time being. I need to break it back bit by bit. This process is very painful, but my method has helped countless people The bones have almost recovered to the same condition as before the injury." (My personal experience is that I also stopped treatment because of timidity, and now I have to work very hard with my right hand to reach my shoulder)

"The only drawback is that the process is unbearable. After she saw that her hand hardly affected her daily life, she never came to the hospital to see me again."

After Chen Xiao heard this, he thought for a while and said, "Can you demonstrate it to me?"

"Okay, please straighten your hands first."

Chen Xiao stretched himself out and used all his strength to stay stiff.

Bai Xinghu came over and started to break it with his hands.

When Chen Xiao saw this, he couldn't help but said: "If we break up like this, will..."

Chen Xiao took it back mid-sentence, and Bai Xinghu smiled understandingly and said: "Yes, the method is very direct, and it is enough to intimidate people with just a few moves, so I have basically given up on such treatment methods now. After all, Technology and medicine are making progress!"

Chen Xiao nodded without saying a word.

Bai Xinghu turned around, and Chen Xiao stared at his side face!

At that moment, the profiles of Bai Xinghu and Qiao Zhiyuan appeared in Chen Xiao's mind for comparison.

But after comparison, Chen Xiao gave a negative answer in his heart.

The two are not similar.

Moreover, the age of Bai Xinghu and Qiao Zhiyuan are also very different. The only similarity is that the two are about the same height.

After waiting for Bai Xinghu to sit back in his seat, Chen Xiao continued:

"Are Dr. Bai familiar with Mr. Qiao from Shenghuang Textile?"

"We were good friends many years ago, but then something went wrong with Mr. Qiao's business, and he wouldn't come out many times when I asked him out. Hey, if we were true friends, who would keep in touch with him because of his rise, or stay away from him when he fell? "

"Does Dr. Bai know why Mr. Qiao's business has changed?" Bai Xinghu nodded again: "This is not a secret in our Yangguan County. After all, Shenghuang Textile is considered a company in this small county. According to me As far as I know, it seems to be because of one of his relatives."

"That relative is Jiao Guoxuan, Jiao Yan's father. Have you never seen this person?"

Bai Xinghu was a little surprised: "I must have seen it, but I really didn't expect it to be him! That is Mr. Qiao's relative like a brother. He was the one who caused Mr. Qiao to be driven away by the shareholders of Shenghuang Textile ?”

Chen Xiao hummed, which was a response to Bai Xinghu.

However, after responding, Chen Xiao did not say anything again.

There was nothing wrong with Bai Xinghu's reaction in his eyes, but Bai Xinghu's words always felt a bit unreasonable.

How old is Yangguan County?

The change of CEO of a well-known company should not be such a secret for a doctor who is also well-known in the county.

Especially since this doctor and the company CEO are still good friends!

Chen Xiao looked deeply at Bai Xinghu.

Then, without the other party being able to notice it, he used the power of capture.

His eyes scanned every place in the consulting room, but when he looked at Bai Xinghu and saw that he had not spoken a word, he said:

"Consultant Chen, what are you looking at? If you have any questions, just ask me and I will tell you everything I know."

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "I just found that Dr. Bai's clinic is so clean, almost spotless."

"Harm, I'm a doctor and it's normal for me to like to be clean, but I have some mysophobia."

"Where is Dr. Nabo's lounge?"

"Huh?" Bai Xinghu was surprised, and Chen Xiao said, "Didn't Kangxin even give you a rest room?"

"Well, of course this is suitable! If Consultant Chen is interested, please come here..."

Bai Xinghu immediately stood up and made a "please" gesture, and Chen Xiao followed behind and passed together.

It is also spotlessly clean, and the furnishings inside are also simple.

Chen Xiao could see the rest room at a glance.

After reading it, Bai Xinghu asked tentatively: "Consultant Chen, do you have any questions?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I'm sorry for bothering Dr. Bai."

Bai Xinghu smiled and shook his head, and the two of them walked out together.

But when he first arrived in the corridor, Chen Xiao's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He actually saw Wang Dahe and Wang Juan and his son in the corridor!

Chen Xiao subconsciously shouted: "Teacher Wang?"

Wang Dahe turned around, his eyes immediately showing surprise.

Wang Juan also asked quickly: "Chen Xiao, didn't you leave me a note saying that you were accompanying your wife? Why are you here at Kangxin Hospital!"

Chen Xiao looked at Wang Dahe's legs, then glanced at Bai Xinghu. He couldn't help but guess something in his mind, and said with a smile:

"I'm here to ask something. Is Teacher Wang here to see Dr. Bai for treatment?"

Wang Dahe said bluntly: "No, I decided to ask Wang Juan to take me to a psychiatrist this morning after talking to you yesterday!"

"I heard that Kangxin has a very good psychiatrist. I think if we don't ask a doctor to intervene in the treatment, problems will arise sooner or later!"

Wang Jun also nodded repeatedly: "That's right, if you become like Madman Zhang in the village, my mother will be so sad!"

This response surprised Chen Xiao, but also felt that it was quite reasonable.

After all, he also realized that Wang Dahe had some psychological problems.

But Wang Juan's words made Chen Xiao subconsciously ask one more question: "Wang Juan, who is Crazy Zhang you are talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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